Please give this a listen


New member
I know that it's sort of big, i guess i should have tried to cut it down to play on here but please take the time for it. You don't have to listen to the whole thing just try to get a taste for everything, all the solos and stuff.
Feel free to rip this apart too. Any comments are appreciated, thanks
Click on "dance.mp3"
very cool jazz the recording itself sounds pretty nice...the drums if i could get my drums to sound this nice i would sell my elctric set......that breakdown at around 1:00 is really sweet.

at aroun d2:00 what is that strummed thing..?...all sorta droning notes...before the sitar sounding deal?..ok i made it till 4:00 im short on time but i will revisit this when i get a chance ..interested in where it all ends up..

nice work.
Hey Jamal thanks

That "droning" sound is something that I was a little nervous about at first, but I definately like it now. He's got an electric sitar guitar with, I don't know exactly what they're called, a little set of about 8 strings on the body. I don't know I dig it though.

Oh another thing, listen to the panning in the riff at 0:34 and the repeated parts. I like it but I don't know if it's too "amateur." Thanks
maybe one of those old Danelectro sitars....they're pretty cool.

I like this a lot. How about a few details on what's happening here? Is this a band or you doing everything or some friends or what> Was it done in your home studio or where? And so on. Oh there it is....yeah I like the sitar a lot, I'd love to have one of those. I used to have an actual sitar but I think I snorted it one night 20 years ago. :)

This is nice work and the mix is ok too, not really much to say; it would just be personal preferences....good drumming BTW. Do you have interest in doing collaborations? If so PM me.
Ok here's some detail:
Drums, bass amp, and guitar amp were all mic'ed in seperate practice rooms, the keys were an S80 to an art dual mp as a direct box. All going to a Mackie to a Delta 1010 into Sonar.

Lt. Bob- I'd like to know what personal preferences you have in mind.
Thanks for the comments, keep em comming.
Yo Waldo of NWR: The "popup" thing happened to me on the ads, too. It's not a regular "window" that pops up... it just DRAWS a rectangle right to the screen on top of the page... it's a javascript rollover or something... it's the add that says "You're today's winner"... it covers everything up... and if you're trying to click somewhere on the page and that thing pops up in the way it will intercept the click :confused:

Sorry, maddrummer... but that popup thing happened on your NWR page... on to your song:

Primus-like bass to begin... nice... yeah... I'd SAY you're a mad drummer :D Listen to those cymbals... oh, man... I LOVE this style of jazz... sorry, but to HECK with all that synth jazz crap :p this is the good stuff :) Gimme the sweet, tasty jazz drums...

Is this what they call "acid jazz"? Cuz I'd love to buy some of this stuff-- don't want to buy the synth, John Tesh-ish crap...

Listen to the a-tonal stuff around 1:55.. very interesting... Everything seems recorded clean... would like a rounder bass sound with some more presence, and have it more up in the mix... but otherwise this is a sweet recording. The sitar rocks... would like even more "twangyness" from it... nice tom-tom rolls... man, a good drum sound will make any song sound awesome... and this song is good anyway...

Keep goin with this type of stuff :) Who cares who gets jealous? ;)


Loved it!! You guys sound great. Nothing more to say. I have no place giving advice to you, thats for sure. Give us some more...............

I need, I need!

Brian :D
particpant- i'm not sure what classification it is (acid jazz and all that) but if you really want to buy stuff like this just send me some money and ill give u a copy..hehe
Yea I'm not playing on this one but thanks anyway. I appreciate your comments. THanks
Question for ya'll
What exactly do you mean by a rounder bass? I understand about presence and all but what would you suggest doing with the bass for this?
maddrummer said:
Question for ya'll
What exactly do you mean by a rounder bass? I understand about presence and all but what would you suggest doing with the bass for this?

A little cleaner... a little more compressed... not too much sub-woofer stuff... more "defined"

How are you tracking the bass, now? Direct? Mic'ing? It might help to re-string it if you're playing dead strings, too.

I don't post in here very often but when I hear something I like I will. And I like this. Very cool well done tune. I agree with the other comments about the bass. The mix just needs a little more of it to sit on. The only other comment I would have is that I feel the hi-hat is a little to prominent throughout the parts it plays on, especially the breakdown part at 1:00. I'm a drummer also and I know how hard it is to blend your playing. I've got a Steve Smith video and he talks about this very thing and how he worked to make his hi-hat playing blend in and not overpower everything else. Most engineers I've worked with will record the hi-hat mic lower and then when the tune is mixed they bring it in lower, preferring to get the main hi-hat sound from the OHs. Other than that though, Great Job. I listened to it twice.
Thanks MikeA, Everything you hear from the hi-hat is from the overheads but i'll give it another listen. I messed around with the harmonic exicter in Ozone and used it on the high end. THanks again.

Participant- We tracked this micing the amp, a Mesa/Boogie Walkabout head to a brickhouse 12" cabinet with a sennheiser 421. are a maddrummer! Sounds great man, what kind of snare is that? It really sounds good, hell the whole kit does. Great stuff there Josh. btw, the bass player (is that you too?) is killer!