2 original song Under the table

Couple of suggestions, do some listening in the MP3 clinic and read the comments. A lot of real world learning there.

First, cool song. Lots of potential, but your levels are all over the place. You need to get those tamed. Bring the drums up at the start is good, but really dull and maybe bring them up quicker. To me, the guitar playing the riff could use some roll off on the extreme high end or maybe try tucking it down into the mix a bit more. Vocals are low, but if the riff is reduced, might clear up the vocals.

At about 0:54 on the change, it is not nearly as clean. You might want to go back and revisit. It is a cool change, seems to lose something in the mix.

Since the riff kind of trumps everything else, hard to say much more. Bass sound good, liked the playing.

You have a very good tune here. Very interesting. Sort out a few mix issues and I think it will be killer.
Yes, wow .... levels! :) The guitar riff is frickin' loud as f*ck! It's an awesome riff---the tone is a little piercing IMO, but it's a great riff---but it's just way too loud right now. The vocal and drums are way too quiet, and the drums sound very muffled in general. In the beginning it sounds intentional, and I expected them to kind of blossom into a normal fidelity eventually, but they never did.

Anyway, I think the song is really cool, and the guitar riff is great. It just needs to go back to the drawing board with regards to the mix. Have you listened to other songs you like as you mix? It can help keep you on track a bit. I'd suggest that if you haven't already done that.
What effect were using on the drums in the intro? If its still there during the song, can't really hear it because the guitar just dominates everything.
Thanks for the advice. I guess it's true that guitarists only want to hear them self's will bring down. Dullness is what i feel about all my mixes TBH , I've just brought a focusrite forte was using a m-audio fast track, hoping that will help . Intro I put all the drums tracks through a low pass filter with high saturation, I mainly did this to cover up an awful snare ring before the other instruments came in.