color blind

I had an old soccer coach back in the day who's eyes mixed up blue and green. They made him go to counseling as a child because he drew all his like "my family and my house" pictures seemingly upside down when he was little since it had a green sky and blue grass lol :D

But yeah post a pic of da shoes! And we shall pass judgment!!
Here is an online test FWIW

Test for Colorblindness On-line card

Yeah, I've taken tests like that before, and the results were the same as before - I'm almost completely color blind. But it still misses the pissed off point I made originally - I see what I see, and when somebody tells me that I can't see what's objectively there, it's bullshit. It's like having a conversation with a dog: I say to the dog 'Nothing special going on here, smell-wise,' and the dog replies 'You're nose-blind. I can smell tons of stuff going on here!' Which one is 'right'?
We are discriminated against. I was denied a job running sound for cirque de sollei because I'm color blind.

Explain why colorblindness would disqualify you for working for a circus when you seem to be doing quite well in pro sound otherwise.
Yeah, I've taken tests like that before, and the results were the same as before - I'm almost completely color blind. But it still misses the pissed off point I made originally - I see what I see, and when somebody tells me that I can't see what's objectively there, it's bullshit. It's like having a conversation with a dog: I say to the dog 'Nothing special going on here, smell-wise,' and the dog replies 'You're nose-blind. I can smell tons of stuff going on here!' Which one is 'right'?

The dog is right.
Explain why colorblindness would disqualify you for working for a circus when you seem to be doing quite well in pro sound otherwise.

Maybe the cues to make certain changes were specifically coloured visual situations that someone who's colour normal can easily see and someone who's not can't get so easily ... ie. when the chick in the red leotard does X, play sample Y...

Just guessing..
Maybe the cues to make certain changes were specifically coloured visual situations that someone who's colour normal can easily see and someone who's not can't get so easily ... ie. when the chick in the red leotard does X, play sample Y...

Just guessing..

Plus, the colors of buttons and wires and stuff. I know, I get that. You ever hear Bob Newhart doing the 'defusing a bomb on a beach' skit? It's pretty funny.

And you can't fly a commercial plane or a military aircraft if you're color blind, right? I get that and I accept it. It's the denial of my subjective experience that ticks me off, that's all. I see green. Somebody says 'you're wrong, it isn't green'. So I see red.
Well, okay so I obviously perceive more about this than you do, so that makes me right. Nah.

There's nothing to "perceive". A dog can clearly smell better than people do, everyone knows that. So if a dog says he can smell something that you can't, then you obviously have to take his word for it.

It's like your shoes. You admit you're color blind, so if someone with normal, healthy vision sees something different than you do then you're wrong.
Nope. Not wrong. Just different. But I'll get my hands on a camera and show you my shoes. It's time for this thread to change direction or stop.
Nope. Not wrong. Just different. But I'll get my hands on a camera and show you my shoes. It's time for this thread to change direction or stop.

Yes different, yes wrong. Your eyes are broken, so you see things wrong. And when you put your wrong perceptions up against someone's that can actually see with healthy vision, then you're wrong. It's not a big deal. If you see green as brown, or vice-versa, that's cool. Just know you're wrong.
I'm color blind.... didn't even know until I took my drivers test. I worked as a graphic artist and it never affected me at all. It is not like you cannot see color, it just means your brain sees it differently. Red has always looked red to me I just see it differently. I do have trouble with dark colors though.... most every very dark color looks black to me
They don't look green or brown to me.

Plants - green
Railing - brown
Shoes - fucking ugly. They look gray in the pic on my old ass monitor. The stitching on the tongue looks brown..
When you all report the color you see, I believe you. However, I see dark olive green. I'm reporting the truth. I'm not wrong just cuz I 'm in the minority. It's not a difficult concept.
You're not wrong because you're in the minority. You're wrong because you're wrong.

Anyway, I'd dig those shoes if they didn't have the Hot Topic spikes. I'm a lifelong Chuck wearer.