Obtuse, twisted, distorted "Facts" being used in an argument or debate AKA Gas Lighting


All you have is now
Whew the last week or so I have been in text and e-mail hell with a couple of "people" one that is a sibling , one that is a person in another country where English is a second language. By being a member here at HR.com and participating in waaaay too many "debates" with way too many people over the absolute dumbest things to get in an argument about has hardened me and enabled me to better spot bullshit and mind games and call em out when I see it. In the scheme of things I try very hard to stay pretty level headed when things get hot. I try to be fair, honest and practical.

Holy Moly in dealing with these two errant brained whackos I'm about to loose my shit. Totally twist shit around , assume I'm thinking this about that and ALL PISSED off about something that they made up in their own head...Not even remotely factual. Fact is facts and I try to stick to them ...you said this on this date, I acted accordingly.

So it a thing called gas lighting and the way to not get burned is to disengage no matter how hard they try to keep the conversation going.....nope we're done. we can reconvene later but I'm not participating in this insanity.

Whatchyall knows about this? Pretty weird shit but very real...and if you take the bait PAINFUL!
Facts are not facts. You are what you think you are, not what you are.

Resistance is futile......

Personally, I've decided that I identify with being a vegetable, and eating broccoli is tantamount to cannibalism.
Henceforth, I will abstain from consuming my green brethren! 🥦🥒🍏

Face it TAE, the world has gone stark raving mad.
Well I know about Gaslighting. It is based on the idea from the movie with Ingrid Bergman wherein her husband tries to make her believe things that aren't true in order to force her into an asylum. I note it is being used a bit differently in the internet era: more along the lines of "Double speak".

I have a sibling that I love but it has gotten to the point where I have told him do not call me if he wants to argue because he get's abusive and I refuse to stand for that.

I recommend firm boundaries, for your own mental health if nothing else.
Facts are not facts. You are what you think you are, not what you are.

Resistance is futile......

Personally, I've decided that I identify with being a vegetable, and eating broccoli is tantamount to cannibalism.
Henceforth, I will abstain from consuming my green brethren! 🥦🥒🍏

Face it TAE, the world has gone stark raving mad.
I was watching Phil check for his shadow and decided that I "self identify" as a groundhog. Seem to be nicer than most people, even if he did bite Bill Murray (alledgedly)
Once a week I’ll rearrange all the pictures and furniture and tell wifey it’s always been arranged like that. ;)
Whew the last week or so I have been in text and e-mail hell with a couple of "people" one that is a sibling , one that is a person in another country where English is a second language. By being a member here at HR.com and participating in waaaay too many "debates" with way too many people over the absolute dumbest things to get in an argument about has hardened me and enabled me to better spot bullshit and mind games and call em out when I see it. In the scheme of things I try very hard to stay pretty level headed when things get hot. I try to be fair, honest and practical.

Holy Moly in dealing with these two errant brained whackos I'm about to loose my shit. Totally twist shit around , assume I'm thinking this about that and ALL PISSED off about something that they made up in their own head...Not even remotely factual. Fact is facts and I try to stick to them ...you said this on this date, I acted accordingly.

So it a thing called gas lighting and the way to not get burned is to disengage no matter how hard they try to keep the conversation going.....nope we're done. we can reconvene later but I'm not participating in this insanity.

Whatchyall knows about this? Pretty weird shit but very real...and if you take the bait PAINFUL!
You been talking with IBB again? ;)
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Whew the last week or so I have been in text and e-mail hell with a couple of "people" one that is a sibling , one that is a person in another country where English is a second language. By being a member here at HR.com and participating in waaaay too many "debates" with way too many people over the absolute dumbest things to get in an argument about has hardened me and enabled me to better spot bullshit and mind games and call em out when I see it. In the scheme of things I try very hard to stay pretty level headed when things get hot. I try to be fair, honest and practical.

Holy Moly in dealing with these two errant brained whackos I'm about to loose my shit. Totally twist shit around , assume I'm thinking this about that and ALL PISSED off about something that they made up in their own head...Not even remotely factual. Fact is facts and I try to stick to them ...you said this on this date, I acted accordingly.

So it a thing called gas lighting and the way to not get burned is to disengage no matter how hard they try to keep the conversation going.....nope we're done. we can reconvene later but I'm not participating in this insanity.

Whatchyall knows about this? Pretty weird shit but very real...and if you take the bait PAINFUL!

Perhaps your family members are coming to the realization that you have become radicalized by the Republican Party, and some small part of you is ashamed.

I mean, I realize that might sound odd from your perspective. You've inundated yourself with Sean Hannity and Trump or some other similar partisan bullshitter, and they have created your new normal.

The side effect is that when you venture outside the Republican bubble, everyone seems like such an asshole! Doctors, scientists, teachers, judges, journalists - they're mostly assholes now, in on some huge conspiracy together. But no! It's the world that has changed! Not you!

Whereas you had no problem taking every other vaccine, NOW doctors and scientists are pushing a new vaccine that is somehow different and fuck them for it! Doctors are now devious criminals globally pushing a vaccine...for some evil reason or other!

