OAN says “no widespread voter fraud” after settling defamation suit.

Yeah on that point Crows. Aren't you the one who said he believes that Wiki is 100% and the Nazi's were never socialists?
*Spit take*

ROFLMAO!! I'm laughing as someone who's been in the trenches at Wiki and seen how things go there. As I understand it even the founder says it's gone ridiculously leftist.
Yeah on that point Crows. Aren't you the one who said he believes that Wiki is 100% and the Nazi's were never socialists?
Uhh no? I never said Wiki is 100% and never said Nazi’s were never socialist. I said Wiki isn’t a bad source where one can just say “wiki? It’s dumb next.”

And Nazis started out socialist but by the time Hitler was in power, it was the opposite of socialist.
Where do we see an example of your and your station's completely objective unbiased reporting?

I know a guy who's a writer for one of the majors - as big a flaming leftist as I've ever encountered and it's completely reflected in his work - he wouldn't have gotten the gig if he wasn't.

But of course you're different.
I’m not going to tell you where I work. I’m not a moron.

And yes, it stays out of the news room.
Where do we see an example of your and your station's completely objective unbiased reporting?

I know a guy who's a writer for one of the majors - as big a flaming leftist as I've ever encountered and it's completely reflected in his work - he wouldn't have gotten the gig if he wasn't.

But of course you're different.
“Hey guys! I know a guy!!! That means I’m right!”
And Nazis started out socialist but by the time Hitler was in power, it was the opposite of socialist.
It came from Italy, and so did the mafia.
A criminal network took over the government disguised as socialism.
Isn't that what we see in america today?
I’m not going to tell you where I work. I’m not a moron.

And yes, it stays out of the news room.
Lol - so we can just take your word for it that your and your station's work is totally unbiased and objective, just like the news outlets that were part of the "Hunter laptop is disinformation", "Muh Russia" chorus among endless others.

“Hey guys! I know a guy!!! That means I’m right!”

I can observe what a large chunk of media does so I know what the trend is - the guy I know is a shining example - we have only your word for it that you're the exception - despite you displaying the exact same bias in here that every leftist media outlet displays.

Sure thing. (y)
Lol - so we can just take your word for it that your and your station's work is totally unbiased and objective, just like the news outlets that were part of the "Hunter laptop is disinformation", "Muh Russia" chorus among endless others.

“Hey guys! I know a guy!!! That means I’m right!”

I can observe what a large chunk of media does so I know what the trend is - the guy I know is a shining example - we have only your word for it that you're the exception - despite you displaying the exact same bias in here that every leftist media outlet displays.

Sure thing. (y)
Here’s the thing, when I’m out of the newsroom, I don’t HAVE to be unbiased. It was the same working in Senator Warner’s office. It was a non-partisan office. Every day people would complain about Representative Griffith and I’d just have to say “I can’t comment on that” and move on to the thing of substance.

It’s rather easy to do.

Let me ask you this, do you think AP News is leftist? Your answer will tell me all I need to know.
brassplyer said:
Lol - so we can just take your word for it that your and your station's work is totally unbiased and objective, just like the news outlets that were part of the "Hunter laptop is disinformation", "Muh Russia" chorus among endless others.

“Hey guys! I know a guy!!! That means I’m right!”

I can observe what a large chunk of media does so I know what the trend is - the guy I know is a shining example - we have only your word for it that you're the exception - despite you displaying the exact same bias in here that every leftist media outlet displays.

Sure thing. (y)
Here’s the thing, when I’m out of the newsroom, I don’t HAVE to be unbiased. It was the same working in Senator Warner’s office. It was a non-partisan office. Every day people would complain about Representative Griffith and I’d just have to say “I can’t comment on that” and move on to the thing of substance.

It’s rather easy to do.

Let me ask you this, do you think AP News is leftist? Your answer will tell me all I need to know.
You're the one who started this "Nothing to see here!" thread, asserted that someone who hasn't seen a paricular movie "has a point" despite their - and your - utter ignorance. Then you pretended to half watch the movie yourself only reluctantly and ignored all the pertinent data.

Yeah, sure *you're* a valid arbiter of what is and isn't biased - lol. :ROFLMAO:

It's impossible that your journalistic efforts aren't tainted - your input in this thread is exhibit A. Anyone who was actually worth a damn as a journalist would look at that movie and immediately recognize the points raised needed to be fully investigated and follow the facts where they lead. You on the other hand can't be bothered to absorb what it has to say.
You're the one who started this "Nothing to see here!" thread, asserted that someone who hasn't seen a paricular movie "has a point" despite their - and your - utter ignorance. Then you pretended to half watch the movie yourself only reluctantly and ignored all the pertinent data.

