Those damn crickets!


Univalve & Avatar Speaks
It's that time of year again...crickets are singing again. They're fun when you're up to nothing and taking a break between tunes but OMG when you're trying to take a serious track or two in the evening it gets rediculous.

I've sprayed nasty stuff inside and out...I'm seeing dead things here and there but after a couple days...they're back! Once in awhile "Kitty" (our Fox Terrier...that's a dog btw) will find one...he just flops down on them and rolls around...that's not workin'. In fact, I think they like it. I'm in the "sticks", country life for me because I like it quiet. Considering a plastic bubble in the city right now.

I'm venting a bit...just wondering if anyone else gets the same or similar?
If you import ten million spiders and spread them around the yard this will surely solve your cricket problem.
Up here, we have a worse problem with the frogs. There's a marsh in the woods by my apartment and from 9pm to 2am those things are going at it rain or shine. It's hard to sleep some nights unless I shut the window.
I live in an I get it all, kids screaming, people doing cannonballs in the pool, cars starting under my window in the parking lot, people slamming their doors, three or four stereos going at once....I think the worst is when you're tracking and someone decides to run up and down the stairs outside :D
You should sample them and write some Cricket VSTs. Or write songs that need crickets.

When life gives you lemons...
That's an interesting idea. I could play around with it in the surround sound...pan it wildly...then play it back on the home stereo and drive the dog completely nuts!
Buddy Holley was a good guy...but I'll be he didn't score much with those birth control glasses on. I've got to hand it to him...he made some great carburetors. :D
WOW!!! For a while I thought I was the only one to be invaded by crickets. My set up is in an older house, no basement but it has a cellar. The crickets thrive down there and often find their way upstairs. They don't bother me much except when I'm tracking a female vocalist and one decides it's a good time to hop on her leg and go sight seeing. A good scream might be good for a horror movie soundtrack but take my word for it, it just dosen't fit too well in the middle of a love song. Yes this really happened, not just once but twice.
I live on the edge of a swamp. We have something they call cave crickets. They don't make any noise but they do get big. I've seen them jump up about 5 feet high. Anyway I've found that roach spray kills em quick. Also one of my neighbors uses sticky paper (they kind you use for rodents) The second summer I was in this house we decided to keep count of hjow many we killed. Got to 150 and stopped counting. Since using the roach spray we get maybe 10 for the season. Good luck.
Insect bombs will work well, killing every bug in your place. Ants, spiders, fleas, etc. Just don't breath the stuff, it's very toxic.

I bombed my old house when one of my indoor cats managed to push out a window screen go outside and collect several flea colonies just to bring back home. Fleas everywhere, the sofa, carpeting, the bed, my suits, it was horrible. After 3 days of praying flea collars work, I gave up and did the insect bomb thing. Bang, no bugs of any kind (even spiders) for about eight months.

And it didn't bother any of my recording equipment either, though I didn't set the bombs directly on any of the gear either.
What a coincidence...I went to the Home Depot today and bought a couple...I'm going out this weekend...gonna set them off. I may have gone to the extreme but I removed all the instruments and electronics just to be safe.
We had trouble with crickets and spiders when we moved in here. Bombs helped for a couple of weeks, but this stuff seems to do what it promises.