new hard rock melodic song "The Travel song"


Well-known member
new version.

i'm excited about this mix, because i've adopted some new mix ideas....

and the master, i've gone from using multiband compression, and limiting, to doing nothing to the final mix, but running it thru sony's 'wave hammer' for a single-band pass of compression, and limiting. it sounds more like the original mix to me, than running it thru the multiband.
i think i like the sound of it, but i need some other opinions, from other playback systems, to figure out if i'm on the right path or not.

download (button at far right, pointing down) or stream (hi fi, lo fi)
Good song. Like the guitar performances. The vocals need more presence in the mix. They are difficult to hear, and could use a little boost. I'm not a drum expert, but they sound pretty good to me, levels about right. Bass sounds excellent.

Great job overall.
guitar zero
thanks for listening!
glad you liked it..

the vox, are purposefully low in the mix, but rather than add treble, i think i'll just bring the level up a bit, and see how that sits....
the vocals sound like they could be brought up a little more. it's kind of hard to hear them. but other than that everything sounds great. good job.
Great song man!
This reminded me of early Yes or Kansas....some great music there! The drums sound are a bit too roomy for me, but that fits the style, kind of mid-seventies. I really like the vocal harmonies. Just bring the vox out a bit more and it's done.

Instruments are mixed great, nice guitar sounds. The drums all seem very "alive" except the snare which lacks a little pop to me. The song is really cool and I'll listen again. Good job.
Looking forward to hearing the next mix with the vocals more out front and perhaps a little 2k cut of 1dB because as they get louder they can get harsh.

Great components of this song. Guitars, drums, bass, all excellent! Good job. Great harmonies. Get the levels of the vox right and you're good to go. I agree totally with the Yes comparison. That ain't chopped liver. :D

use the DOWNLOAD button.
it's a 256 kbps mp3, that sounds 10 times better than the hi fi streaming.

i've about decided to give up on streaming audio.
ok, new mix, fresh off the presses.

256 kbps mp3 download

the original mix/master version is still up, IF you want to compare.

this one:
bass level down, re-eq'd, more low roll off, guitars panned different w/level changes (up and down), vox levels up, compressor settings changed, vocal effects tweaked, Master eq and Multiband comp and limiter (vintage settings) used for mastering.
7-2-08 8:30pm update

256 mp3 download
travel song-mas-mb2.mp3 (9270 KB)

same mix as the update, but with new mastering scheme...
much gentler on the 'push'.

please tell me if this one cleans it all up............

and here's a picture narrative of what i did:
(i mix my tunes to a stereo pair, and keep this pair clean-- then i apply mastering settings and bounce this down to a new pair, keeping the raw mix always)

Here is the original raw mix:
you can see that the bulk of the wave form is around -12 to -6, with the meter pegged at -2.7 on the snare strikes.....


Mastered file for the previous version:


ok, now for the new one--

Mastering settings for this latest version:


and the new mastered file:

Yeah, downloading gives a better result.
Very Yes in the vocals.
Nice guitar sounds: particulaly the sustain you get on the more dominant rhythm guitar.
The bass - mate what did you do to get that ultra proggy sound?
Please tell instrument, chain & processing if any?
I quite liked the vox level on the 1st but this one does allow more texture and depth to be heard.
Bloody good matey!
Super imprssed here! Love the guitar playing and sounds! Vocals are neat to. LOVE the drum and bass sound! How did you get that?!
thanks for listening...... again!

downloads, are worth the time, if you're really into listening.
plus, you got the song to use anytime then.......!

the sustain on the rhythm guitar, is a combination of the guitar (custom built strat) and the electronics (the bill lawrence pickups) and the mesa boogie being pushed with the barber direct drive.
plus, you just gotta hang onto the fingering of those chords a little longer, to get them to sound out the way they do....

the bass, is my good ole Carvin LB70 w/ the active pickups, thru the barber direct drive (yes, a guitar overdrive pedal on the bass), into my tone press, into a SANSAMP bass DI, into my A Designs mic pre, convertor and sonar.
the 3 guitars used were my two custom guitars, one a strat, the other a strat/paul hybrid, and my carvin dc200K.
all into the boogie..
one track miced, one track in the iso cab miced, another track direct via the Palmer PDI-09 straight into the mic pre.
all vox done with a ADK Hamburg MDC into a A Design Audio MP-1 mic pre...
drums were ACID.

thanks again, for checking it out.

glad you dig it!
the drums, like i said before, were programmed in ACID, from loops i stole from who knows where...
the bass, as described in the post before, was really more about the pick attack, you know, the way i went about getting the sound out, where i chose to pick at...... and the way i designed the tone around the sound of the barber direct drive pedal, and the way i eq'd the sansamp bass di.
no one's really commented on the lyric.

are lyrics not important to most of you checking out this post?

is it just a vehicle for the music?