So apparently - folks at Fox News were not being honest with their viewers

The question is.... for me anyway.... do you watch/read those sources? Ever? Obviously - I'm expecting you to be truthful and I have no way of knowing except by what you tell me. So being honest about that would be helpful.

Why? Why do you care what I watch/read?

You’re answering a question with a question. A meaningless one at that.

My question related to who was actually an honorable, truthful source of info.
Do we really have to wonder "what happened that day"??? Is that where we're at with this now? It's just a big fog of controversy? Even though there are THOUSANDS of witnesses: participants, lawmakers, bystanders, police, etc etc

I know all I need to know. You can dig in the cracks about this or that - and maybe you'll have a point here or there. But we know what happened that day. I can't be hypnotized and I can't be gas-lighted.
Why? Why do you care what I watch/read?

You’re answering a question with a question. A meaningless one at that.

My question related to who was actually an honorable, truthful source of info.
Does Fox News tell the truth?
How about CNN?
What about MSNBC?

What mainstream news source IS trustworthy?

All have been caught in lies, omissions, etc.

So who IS trustworthy?

That’s the question.

Are you suggesting there is no way to know anything? Are you saying that there are no reasonably trustworthy sources to gather information about the world we live in?

Why don't you stop for a minute - take a day - take as much time as you need. Come back here and show me a pattern of inaccurate reporting from any of the mainstream sources - verifiably inaccurate or untruthful *news* story (or stories). By the New York Times. Or how about my go-to - Reuters. This should be easy - correct? They all lie all the time. You should be able to find something quickly and demonstrate to me your assertion that their all liars.

You said it, RFR. Not me. I don't believe that the large portion of the responsible mainstream media (which have standards, ethics) lie regularly to their audience. In fact, I know that's not true. Help me out here - demonstrate it to me. Show me I'm wrong.

I'll put this foward:

Hillary lost the 2016 election. She cried her eyes dry over losing the 2016 election. She wrote a book capitalizing on her election loss. There are many interview videos of Hillary saying, "Donald Trump is an illegitimate President and he knows it." which suggests that she still believes that Trump stole the 2016 election.

Fast forward to 2020: Trump lost and went further besurk than Hillary because of his immense ego. And even now, he won't let go of that bone.

A majority of people (Republicans and Democrats alike) benefited from Trump's fiscal policies. Especially people of color, IMO.

Would the U.S.have been better off if Hillary had won in 2016? Voice your opinion.
Dude, you should have been Jacob Chansley's lawyer, You are obviously MUCH better than the twonk who represented him! :unsure:

Nah, what I am asking you, requesting of you in the spirit of a meeting of the minds....if you were defending him, do you think the withheld footage which we are now seeing could have possibly been of benefit to you if you were his defense attorney? I mean, that is if you even believe he is deserving of a right to defense?

I've asked the same question several times, yet.....?
It's only Fox that lied to their viewers and got caught painting a very different picture of what they new privately as opposed to what they were saying/suggesting on the air regarding election malfeasance (non existent, BTW). That's a fact.

Do you (or anyone else ) really think it's a secret? Do you think that Fox News is not naked as blue jay to the world for what they are - a corporate propaganda arm of the Republican party? They stopped trying to hide that fact early on, 15+ years ago. They've been that - and they've been that HUGE. You can't not know that everyone who is paying any attention anywhere in the world does not know this.

It's not controversial. You can say whatever you want. Go ahead.... "whatabout" all fucking day long. It won't change the fact Rupert, Tucker, Laura, and the gang got caught with their pants around their ankles. We knew it already - but now there's stark, incontrovertible proof that these people make heaps of money telling people what they want to hear as opposed to sticking to rigorous journalistic standards and properly informing their viewers about what is actually true.

There is nothing you can say that is going to change that fact.

I challenge you to prove that every mainstream media reported what you say they did about Zimmerman. Prove it. I'll be right here. Take as much time as you need. You said it - now prove it. Surely there is a record. *Everything* is archived these days. I simply don't believe that what you say is true. Gte back to me on that at your convenience. :thumbs up:

Awesome. Now do CNN. Do MSNBC.
I'll kind of stay tuned, but out here in the country we're finally seeing some snow, got chicken and dumplings on the stove top, and for whatever reason....I'm in a New York state of mind".
Are you suggesting there is no way to know anything? Are you saying that there are no reasonably trustworthy sources to gather information about the world we live in?

