Need Advice


New member
Hey whats up i go by Young Fate:cool: i got a question i wanted to no if someone could listen to a few of my songs and see what advice you could give me for my vocals not that i think there bad but i would like some people with more experience to tell me what i can do to make it sound better!:p
sup young fate (hey i used to live in maryland!)

a few things i noticed when listening to your stuff
(question, what mic do you use so i can provide accurate advice?)

try adding a touch of reverb so that you dont sound so "there" in the mix

maybe put the mic a few inches away and utilize a pop guard (this might help smooth things out)

use EQ after your take to boost mids to make yourself sound bigger

just a few quick tips. will be able to give more detailed help later.

nice rhymes!
But with the first part what are you trying to imply?
I wasn't 'implying' anything. I was saying it straight, that you could use some punctuation. Sometimes, people post without seeming to remember that someone is going to be reading what's written. And it's quite common nowadays for posts to have no full stops, question marks, commas, capital letters. So sometimes it can be hard for the reader to know where sentences stop, start or pause and that can sometimes lead to the post being ignored.
I wasn't having a pop at you in particular, it's a common problem here. Most of the time I let it go but every now and then I'll comment on it. I wasn't trying to be offensive. Think of it as a gentle reminder on a Friday night.....
I think it's the fallout from the texting.

I can read through most of it...but it's easier when more traditional writing is used. Not sure if some folks just forget how to do that or if they are unconsciously in permanent text mode. ;)
It reminds me of the kids I worked with that had their own kind of language, as kids do. I used to point out to them that it was great as long as they also recognized that most people didn't speak that language and therefore they'd need to speak plain old English when dealing in the real world. And most of them did. Many of them would say to me "gosh, you're so posh !" because it wasn't the done thing for Black people in the inner cities to be even semi articulate and I'd say "Why, because you can clearly hear what I'm saying ? Get real !"
Maybe I'm turning into someone born in the 30s !
It reminds me of the kids I worked with that had their own kind of language, as kids do. I used to point out to them that it was great as long as they also recognized that most people didn't speak that language and therefore they'd need to speak plain old English when dealing in the real world. And most of them did. Many of them would say to me "gosh, you're so posh !" because it wasn't the done thing for Black people in the inner cities to be even semi articulate and I'd say "Why, because you can clearly hear what I'm saying ? Get real !"
Maybe I'm turning into someone born in the 30s !

Damn kids these days.
jimmys69 take a listen. you can always unlike it if you dont. a spot of rudeness in this thread... the guy just wants some help.
Find a proper hosting site if you want commentary on your music. Not everyone's on facebook or wants to be.

Many people have multiple outlets....
jimmys69 take a listen. you can always unlike it if you dont. a spot of rudeness in this thread... the guy just wants some help.
Random, Jimmy isn't being rude at all. He's actually making a rather important point. If you want help and part of that involves people listening to your music, then it's for you to make it simple, straightforward and noncommital for those people. Not having to download stuff or sign up with some site, possibly opening one up to spam and the like. Some people do not want to have to join this or that site yet want to help. Jimmy's point is obviously saying "We want to help ~ make it easier for us to do so".
Random, Jimmy isn't being rude at all. He's actually making a rather important point. If you want help and part of that involves people listening to your music, then it's for you to make it simple, straightforward and noncommital for those people. Not having to download stuff or sign up with some site, possibly opening one up to spam and the like. Some people do not want to have to join this or that site yet want to help. Jimmy's point is obviously saying "We want to help ~ make it easier for us to do so".

Word !
Random, Jimmy isn't being rude at all. He's actually making a rather important point. If you want help and part of that involves people listening to your music, then it's for you to make it simple, straightforward and noncommital for those people. Not having to download stuff or sign up with some site, possibly opening one up to spam and the like. Some people do not want to have to join this or that site yet want to help. Jimmy's point is obviously saying "We want to help ~ make it easier for us to do so".

Absolutely true. When seeking advice about your music, you are looking to find insight from others on how to make it accessible to others ("sound better"). Correct? I stated my opinion based first upon the inability to listen to your tune freely. With that being said, the last thing I would ever do when promoting myself or looking for insight on 'how to', would be to make a demand upon the listener. The same applies here in this forum. I wish to help. Make it so that it is easy to hear. <That in itself, is advice on mixing......

Absolutely true. When seeking advice about your music, you are looking to find insight from others on how to make it accessible to others ("sound better"). Correct? I stated my opinion based first upon the inability to listen to your tune freely. With that being said, the last thing I would ever do when promoting myself or looking for insight on 'how to', would be to make a demand upon the listener. The same applies here in this forum. I wish to help. Make it so that it is easy to hear. <That in itself, is advice on mixing......


Word !
Ok thanks for the support not! I love how i ask a simple question and people wanna start getting smart. It makes no sense at all thanks everybody who did help i appreciate it!
Ok thanks for the support not! I love how i ask a simple question and people wanna start getting smart. It makes no sense at all thanks everybody who did help i appreciate it!

Dood, I'm not trying to be a smart-ass. It just comes across that way sometimes to someone who inadvertently makes it difficult to help. I 'am' trying to help. Make it convenient to listen to your stuff, and I will go out of my way to help out where I can. Jeez man, three guys here that would have given you a wealth of information and an educated, honest opinion (who already tried), you just poked at for apparently being dicks. Not cool man.

Post a clip on Soundcloud and let's start over. :D