Yeah, sure *you're* a valid arbiter of what is and isn't biased - lol. :ROFLMAO:

It's impossible that your journalistic efforts aren't tainted - your input in this thread is exhibit A. Anyone who was actually worth a damn as a journalist would look at that movie and immediately recognize the points raised needed to be fully investigated and follow the facts where they lead. You on the other hand can't be bothered to absorb what it has to say.
Anyone who was actually worth a damn as a journalist would look at that movie and immediately recognize that it's bullshit being pedaled by a bullshitter.
You're the one who started this "Nothing to see here!" thread, asserted that someone who hasn't seen a paricular movie "has a point" despite their - and your - utter ignorance. Then you pretended to half watch the movie yourself only reluctantly and ignored all the pertinent data.

Yeah, sure *you're* a valid arbiter of what is and isn't biased - lol. :ROFLMAO:

It's impossible that your journalistic efforts aren't tainted - your input in this thread is exhibit A. Anyone who was actually worth a damn as a journalist would look at that movie and immediately recognize the points raised needed to be fully investigated and follow the facts where they lead. You on the other hand can't be bothered to absorb what it has to say.

You’re really stupid. Journalists have ALREADY done that and have found its bullshit. I gave you a link.

Oh, and you keep saying I didn’t watch the full thing. Stop saying that just to make yourself feel better. I watched the full movie and broke down why it sucks.

You however skimmed through the WP article and only said “it’s not compelling” without explaining why. You’re either dumb or a troll. Pick one.
brassplyer said:
You're the one who started this "Nothing to see here!" thread, asserted that someone who hasn't seen a paricular movie "has a point" despite their - and your - utter ignorance. Then you pretended to half watch the movie yourself only reluctantly and ignored all the pertinent data.

Yeah, sure *you're* a valid arbiter of what is and isn't biased - lol. :ROFLMAO:

It's impossible that your journalistic efforts aren't tainted - your input in this thread is exhibit A. Anyone who was actually worth a damn as a journalist would look at that movie and immediately recognize the points raised needed to be fully investigated and follow the facts where they lead. You on the other hand can't be bothered to absorb what it has to say.


You’re really stupid. Journalists have ALREADY done that and have found its bullshit. I gave you a link.

Oh, and you keep saying I didn’t watch the full thing. Stop saying that just to make yourself feel better. I watched the full movie and broke down why it sucks.

You however skimmed through the WP article and only said “it’s not compelling” without explaining why. You’re either dumb or a troll. Pick one.
However much of the movie you watched you absorbed none of it and you're relying on others to do your thinking for you and nurture your confirmation bias.

I read the WaPo article when you posted it - you just don't like that I recognize that it's crap from a leftist publication that did its bit to echo the "Muh Russia" hoax along with the rest of the DemLeftist TDS-fueled narrative.

They use fallacious arguments to "debunk" the meat of what the movie said such as the geo-tracking of cell phones. The issue is the *pattern* of movement - which they can't refute. Sure is oddly coincidental that so many of these people just happened to go in a circuit right by drop boxes *and* these DemLeftist non-profits.

Sure - they make some statements in the movie that go beyond what their data shows - which is one of my main critiques of it - because I actually *am* objective, but the core of what they say is solid. It's not definitive in of itself but it sure as hell outlines a clear basis for investigation by authorities.

I'm sure you take the claim that the guy in Ga was "investigated" as bulletproof. What the so-called investigation consisted of was taking his word for it. That sure clears that up, yessiree.

"No officer, I swear I didn't rob that bank - honest injun!"


Like I said - a *real* journalist would recognize that the election stunk to high heaven and want to get to the bottom of it.
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On the night of the election I saw with my own eyes the vote flip.

On the vote Talley above Anderson Cooper’s head, Trump was way ahead. And just like that, in a second, he lost votes and Biden gained votes.

Awful fishy.
And I’ve seen in Senate hearings Voting machine experts demonstrate how the vote can be flipped. This is live TV (CSPAN)

The ‘ big lie’ is not the voter fraud, but the constant denial that it exists. That’s the big lie.
On the night of the election I saw with my own eyes the vote flip.

On the vote Talley above Anderson Cooper’s head, Trump was way ahead. And just like that, in a second, he lost votes and Biden gained votes.

Awful fishy.
And I’ve seen in Senate hearings Voting machine experts demonstrate how the vote can be flipped. This is live TV (CSPAN)

The ‘ big lie’ is not the voter fraud, but the constant denial that it exists. That’s the big lie.
The big lie is that Trump won. Bullshit.
Stop the steal is what the public is looking at Trump for.
  • Haha
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