Whereas you previously supported democracy, now that Trump lost, come to think of it elections are corrupt and fraud is everywhere (except for in court). Speaking of which, the judges are in on it too! Even the ones Trump appointed!

Not to mention all these gays who you previously had no problem with, but now somehow you need them hidden back in the closet where children are concerned, lest the children be 'harmed' by knowing Timmy has two Moms! If they find out Timmy has two Moms they'll all start buttfucking each other and get AIDS! Or some other imaginary terrible outcome that results from gays merely openly existing.

Perhaps it's "painful" for you because some small part of you still knows they are right. Is it your conscience perhaps?
Perhaps your family members are coming to the realization that you have become radicalized by the Republican Party, and some small part of you is ashamed.

I mean, I realize that might sound odd from your perspective. You've inundated yourself with Sean Hannity and Trump or some other similar partisan bullshitter, and they have created your new normal.
See...This ^ is a form of Gas Lighting ..... Talk to the hand!
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All these terrible beliefs are like a virus going around conservative circles. I know you guys don't see it.

A conservative friend of mine - who believes all the same evidence-free Trump falsehoods as the rest of you - was recently railing about how terrible Juneteenth is.

For those of you who don't know, Juneteenth celebrates the abolition of slavery in the USA. It was created by black people. Many conservatives now think this celebration is somehow a problem. I have no idea why.
All these terrible beliefs are like a virus going around conservative circles. I know you guys don't see it.

A conservative friend of mine - who believes all the same evidence-free Trump falsehoods as the rest of you - was recently railing about how terrible Juneteenth is.

For those of you who don't know, Juneteenth celebrates the abolition of slavery in the USA. It was created by black people. Many conservatives now think this celebration is somehow a problem. I have no idea why.
Anything that threatens perceived white-straight-Christian-male superiority is a problem. Too fragile to hear that they may have benefited from their ancestors’ oppressive activities. ❄️
Holy Moly in dealing with these two errant brained whackos I'm about to loose my shit. Totally twist shit around , assume I'm thinking this about that and ALL PISSED off about something that they made up in their own head...Not even remotely factual. Fact is facts and I try to stick to them ...you said this on this date, I acted accordingly.
Aaaaaand THAT'S why I'm getting divorced. You just described my soon to be ex wife.

So it a thing called gas lighting and the way to not get burned is to disengage no matter how hard they try to keep the conversation going.....nope we're done. we can reconvene later but I'm not participating in this insanity.

Whatchyall knows about this? Pretty weird shit but very real...and if you take the bait PAINFUL!
Well, there are usually two options. Engage or disengage. I prefer my sanity over arguing with crazy people so I just disengage. It hurts when it's someone you love but there is no reasoning with insanity.
Radicalisation............assholes..........ashamed.............corruption...........bullshitting.............Trump...................buttfucking.............and AID's..................All this in just one post!!!..............and this a mere Sound/Audio forum.

No one can say you don't get your monies worth here! :unsure: :thumbs up:
Hell that was all in one post brother...
Black people kept slaves. Brown, black and possibly white?

Brown people have kept and according to reports still keep slaves of all colours.

Chinese type people whatever they are called today have kept and according to reports still keep slaves.

White people have kept white slaves and white people even recently have been convicted of keeping white slaves. In the UK no less.

American were fond of keeping poor European type slaves. Whiteys I think. They were gathered up off the emigrants boats on the dockside. Didn't need captued Africans. Lots of penniless starving whities arriving daily. But then it is the definition of a slave. Work for food and a bed or starve. Would you call that a slave?

Perhaps you should do your research properly before blaming one colour, religion or race.
Nothing you wrote has anything to do with the context of my comment, nor do you seem to have a grasp on the generational effects of slavery and segregation that still affect the US.
Black people kept slaves. Brown, black and possibly white?

Brown people have kept and according to reports still keep slaves of all colours.

Chinese type people whatever they are called today have kept and according to reports still keep slaves.

White people have kept white slaves and white people even recently have been convicted of keeping white slaves. In the UK no less.

American were fond of keeping poor European type slaves. Whiteys I think. They were gathered up off the emigrants boats on the dockside. Didn't need captued Africans. Lots of penniless starving whities arriving daily. But then it is the definition of a slave. Work for food and a bed or starve. Would you call that a slave?

Perhaps you should do your research properly before blaming one colour, religion or race.
The semi-charmed life we all enjoy in todays modern, sophisticated and culturally advanced world, the morally higher ground we stand upon looking back into history is supported almost completely by slaves. Who are these slaves...anyone with a job. Sure you're free to go home at night but you are (as I wrote @ 45 years ago...."trapped by the coins in your pocket , 40 hours a week plugged into a socket...and echoes of the past have caught us at last."

In order to get shit done ...build a temple, make a burger, sew a shirt, dig a hole, build a castle you need bodies to do it. How you treat them, what their compensation might be may vary but we need people to get off their ass and work / contribute to the machine build. If everybody's sitting at the park having a picnic, the life we know, the history we know would not be... So we need to prod them...with a carrot or a whip makes no matter (though I prefer the carrot)...we are all owned

It's slavery....just with a little lipstick on it to fool us into thinking it's OK.