Gavin Newsom for 2024!

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What an imbecilic response. Oh yeah, that's exactly what we need, more progressive policies. You hold the presidency, with the most votes in history!...and for all intent and purposes(the progressive cause!) both the house and the senate. What old fart votes are holding you back? In case you haven't noticed the rest of the progressive world isn't doing too hot. Progressive policies have now made progressive Europe dependent on Russia! Russia! Russia! for energy. Before you know they'll be colluding with Russia or their population might freeze to death if Russia cuts the spigot. Sheesh, you're more of an idiot than I realized. I appreciate it, it's been a long day and I could've used the laugh.

psst, by the way, in case you haven't noticed there's a lot of old farts 'round these parts. But hey, you be you!
You’re even slower than I thought if you consider the current Congress to be progressive. If I were you, I wouldn’t have the balls to call anyone “imbecilic.” The irony will forever be lost on you. You don’t even know what the hell you’re talking about. Moronic rambling from an out of touch, dusty, old, washed up conservative shitbag.

Thankfully, you’re a dying breed and the country is gaining some ground in moving away from your simple minded views. You’ve been a good soldier for corporate power, but your time is up. The time for “useful idiots” is over. You’ve worked really hard against your own best interests for decades. You’ve thrown your own friends, family, and neighbors under the bus. Now, you can stfu while you lose election after election.
More useless anecdotal nonsense from a dumbass. Don’t let any facts get in your way! I know you won’t! 👍🏼

Maybe take your own advice.

My state of NC picked up an electoral vote.
FL picked up two.
Texas 3.
NY, CA, and IL all lost 1.
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You’re even slower than I thought if you consider the current Congress to be progressive. If I were you, I wouldn’t have the balls to call anyone “imbecilic.” The irony will forever be lost on you. You don’t even know what the hell you’re talking about. Moronic rambling from an out of touch, dusty, old, washed up conservative shitbag.

Thankfully, you’re a dying breed and the country is gaining some ground in moving away from your simple minded views. You’ve been a good soldier for corporate power, but your time is up. The time for “useful idiots” is over. You’ve worked really hard against your own best interests for decades. You’ve thrown your own friends, family, and neighbors under the bus. Now, you can stfu while you lose election after election.

Keep talking, this is interesting...but take it easy, seems you're getting a little upset. A big dumb as a fucking rock Ocasio Cortez fan are ya? That's the progressive direction you're just proud as punch to vote for? You know i'm pretty sure she's going to be old enough to run for president next going to vote for her? :-)

Speaking of moving away, liberals are moving away from bastions of progressivism, to red states. Idiots never learn, they'll likely vote the same policies that they fled, dumb bastards. But hey!....I suppose you saw where the Democrats should have been a shoo-in for the governorship in Virginia. Weird, i'd heard Virginia turned thoroughly blue and never again would a Republican be elected as governor. I reckon a lot of democrats weren't too keen on the left's policies. Maybe policies weren't progressive enough? :ROFLMAO:
i'd heard Virginia turned thoroughly blue and never again would a Republican be elected as governor.
A boy in a skirt raping a girl in the school-bathroom changed it all.
Then the "domestic terrorist" label on the father -- for complaining about it at a school board meeting.
Imagine that.
I'm starting to think Roush was the guy in the skirt.... Ya think so? 😉
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A boy in a skirt raping a girl in the school-bathroom changed it all.
Then the "domestic terrorist" label on the father -- for complaining about it at a school board meeting.
Imagine that.
I'm starting to think Roush was the guy in the skirt.... Ya think? 😉

Well, maybe. Maybe it was that after raping the girl they sent the boy in a dress to another school...where he sexually assaulted another actual female. Or maybe it was when the father attended a school board meeting the progressives on the school board called the father a liar, there was no record of any sexual assault at their school, the progressive school board declared. They later recanted that statement..."oooooh, that rape!" Or maybe it was the sexually explicit and pornographic books progressives had stocked in the libraries for school children to read. Books that included p3dophilia in the story line. Or maybe it was progressives goal to teach white children that they are part of the white supremacy problem, and teaching black kids they can't make it on their own kids need white progressives to look out for their best interests, sound familiar?

I suppose it was a lot of things, summed as progressives are batshit crazy. I hope they continue with the batshit Roush's imbecilic "old fart" rant.
Well, maybe. Maybe it was that after raping the girl they sent the boy in a dress to another school...where he sexually assaulted another actual female. Or maybe it was when the father attended a school board meeting the progressives on the school board called the father a liar, there was no record of any sexual assault at their school, the progressive school board declared. They later recanted that statement..."oooooh, that rape!" Or maybe it was the sexually explicit and pornographic books progressives had stocked in the libraries for school children to read. Books that included p3dophilia in the story line. Or maybe it was progressives goal to teach white children that they are part of the white supremacy problem, and teaching black kids they can't make it on their own kids need white progressives to look out for their best interests, sound familiar?

