So apparently - folks at Fox News were not being honest with their viewers

The current chief executive, commander in chief, decider Joe Biden's "It's a sin." statement is clearly a violation of separation of church and state. I'm sure we can all agree on that. First we got them dang what they call evangelicals, now this from the decider in chief? It's a threat to our very Godless democracy, a bridge too far I tell ya! Too damn far, who's with me?!!!!
The current chief executive, commander in chief, decider Joe Biden's "It's a sin." statement is clearly a violation of separation of church and state.
He never said that! And if he did that's not what he meant or it was taken out of context. You're taking snippets of words to pick and choose your attack.
I'm not attacking, I'm defending. Defending the dang Constitution of America, who's with me?!!!

He said it. If you don't let little boys get their weewee cutoff, or little girls get their boobies cut off, he said it's sinful. That's religious talk, kinda like what them what they call evangelicals might say, always talkin' 'bout sin and stuff. It's in the Bible for dog gone sake. Evangelicals object to abortion because they think it's sinful, yeah? Well Biden objects to laws that prohibit little boys getting their weewee cut off, and little girls getting their boobies cut off, because he believes those laws are sinful. Same/same. We must stand strong, we can't be against one without being against the other. It's a defining moment!

I'm not attacking, I'm defending. Defending the dang Constitution of America, who's with me?!!!

He said it. If you don't let little boys get their weewee cutoff, or little girls get their boobies cut off, he said it's sinful. That's religious talk, kinda like what them what they call evangelicals might say, always talkin' 'bout sin and stuff. It's in the Bible for dog gone sake. Evangelicals object to abortion because they think it's sinful, yeah? Well Biden objects to laws that prohibit little boys getting their weewee cut off, and little girls getting their boobies cut off, because he believes those laws are sinful. Same/same. We must stand strong, we can't be against one without being against the other. It's a defining moment!

Video unavailable in my communist country...
Bottom line. He wants laws to make it illegal to prevent a minor from being chemically, surgically, and sexually mutilated.

Don’t let your ten year old boy chop his dick off? Go to jail!

Sick in the head fuck he is.

It's on the youtubes video. I posted it, from the youtubes. It's from comedy central? He usually says "no joke!" when he's making shit up or lying his ass off. Didn't say it this time, so maybe he really means what he is saying. Thinks it's "sinful" for the government to pass laws that make it illegal to cut off kid's weewees and boobies, kids gotta wait until they're older and maybe a bit more mature or something. An adult. Anyway, is the govt really supposed to be passing or not passing laws based on whether those laws are sinful or not? No! Next thing you know, no joke, you'll have the decider in chief all in cahoots with them dang what they call evangelicals ruining the heck out of our precious democracy.

There is no such thing as sin. In fact, there is no such thing as right or wrong. Right or wrong is what we say it is, or something. I'll have to check back on the R U going to hell thread for a definitive, but I think that's the way it goes.
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Bottom line. He wants laws to make it illegal to prevent a minor from being chemically, surgically, and sexually mutilated.

Don’t let your ten year old boy chop his dick off? Go to jail!

Sick in the head fuck he is.

Nah. The plan is to make parents irrelevant. And why not? The govt did such a bang up job with women not needing a man in the home, I reckon particularly with black women, why not replace parents? Uncle sugar knows best.
Nah. The plan is to make parents irrelevant. And why not? The govt did such a bang up job with women not needing a man in the home, I reckon particularly with black women, why not replace parents? Uncle sugar knows best.

One step ahead of me ain’t ya. ;)
Yeah, that is the long game. And that’s just a hop skip and a jump away from trans-humanism. Genetically modified humans. Scientists have already developed artificial wombs.
Brave new world here we come!
One step ahead of me ain’t ya. ;)
Yeah, that is the long game. And that’s just a hop skip and a jump away from trans-humanism. Genetically modified humans. Scientists have already developed artificial wombs.
Brave new world here we come!

I quoted Andrew Breitbart, "politics is down stream from culture", someone here asked that I expound on that notion rather than extrapolate the reasonably predictive. It ain't rocket science.

We'll put aside Joe Biden demonstrably being the last person who should be giving parenting advice. Foment social "norms" so unimaginably repugnant, morally, so twisted beyond recognition, rationally, the chasm of familial and parental separation becomes so great the bond is irreparably shorn.

