New Members: Introduce Yourself Here!

Hello everyone, my name is Shailyia which represents my personal name from my momma mixed with a little TLC of who I am. Snared with a whole lot of what I love to do in my spear trebled time in this life. Life isn't always fairyTELLS but can be a bed of wildflowers or roses, your choice! Lifes purposively doing the things you have to do to make it blessed. So why wasted time thinking you have to do things and find the things you love doing that makes life blessed. I LOVE entertaining others and myself plus HELPing other succeed with what they LOVE UNTIL they take my kindness for weakness then I move on kind of like find the right rhythm to a sound you just created! I'm excited to be here among this community of awesome producers of some sort. Would anyone be willing to show me around, I'm kinda new to digital anything?