New tuneage. Good, bad, ugly?

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YES! A new RAMI mix. :)
Harmonies sound fantastic! No shock.

I'm with you on the vocal level. Every single word can be heard but I think I'd still wanna turn the whole lot up a touch.
It's full enough and bright enough; Literally just a level thing as far as I can tell.

Your kick always jumps out to me but I'm usually by the time I get the comment written it seems fine. :confused:
Idk...I'm saying it this time. Sounds more thwack than thud to me, but maybe that's by design?

Always like your stuff. Unfortunately, I can't talk about levels as I'm listening on headphones and I'm too hungover to walk over to the music room. I'll get back to ya, as I definitely want to hear this through the system.
Hangover is finally over! :)

Still love it. I think the vocals should be......meatier? It sounds good but seems borderline harsh. Have you tried double tracking?
YES! A new RAMI mix. :)
Harmonies sound fantastic! No shock.

I'm with you on the vocal level. Every single word can be heard but I think I'd still wanna turn the whole lot up a touch.
It's full enough and bright enough; Literally just a level thing as far as I can tell.

Your kick always jumps out to me but I'm usually by the time I get the comment written it seems fine. :confused:
Idk...I'm saying it this time. Sounds more thwack than thud to me, but maybe that's by design?
Thanx a lot Steen. It might very well be that the kik is too loud, I haven't stepped away from this yet, so my perspective might be off for now. I brought up the vocals a bit. I don't know if volume was the issue, but I went with a slight boost for now.
Hangover is finally over! :)

Still love it. I think the vocals should be......meatier? It sounds good but seems borderline harsh. Have you tried double tracking?
Thanx a lot Crow. The vocals are double tracked in the chorus. I did think about double tracking the verses, but it's not something I usually do, so I have to talk myself into if that ends up being the solution.

I agree that the vocals can be a bit meatier. I usually get a more pleasant vocal sound. Thhe only thing I can think that I did differently for this song is I might have sang a little further away from the mic than usual, which might have thinned out the vocals.

Thanx a lot for the listens and suggestions. :cool:
No problem d00d. I love listening to your stuff. I find the regulars here have great stuff.

You, heat, Greg, fleet, rayc, and others I'm probably missing.
Not good. Very good. If I wanted to tweak this, the first thing I'd do is experiment with the lowcut/lowshelf on the vocal and bring in just a *little* more low end. Not too much, cuz it won't fit in with the rest of the mix otherwise. But just a *bit*. Bit more balls on the vocal.

Right cymbal: bit more high end? Just a *bit*?

Really good stuff, man. Lovely to listen to.
Good mix Rami. Everything seemed to cut through pretty well.

The bass "solo" could probably stand a bit more clarity and volume. I could hear it all right, but it was kind of quiet. Which is weird, since the bass and the low-end of the guitar seemed kind of loud during the rhythm sections.

The kick did seem louder than the rest of the kit, but it seemed like a good level to me.

I like the alternate chorus towards the end.
Not good. Very good. If I wanted to tweak this, the first thing I'd do is experiment with the lowcut/lowshelf on the vocal and bring in just a *little* more low end. Not too much, cuz it won't fit in with the rest of the mix otherwise. But just a *bit*. Bit more balls on the vocal.

Right cymbal: bit more high end? Just a *bit*?

Really good stuff, man. Lovely to listen to.
Thanx a lot Dobro. Funny, as I was waking up today, for some reason, the thought popped into my head that I might have HP'd the vocals too high. I'll definitely try doing what you suggested there. I think it will help.

Thanx (do)bro. :)

drums sound great. i think the guitars could us a little more sparkle
Thanx Dirt. Yes, I'm still getting to know my amp, it's new. Still working on getting a good bite to my sound without it being too thin. :cool:
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Good mix Rami. Everything seemed to cut through pretty well.

The bass "solo" could probably stand a bit more clarity and volume. I could hear it all right, but it was kind of quiet. Which is weird, since the bass and the low-end of the guitar seemed kind of loud during the rhythm sections.

The kick did seem louder than the rest of the kit, but it seemed like a good level to me.

I like the alternate chorus towards the end.
Thanx a lot VHS.

That alternate chorus at the end, all I did was switch the lead and the backs, so the backs become the lead and vice versa.

I totally agree with you about the bass "solo" and I figured out where I went wrong. That part IS actually turned up quite a bit. But I made the mistake of turning up the file before it hit the compressor. So, the more I turned it up, the more it compressed, which caused a 4db boost to actually only be a 1db boost. That part should be louder, but I need to turn it up after the compressor, not before. I'll re-visit all that next time I re-mix.

Thanx a lot man. :cool:
Nothing sounds out of place on my crappy computer speakers and for some reason they really do tell if something is out of place. On studio monitors it just sounds even better. Good job :D
Nothing sounds out of place on my crappy computer speakers and for some reason they really do tell if something is out of place. On studio monitors it just sounds even better. Good job :D

Choon! In a previous life I listened to Cake a lot. I think your style is quite similar. What you do is cool. :)
Thanx a lot guys and girls, much appreciated. :cool:

I like Cake, but the only song I know of theirs is "The Distance", which I love.
Sounds really good to me.....I expected nothing less though. I'll slot this into my RAMI folder with the others.

I don't have a problem with vocal levels, they sound nice to me. I can hear everything and the sit in a nice spot, for me.

Guitars and Drums sound great as usual. Good work man :thumbs up:
Excellent lyrics as usual - your turn of phrase is clever as usual "Sold myself down a river" with the main guitar lick made me think of the Nile straight away.
Innermost Ghandi - cool.
Musically - apart from the bass thing already mentioned - ACE!
Sounds really good to me.....I expected nothing less though. I'll slot this into my RAMI folder with the others.

I don't have a problem with vocal levels, they sound nice to me. I can hear everything and the sit in a nice spot, for me.

Guitars and Drums sound great as usual. Good work man :thumbs up:
Thanx a lot Mr. Clean. I wasn't 100% sure about much of this tune, so it's good that I got positive re-enforcement from my friends here so far. :cool:

Excellent lyrics as usual - your turn of phrase is clever as usual "Sold myself down a river" with the main guitar lick made me think of the Nile straight away.
Innermost Ghandi - cool.
Musically - apart from the bass thing already mentioned - ACE!
Thanx Ray. Great, I'm glad it's working. I'm actually saying "Inner Mo Ghandi". I gave him a first name, or at least I shortened "Mahutma" to "Mo". :D
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I think it's pretty good. I might like a little more vocal level. I'm getting some midrange stack up in the middle that might be what's masking the vocals. I think the snare's getting a touch buried at times too. Could be that midrange thing again. I think it's all the guitar tracks. Might be too many similar sounding tracks going with all the harmonizing and stuff. When the middle guitar comes in or pops out it seems to mask the other stuff in the middle. I think a little more panning or EQ could clean it up. Performances are fantastic as always. I'm just fine with the bass.