What's a good cheap or free first DAW to try learning dubstep?


New member
Are there full versions of older DAWs we can use that will remain functional, so we can take our time learning and then upgrade to more current versions after we learn what to look for? Or some other option? I don't mind spending some money if we can buy something for around fifty dollars or so that's worth using, but don't want to spend more than that to begin with. Thanks for any help trying to figure it out!
Good and cheap, Reaper as moresound recommended.

Free, try AUDACITY but it's pretty limited in what you can do with it. With Reaper being free to try and only $60 to register, it's hard to beat.
Yeah, they raised the price when Version 4 came out. Still, compared to any of the alternatives that's still a brilliant price.
For dubstep? I'd go for either FL Studio or Ableton Live. FL Studio if you're just looking to have some fun for awhile, Ableton Live if you're serious.
Of course, those aren't free... The producer edition of FL Studio (which has Sytrus, which is the only synthesizer I like in FL Studio for dubstep) is around $250-300, I believe... Ableton Live will run you $500. But Ableton is what artists like Enter Shikari and Skrillex use (don't kill me for calling Skrillex, I don't want to play genre games here). So if you're just wanting to try it out, I'd at least do FL Studio... If you're really broke though, go with Reaper like they're saying. Just find a decent synthesizer VST.
I do a bit of dubstep work, and I use primarily Sytrus and Massive. Massive is fantastic... That's the synthesizer Enter Shikari told me they use when I talked to them last year. After that, just read the manual on both of those VST's and start experimenting.
If you're curious about what you can make with FL Studio, I have an intro song I made for my band with exclusively the Sytrus plug-in and some drum samples.

Swag Dubstep Intro - YouTube