But uncle sugar understands you. Uncle sugar supports you. Come to uncle sugar.
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It's "sinful", Joe Biden says, to oppose or even question these radical changes in our society and culture. He's not very smart, in fact he's a shit for brains idiot and always has been, but that word coming from someone with a bit more guile would be deserving of nothing less than the chef's kiss for propagandistic rhetoric. Someone probably repeatedly drove it so deep into his dwindling consciousness that it inevitably spilled out in some form or another, "my grandma told me".
Why argue?
However it occurred, fair or stolen......
We’re all left with a president who is pushing us into the possibility of world war.

We gotta fix now. Can we all possibly agree on that? Or no.
Because the argument needs to be made. It needs to be fixed and the party that benefitted from the sketchy election is going to do everything it can to not allow things to change.

Strictly speaking Biden isn't doing anything but standing where he's told to stand and to the extent that he's able saying what he's told to say. He's complicit in the fraud but has no say in the execution of it - he personally is doing good to put his shoes on. Ask him what the points of his speech were that he just gave 30 minutes ago he wouldn't have the vaguest idea.
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Something that's interesting are the Florida gubernatorial results maps from 2018 where DeSantis barely squeaked by -vs- 2022 where he won by nearly 20%, the largest margin in decades. Sure is a lot less blue in 2022. DeSantis who has essentially the same platform as Trump won Palm Beach and Miami-Dade which have been reliably blue for a long time, the vote totals that were handed in certainly reflected that for Gillum in 2018. DeSantis also made a significant dent in Broward in 2022.

Remember the 2022 election was after the Parental Rights in Education bill was adopted and the Disney stuff happened as well as DeSantis shipping the "refugees" to Martha's Vineyard.

So a guy who in many ways is practically Trump's political clone took actions that are all highly unpopular with (D)-worshipping liberals yet increased his win percentage from .62% to 19.4 - including winning in heavily immigrant Miami-Dade. Sure is interesting.

What changed? For one thing election law reform focusing on mail-in and drop-off ballots. Some problematic elections officials were shown the door.

One might ponder whether there's a correlation and whether other states might have similar issues.

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Similar issues, yeah, I'd say.

Yet another example, politics is down stream from culture. Get people hopping mad about being "disenfranchised" and all the while creating a culture of low expectations to actually get off their asses and participate in our precious democracy. Get mad, they're trying to rob you of your vote!..."gown put y'all back in chains!" ...chill & have another Cheeto, well fill your shit out for ya. Democrat-cy, ftw.
It's on the youtubes video. I posted it, from the youtubes. It's from comedy central? He usually says "no joke!" when he's making shit up or lying his ass off. Didn't say it this time, so maybe he really means what he is saying. Thinks it's "sinful" for the government to pass laws that make it illegal to cut off kid's weewees and boobies, kids gotta wait until they're older and maybe a bit more mature or something. An adult. Anyway, is the govt really supposed to be passing or not passing laws based on whether those laws are sinful or not? No! Next thing you know, no joke, you'll have the decider in chief all in cahoots with them dang what they call evangelicals ruining the heck out of our precious democracy.

There is no such thing as sin. In fact, there is no such thing as right or wrong. Right or wrong is what we say it is, or something. I'll have to check back on the R U going to hell thread for a definitive, but I think that's the way it goes.
Come on, man. Do you seriously believe he said that? With ChatGPT and AI as prevalent as it is in today's world? You HAVE to come up with something better that that.
Come on, man. Do you seriously believe he said that? With ChatGPT and AI as prevalent as it is in today's world? You HAVE to come up with something better that that.

So you saying that interview was fake? Deep fake, AI, manipulated, whatever.

If so, the administration should issue some kind of retraction.

But I don’t think so. This current regime is very trans friendly and our assistant health secretary is himself trans, as well as overweight. (Great example of health)

He/she has the whole time been advocating for giving trans kids the ‘proper gender affirming healthcare’

With all the evidence of this pro trans agenda, why wouldn’t that interview be real?

For fuck’s sake, my kid’s middle school has tampons in the boy’s bathrooms.

We’re in bizarro land for sure.

John told the truth so very long ago.
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