Do yourself


New member
First, I shall refer to me previous topic it reached 1 000 and as I expected there was no initiative from anybody. I understand that all that I shall write down is in vain but it takes not much to give it a try. if you have not read that topic go there first, read my posts, and decide for yourself, does it really worth of reading all this that is given below? If you think that you can spend a couple of minutes - here it is.

There are two kind of people. One that tries, fails, and tries again and again, and the other - does not try but explains why it will not work. Here I shall not reply to the posts that will be of no value. Do not explain me why it will not work. I know that. Lets assume that I am stupid guy and you are smart fellows. Than act as smart fellows and do not waste your time on posting here. Arguing with stupid people will makes you stupid too.

What I suggest is to gather in an online community and make some alternative platform that will compete with iTunes, Spotify, Myspace, Reverbnation and the others. Those who are interested please start asking questions like "How shall we ....?" if not - try to leave without telling me smart you are. I know that you are.

I tried to make something like that in reality - I talked to different bands here in 2009 (Tbilisi, Georgia). The problem was - absence of the venue with appropriate equipment where it would be possible to make a rock, punk, metal or whatever event. I told them: "Put aside, on monthly basis, small amount of money. Keep it where you want, put away as much as you can afford, but give report that this month we have accumulated this amount and in total we have that much. I shall do the same. After one year we shall gather together, count how much money we have and decide what a concert equipment to buy, what venue to hire, and make a gig and not only one gig". Most guys liked the idea, but after a while they probably decided that it is better to spend money for something else. Some people told me in advance - this will not work. Now everybody are sitting and you know what they are doing. Trust me they are not make money for living from music. None of them, neither do I.

What can we do on the present stage is to discuss what I have in mind, polish my vision (ideas that I have found on different sites) to final shape and make it ours. Define the rules (but it will be a long process and rules may change as we get more experience). Than - attract other musicians and make community grow, establish community management that will change on monthly basis. No leaders or directors, The system must be supported and managed by everyone who are in. Launch the system, and make small changes in our, and not only our lives.

And remember - I shall not reply to the posts that will be of no value. At present I am waiting for questions: "How shall we ....?"
At present I am waiting for questions: "How shall we ....?"

I expect that you will have a long wait, because the level of interest here is pretty-well zero. I, personally, have no interest in a collective music farm.

How about, instead of pursuing this marketing daydream, spend your time instead on doing things that will make a difference, like using this site to improve your recording skills and so on?
I expect that you will have a long wait, because the level of interest here is pretty-well zero. I, personally, have no interest in a collective music farm.

How about, instead of pursuing this marketing daydream, spend your time instead on doing things that will make a difference, like using this site to improve your recording skills and so on?

it will take years i suppose if not decades. And it will not take much time, if it will take time at all, as my expectations are - 0 people who will get interested in this.
Do yourself

If I could do myslef, I would never leave the house...

Oh....and I wish you all the luck reinventing the record industry wheel.
Seems to me, you are here just bitching about your album sales, and you have no clue how to change that. it. ;)
Seems to me, you are here just bitching about your album sales, and you have no clue how to change that.

That's exactly what it is. I mentioned that in his other troll thread. He can't sell a song, so instead of accepting the cold hard evidence that his songs are not appealing to anyone, he points the blame elsewhere.
What do you do in your life? What is your profession?

Is this a 300 reference?

Lugatt, the big internet players have been established. Soundcloud and it's siblings dominate the internet music scene, Itunes sells you MP3s and everybody else orders their CDs on Amazon. If you think that you can offer something new and uproot millions of users to a new music service, that's on you and the people you can inspire. What you've got to keep in mind is that iTunes is owned by literally the most succesful company in the world and most people on this forum are recording into 150$ interfaces with cheap guitars and trying to make the best of it.
This isn't a business forum or an investor platform, it's meant to help people create better recordings with mostly amateur equipment.

