The New Tone Thread

Here's what it looks like where I live dude....Hillbillyville, USA....I live in the blue house on the left:

Here's another pic of the house:

This is where I grew up, there's one way in & one way out....the road ends about 1/4 mile past my house & turns into a dirt used to be able to go all the way into Kentucky from there, but mining companies that own the land have it gated/locked up now...

The shitty yellow house next door is actually abandoned...I could probably buy the land & house for about $2,000 & may end up doing that eventually, dunno....The house actually needs to be leveled, it's falling down, literally....Only thing about living up here is it's so far away from everything...I already drive an hour & 1/2 one way just to work, & if something happens to this job, I dunno how fuckin' far I'd have to drive....
Oh yeah, meant to tell you guys I'm buying a Sennheiser e609 mic with the ISO cab tonight too...Slowly but surely I'm getting my rig built up......:D.

Gotta run, off to work!!!!
Lol. Wow, that is some Deliverance looking shit right there. :D

I get it now though. That house can't be very "soundproof".

Do yall have basements up there?
Lol. Wow, that is some Deliverance looking shit right there. :D
Hahaha!!! The other guitar player in the last band I was in wouldn't even come up to see me dude, I lived like 2-3 doors down from where I live now, & he was scared to fuckin' death...LOL...That's what he called it too, "Deliverance Holler"....LOL...

I get it now though. That house can't be very "soundproof".
Yeah man, that's my parents' old house, it was basically a 4 room shack when we moved there in '74....My Dad basically re-built the whole thing a little at a time...That's the house I grew up in man...

Do yall have basements up there?
Well yes & no...our house doesn't have one, but there's a couple houses up the road that have 'em...One in particular has a basement the size of the whole house...The guy who lived there (he died a few months ago) used to play music (i was in his band when I was a teenager...from about 16-about 20 I guess...), & had a kick-ass setup in the basement...Reel-to-reel stuff, pa, drums, amps, everything....His wife still lives there, but I have no idea if his gear is still there, just guessing I'd say it is....I wouldn't ask her to sell any of it to me though, he was a good friend & I couldn't deal with having anything of his like that...

About to pull the trigger on the ISO cab......Got the credit card out, dying to spend some $$$....LOL...
OK....just ordered the Randall ISO cab....just guessing should be here Monday or Tuesday....Pics & clips to come....yaaay!!!! LOL...
Oh yeah, I waited on the new mic, just went ahead & bought the ISO cab this week...Nothing coming out of next week's check, so I may just buy 3-4 mics I've been wanting....maybe...Might buy something else...:laughings:.

Currently, I've got a '57, Behringer C1 condensor & a Samson C0-1 condensor (which are almost the same, IIRC, the Samson rolls off the lows & the Behringer doesn't)....

The mics I'm wanting are:
Sennheiser e609
Audix i5
Shure '58
Another '57...maybe 2...

Any mics you guys suggest, that aren't really expensive??? Remember, I'm a cheap fucker....:D.

Gonna start on "my" version the the "Gramma" thing probably tomorrow...Gonna use a piece of plywood about 24"x24", cover it with some fabric, & attach some small Roxul panels to the bottom of it to try to de-couple the ISO cab from the floor...I've already got everything I need for this little project, so I really won't be out anything except a little time...Who knows, maybe it'll work as good as the Auralex thing, & won't cost me a fuckin' thing....

Gonna hit the sack guys...
I dunno dude, in that ~$100 price range, those mics you listed are about as good as it gets IMO. For me, I've been using a 57/i5 blend a lot lately and really like it, but if I'm only using one mic I like the i5 better than the 57. My e609 basically sits unused. I use it for other people, but not my own stuff. For some reason I like the 609 on everyone else's gear but my own.
Thanks Greg...I meant to say, the budget can go a little higher than $100 a pop...I'd be willing to spend a little more on a good mic...No biggie really though...

The ISO cab has shipped this morning, haven't got a tracking # yet, but I'm guessing it'll be here around Tuesday...I don't think Fed-Ex runs on Saturday, which is ok, I gotta work Saturday night anyway (we were off Monday for Labor Day..), so again, no biggie, it'll be here eventually...

I'm actually pretty excited about the ISO cab, I've wanted one of these for a long time, & before, I just couldn't swing the $$$$ (actually, the ex wouldn't let me swing the $$$ because she was out spending that shit on somebody else...:mad:)...So again, clips & pics to come....
Ok guys, the ISO cab will be here Tuesday, probably right after I leave for work, but it'll be here when I get home....