I suppose it was a lot of things, summed as progressives are batshit crazy. I hope they continue with the batshit Roush's imbecilic "old fart" rant.

Some dogs eat poop. I never understood that. Then came Roush.
Some dogs eat poop. I never understood that. Then came Roush.
Lack of minerals in their diet I think. All animals need mineral supplements. For instance sheep, cattle, horses etc have mineral buckets/licks supplied in the fields that they use whenever they feel they need it. In fact if they do not get these mineral supplements, fatal diseases occur.

Humans often over look this in their diet. I believe vegetarians and vegans are aware of it because they do not eat meat. (well some). It is also a problem with modern farming methods on growing crops. (long story).
A boy in a skirt raping a girl in the school-bathroom changed it all.
Then the "domestic terrorist" label on the father -- for complaining about it at a school board meeting.
Imagine that.
I'm starting to think Roush was the guy in the skirt.... Ya think so? 😉
I live in Virginia. What you said is not the reason why McAullife lost.
Keep talking, this is interesting...but take it easy, seems you're getting a little upset. A big dumb as a fucking rock Ocasio Cortez fan are ya? That's the progressive direction you're just proud as punch to vote for? You know i'm pretty sure she's going to be old enough to run for president next going to vote for her? :-)

Speaking of moving away, liberals are moving away from bastions of progressivism, to red states. Idiots never learn, they'll likely vote the same policies that they fled, dumb bastards. But hey!....I suppose you saw where the Democrats should have been a shoo-in for the governorship in Virginia. Weird, i'd heard Virginia turned thoroughly blue and never again would a Republican be elected as governor. I reckon a lot of democrats weren't too keen on the left's policies. Maybe policies weren't progressive enough? :ROFLMAO:
Jeeeeeeeeeesus… gaslight much? You’re so frustrated by your own ignorance, that you’ve resorted to projecting. Upset? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

You’re like a damn chicken advocating for McNuggets. Ironically, Cortez is infinitely smarter than you could ever dream of being. As soon as someone advocates for the needs of the people to come before the “needs” of corporations, you rush to the defense of corporations like a good little moron.

You don’t have any grandchildren, do you? If so, they can thank your generation for bending them right over. You dumb asses despise progress. You’d rather make sure future generations don’t have it any better than you had it. And, the reality is they have it much worse. You’re too selfish to actually make the future better for younger generations, not that it ever stopped you from pretending that’s what you wanted. Kind of like the way you pretend to care about the constitution and the economy, even though you don’t have the first clue about either one. Progressive policies consider a solution that actually creates an economy that is healthy and works for everyone, but then we can’t have that, right? Excessively wealthy, greedy people couldn’t enjoy obscene wealth at the expense of Americans starving to death, and you can’t stand the thought!! Your dumb ass can’t wait to defend that!

The constitution states that capitalism is a personal liberty that should be superseded by social order when it’s in the best interests of the needs of the people. But, here you dumbasses go advocating for endless, unfettered capitalism. Bezos makes $192 an hour as children literally starve to death in our country, and you’re too stupid to see what’s wrong with that. Bunch of broke ass “temporarily embarrassed millionaires” who think they’re part of the club and protecting their own interests. 🙄 What a joke. You’re unwitting participants in your own demise.

All of your comments are a grand celebration of ignorance. Your ancient, antiquated views are as shallow as the kiddie pool and have repeatedly failed, not that it stops you from advocating for them repeatedly like an idiot. You equate age to wisdom. In your case, it’s more indicative of your low IQ. I’m betting you probably still reset your own bowling pins. Dummy.
Maybe take your own advice.

My state of NC picked up an electoral vote.
FL picked up two.
Texas 3.
NY, CA, and IL all lost 1.
You're as dumb and antiquated as the electoral college itself. No matter how much anecdotal evidence you pile on, unfettered capitalism and excessive greed will still be at the root of virtually every problem average Americans face. It's not progressive policies that are starving people to death. Nope, it's conservative polices that enable unfettered capitalism. The average rent for 700 sq ft in most population centers is $1200. Which progressive policies are responsible for that? Nope.. not one. Mick should be thankful for you. You're just a little dumber than he is, albeit not by much. Anyway, it makes him look just slightly less stupid. At least he's actually involved with making music and not just simply a bigot using an obscure music production message forum as a place to ramble on with moronic rhetoric and look stupid.
Jeeeeeeeeeesus… gaslight much? You’re so frustrated by your own ignorance, that you’ve resorted to projecting. Upset? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

You’re like a damn chicken advocating for McNuggets. Ironically, Cortez is infinitely smarter than you could ever dream of being. As soon as someone advocates for the needs of the people to come before the “needs” of corporations, you rush to the defense of corporations like a good little moron.

You don’t have any grandchildren, do you? If so, they can thank your generation for bending them right over. You dumb asses despise progress. You’d rather make sure future generations don’t have it any better than you had it. And, the reality is they have it much worse. You’re too selfish to actually make the future better for younger generations, not that it ever stopped you from pretending that’s what you wanted. Kind of like the way you pretend to care about the constitution and the economy, even though you don’t have the first clue about either one. Progressive policies consider a solution that actually creates an economy that is healthy and works for everyone, but then we can’t have that, right? Excessively wealthy, greedy people couldn’t enjoy obscene wealth at the expense of Americans starving to death, and you can’t stand the thought!! Your dumb ass can’t wait to defend that!

The constitution states that capitalism is a personal liberty that should be superseded by social order when it’s in the best interests of the needs of the people. But, here you dumbasses go advocating for endless, unfettered capitalism. Bezos makes $192 an hour as children literally starve to death in our country, and you’re too stupid to see what’s wrong with that. Bunch of broke ass “temporarily embarrassed millionaires” who think they’re part of the club and protecting their own interests. 🙄 What a joke. You’re unwitting participants in your own demise.

All of your comments are a grand celebration of ignorance. Your ancient, antiquated views are as shallow as the kiddie pool and have repeatedly failed, not that it stops you from advocating for them repeatedly like an idiot. You equate age to wisdom. In your case, it’s more indicative of your low IQ. I’m betting you probably still reset your own bowling pins. Dummy.

Ah. the posts are getting longer, and more random quotes! :thumbs up:. You're hysterical, dude. I'm not sure who you think you're addressing, such that it is you're presenting a rebuttal to arguments I never made. It's weird. I never said a thing about corporations, much less rushed to defend. You're demonstrably not a realist, you just whip out the progressive playbook and start prattling on....."voting against your own best interests", "corporations", "starving children", oh my! Outside the expanded child tax credit payments, what are you personally doing to prevent children from starving? Surely something?

So I take that as a yes, you will be voting Ocasio Cortez for president? 🙂

An interesting story about Ocasio Cortez from some time back, I might not have it all exactly accurate, but pretty close. She posted a picture on the net of her Grammy's house in Puerto Rico. The roof was still leaking from hurricane damage, Grammy could not live there and had to move out. Such as your asinine arguments, she blamed government. By government I of course mean the Trump administration, which long since was no longer in office. The governor of Puerto Rico or whoever the fuck she is/was intentionally left crates upon crates of supplies and goods unused to spoil and rot away in warehouses in order that the people suffer to harm political opponents. That was more important than actually helping people. Meantime Ocasio Cortez and extended family had not lifted a finger to repair Grammy's house. Poor old Grammy's house was rotting away because Trump!...conservatives, and likely corporations. And no doubt children were starving everyday, let's not forget about the children! It turns out Grammy was living comfortably elsewhere with family. Family out of embarrassment distanced themselves from Ocasio Cortez' blame game. At least they were keen to the reality that they themselves could do the responsible thing to chip in to repair dear old Grammy's roof to keep the house from rotting away rather than waiting and depending on government aid to solve the problem. Simple solution, repair the fucking roof!

Ocasio Cortez, childlike and dumb as a fucking rock. Typical example of a "progressive". I'd love to see her run for President. Love it! Ocasio Cortez vs Trump, what a show that would be, huh?

Prattle on.
....the electoral college...

Ah, the ol' electoral college page of the playbook.

No doubt you'd rail ad nauseam about minority rights, while at the same time support doing away with the electoral college. You're inconsistent and dumb as a fucking rock. It wouldn't matter if you were progressive or conservative, if you lived in "flyover country" and supported doing away with the electoral college you would be "voting against your own best interests".

Don't pretend you give a shit about The Constitution......written by a bunch of old farts :cursing:.

lol @
You're as dumb and antiquated as the electoral college itself. No matter how much anecdotal evidence you pile on, unfettered capitalism and excessive greed will still be at the root of virtually every problem average Americans face. It's not progressive policies that are starving people to death. Nope, it's conservative polices that enable unfettered capitalism. The average rent for 700 sq ft in most population centers is $1200. Which progressive policies are responsible for that? Nope.. not one. Mick should be thankful for you. You're just a little dumber than he is, albeit not by much. Anyway, it makes him look just slightly less stupid. At least he's actually involved with making music and not just simply a bigot using an obscure music production message forum as a place to ramble on with moronic rhetoric and look stupid.

Just look at what progressivism has done for you.
I wish something could make you happy.
People are leaving your shithole utopia.
I guess that makes them bad names, huh?
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He did not say that. Perhaps you could ask what he meant rather than being a jackass? Then you could understand why you disagree rather than making an assumption.
He had his chance to give the reason, which he opted out of.
Neither did I say what you are saying.
Though he did not blame it on Biden, there are a lot of other people that ARE blaming it on Biden.
I suggested that he should join them in blaming Biden, since he is so hesitant to give his own reason.
That's what he gets for chickening out.
Maybe take your own advice.
Stop making assumptions.
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