If you're interested in selling your stuff, go to the MP3 mixing clinic and listen to some of the recordings of the more sessioned members. Their recordings honestly blow yours out of the water and to top it off, they are for free, without a watermark. If you want to sell a song today you can't just be great or excellent, you have to be pushing perfection so hard that it becomes an logical fallacy and a black hole consumes you. Many bands that tour Europe still have day jobs since there is no money in music anymore. The bubble is going to burst or already has and all that will be left are lots of people who like playing music for fun. The goldrush is over and it's time to leave Klondike River.
Lugatt, the big internet players have been established. Soundcloud and it's siblings dominate the internet music scene, Itunes sells you MP3s and everybody else orders their CDs on Amazon. If you think that you can offer something new and uproot millions of users to a new music service, that's on you and the people you can inspire. What you've got to keep in mind is that iTunes is owned by literally the most succesful company in the world and most people on this forum are recording into 150$ interfaces with cheap guitars and trying to make the best of it.
This isn't a business forum or an investor platform, it's meant to help people create better recordings with mostly amateur equipment.

Lugatt, if you think you have an amazing idea that can compete with the likes of these giants like Apple, then by all means you should pursue that idea. But an idea like that should be game-changing if it has any chance to uproot or challenge the powerhouses that rule the industry.

So if you mention this idea of yours on a community of musicians and audio enthusiasts, and you aren't getting positive feedback or the "How shall we....?" questions that you're looking for, then it's likely because this community doesn't think your idea is good enough. This isn't a personal attack on you. Whether Steve Jobs or John Frusciante or Bill Murray or Peyton Manning or whoever in the world came up with this idea, it likely wouldn't garner interest simply because the industry is pretty well-defined at this point and people don't think your idea will gather momentum or spark change.

If you're on HomeRecording to learn more about...well....home recording, then you've come to the right place. Lord knows I'm getting lots of help here! But if you're looking for support, partners or what have you, then you should probably look somewhere else.

Hope that helps.

Maybe you should take some business classes. f you want to 'come up with something new', and get others interested - you need a solid business plan. 'Save a little money every week and pool it together after a year' is not a business plan.

After reading the closed thread, just had to add - all this grandstanding and 'not wanting to hear "can't do it"' comments - and you have only two songs you are trying to sell?
As others keep telling you, the music industry that we once knew is dead.
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Maybe you should take some business classes. f you want to 'come up with something new', and get others interested - you need a solid business plan. 'Save a little money every week and pool it together after a year' is not a business plan.

After reading the closed thread, just had to add - all this grandstanding and 'not wanting to hear "can't do it"' comments - and you have only two songs you are trying to sell?
As others keep telling you, the music industry that we once knew is dead.

No, I am not going to make a new project and find an investor. Finding an investor means having a boss, who will dictate rules, and corporate policy and etc. This project is interesting for me in case if we - common people will be able to make something. The main idea is this - independent project where will no big guys telling "Yes we understand, but we would like to ..."

My songs have nothing to do with this project. When I finish album i shall simply start small advertisements on google, youtube and facebook, I do not expect much from it but it is the only most effective way that I can see. If I was USA or Europe resident I would have made a band and would have start performances, but here in Georgia it has zero sense.
No, I am not going to make a new project and find an investor.
That's why I'm telling you to take some business classes. Having a 'business plan' has nothing to do with investors (although that could be part of one).

When I finish album i shall simply start small advertisements on google, youtube and facebook,
Come back after you do all that and let us know how successful you were. :facepalm:
That's why I'm telling you to take some business classes. Having a 'business plan' has nothing to do with investors (although that could be part of one).

On the contrary, business plan is made mainly to get investors. One does not write a business plan for its own project rather than roadmap or something

Come back after you do all that and let us know how successful you were. :facepalm:
I did not say that it is key to success, but the only possible way for me to spread a word, without spending much time.
I've never seen a post before where the person posing the question tells people not to disagree with the premise, only to congratulate and praise. Can't be bothered to give it any thought!