The bastards I work for dropped the bomb on us today, work every Saturday until the 27th...which is ok, the extra $$$ will be nice, but fuck, I already have little to no time for anything else...Oh well, gotta suck it up & do what they want...On the bright side, I can probably buy some more gear.....
Oh yeah, meant to tell you guys I'm buying a Sennheiser e609 mic with the ISO cab tonight too...Slowly but surely I'm getting my rig built up......:D.

Gotta run, off to work!!!!
Congrats, mate! Did you try the e906? It may be a few pennies more but it's clearer and some seem to favour it over the 609, for being not so bulky in the lows and having less of a presence peak whilst having a selectable mid filter. I went with the 906 myself and it's lovely for what it does.
Awesome miner. You got the GAS!

Another good cab mic that's a little more than those already mentioned is the MD421.

Yeah man, I've had GAS for years, but wasn't able to do anything about it....all the $$$ I made was spent on other shit, like other people....The suggestion for the MD421 is exactly what I'm looking for dude, keep 'em comin'....I really have no budget right now, of course I'm not gonna spend a fuckin' fortune on one mic, but again, keep 'em comin'..

solitaire: You must've missed a post or two of mine...I held off on the mic until next week...Thanks for the heads up on the e609/e906 comparison though...
I've never used one, but the AKG C214 is probably a good cab mic too. It's the cheaper less-frills version of the badass 414.

Or just go balls deep and get a Royer 121. A 121 and a 57 on a speaker is almost always the cat's vagina.
A Royer 121....damn dude, $1,100 for a mic???? I know I said I really don't have a budget, but that's just a little much for me...LOL...

Probably just get the 2-3 mics I mentioned for now & see what kinda sounds/tones I can get with those...maybe...

Been checking out demos of the OR15 this morning, & I'm really liking what I hear from that little amp...I know it's one of the low-watt heads, but to me, it sounds really good...Of course, the people making the vids are gonna make it sound fantastic so we'll buy one, but again, I'm really liking that amp....

Gotta head out the door in a few, but I'll be home early tonight, so I'll see you guys after while....
Check out these amps:

GR Amplifiers

I've never tried one myself, but a few people over at the Marshalll Forum swear they're killer...(I know a lot of 'em over there don't have a clue,but the 2-3 people I'm referring to are great players & one in particular does the recording thing...and he's pretty damn good at it, I posted a couple of his clips here a long time ago....)...

Expensive, but I'm sure they kick ass...
Check out these amps:

GR Amplifiers

I've never tried one myself, but a few people over at the Marshalll Forum swear they're killer...(I know a lot of 'em over there don't have a clue,but the 2-3 people I'm referring to are great players & one in particular does the recording thing...and he's pretty damn good at it, I posted a couple of his clips here a long time ago....)...

Expensive, but I'm sure they kick ass...

I've seen those and they seem to be very nice.........and super expensive for a small watt Marshall clone.
Yeah dude, they sound great in the clips I've heard, but they are really expensive....$1200 for a 10w amp is really high, but again, they sound fuckin' great IMO....

ISO cab is supposed to be here Tuesday, it might even show up tomorrow, but I'd doubt it...I'm making some Roxul panels right now to put in the bottom of it, & building a home-made "Gramma" like the Auralex things to de-couple it from the floor...Hopefully these little things I'm doing will make it a little quieter...I have no idea if it'll be as quiet as the home-made one I have now or not, it may be a little quieter, I dunno...I'll find out in a couple days...Pics & clips to come...

Sucks just having one day off, & they dropped the bomb on us this week: every Saturday until the 27th (our annual company picnic is the 27th...should get anywhere from $2-400 just for showing up...I'll probably just show up & get my $$$, then split...LOL...), but that's ok, I can use the extra $$$/overtime....

Might post up some clips in a while, depends on how much I get done on all this other shit I've got to do...
There's no way a 10w amp sounds $1200 great.

Oh I hear ya man, for that kind of $$$, I could get a real Plexi, 800, or something...Just throwing those amps out here to keep the thread going...The clips do sound really good, but, like you said, $1200 is way too much...
Check out these amps:

GR Amplifiers

I've never tried one myself, but a few people over at the Marshalll Forum swear they're killer...(I know a lot of 'em over there don't have a clue,but the 2-3 people I'm referring to are great players & one in particular does the recording thing...and he's pretty damn good at it, I posted a couple of his clips here a long time ago....)...

Expensive, but I'm sure they kick ass...
I'm sure they're awesome but I doubt they're really better than those classic Marshalls you're accumulating.