Why don't you stop for a minute - take a day - take as much time as you need. Come back here and show me a pattern of inaccurate reporting from any of the mainstream sources - verifiably inaccurate or untruthful *news* story (or stories). By the New York Times. Or how about my go-to - Reuters. This should be easy - correct? They all lie all the time. You should be able to find something quickly and demonstrate to me your assertion that their all liars.

You said it, RFR. Not me. I don't believe that the large portion of the responsible mainstream media (which have standards, ethics) lie regularly to their audience. In fact, I know that's not true. Help me out here - demonstrate it to me. Show me I'm wrong.

I don’t have to show you shit. You’re just trying to bait me.

We get along well on the topic of music. Let’s leave it at that and remain friends, Ok?
Nah, what I am asking you, requesting of you in the spirit of a meeting of the minds....if you were defending him, do you think the withheld footage which we are now seeing could have possibly been of benefit to you if you were his defense attorney? I mean, that is if you even believe he is deserving of a right to defense?

I've asked the same question several times, yet.....?
Nobody cares what he didn't do.
Oh, and I'm drinking a beer. Ha! My favorite meal, although chicken a dumplings ain't bad either.

I don't know, guys, I think I might attempt to tune out for the rest of the day. This shit is damn near depressing. Not really, but you know...
Awesome. Now do CNN. Do MSNBC.
Is there an equivalent "outing" of those "media sources"? (I use that term loosely as I can't figure out why anyone would ever look to those sources for information)

Can you show me? Will you?

And would that "outing" consist of something as damaging as lying to their viewers about the outcome of a modern presidential election?

I said in my very first post:

I may be wrong - but I'm pretty sure that there is no relative comparison of deception by a major source of news of this scale and importance, pertinence.
I don’t have to show you shit. You’re just trying to bait me.

We get along well on the topic of music. Let’s leave it at that and remain friends, Ok?
Yeah ok. Fair enough. Happy Sunday.

I can't understand why folks can't and/or won't be responsible for what they say. "I don't care if I'm wrong, I won't have my mind changed even if you show me I'm wrong. I insist on never having my mind changed and want to stay stuck - cloaked in perpetual ignorance".
Does Fox News tell the truth?
How about CNN?
What about MSNBC?

What mainstream news source IS trustworthy?

All have been caught in lies, omissions, etc.

So who IS trustworthy?

That’s the question.
Reuters. They're trustworthy. I answered your question.
That's been apparent for quite some time. It's a waste of time and words by anyone attempting to convince you that you might be wrong and ignorant of the whole truth.
What's the whole truth?

Trump lost the election fair and square.
Jan 6th was a failed insurrection attempt.
Fox owner/management/hosts knew that Trump/Sydney Powell/Rudy/Jenna Ellis etc. were lying about voter fraud, and encouraged/broadcasted the lies anyway... for money.
The American public is even more tragically misinformed and divided as a direct result of all of the above.
Am I missing something?
What's the whole truth?
Am I missing something?
The whole truth will never be learned and reported on by so called trustworthy news agencies because there are zero trustworthy news agencies in existence in this day and age. Truth in reporting may have existed in the 1950s. Reporting the the truth to the American people ended when JFK was assinated.

Are you missing something?

Yes, you are. We all are
The whole truth will never be learned and reported on by so called trustworthy news agencies because there are zero trustworthy news agencies in existence in this day and age. Truth in reporting may have existed in the 1950s. Reporting the the truth to the American people ended when JFK was assinated.

Are you missing something?

Yes, you are. We all are
I understand what you're getting at, but there ARE trustworthy outlets. I read them and we all should.
The whole truth will never be learned and reported on by so called trustworthy news agencies because there are zero trustworthy news agencies in existence in this day and age. Truth in reporting may have existed in the 1950s. Reporting the the truth to the American people ended when JFK was assinated.
Good grief.:facepalm: