Have these people lost their minds?

Nah...trying to make a profit? Completely sane. Being a sucker in somebody else's profit-making scheme? Insane. Ergo anybody who PURCHASES any of those auctions HAVE lost their mind.

okay...gotta go see what sealed cassettes I have. I'm gonna be RICH!!! MUWAHHAHAHAHHHHHH!!! :D
I wonder sometimes what sort of meds these people are taking when they decide this sounds like a reasonable price. One reason I suspect substance abuse is because they actually have a shipping cost on top of it all of only $2.89. I mean, think about it! :)

Another funny thing that these sellers wouldn’t want me to say out loud is that some of the older vintage tapes aren’t as good as later versions. For example, TDK and Maxell both tweaked their formulations many times over the years to make better, higher and more consistent output from the SA and XLII offerings. If you’re a collector I suppose it’s fun and all, but to actually use the tapes I’ll take newer versions of some of those tapes pictured any day.

I have hundreds of high bias and normal bias tapes in my music collection from over the years, starting in the early 80s. I'd regularly buy Maxell and TDKs (and other brands) in 10 packs, over and over again, year after year. I'm quite satisfied with all of them. Even though a lot of those tapes are decades old, they have never failed or let me down, and only suffered wear in the worst of cases,... from dirty, damaged or sub-par players. They don't get much play time out of the storage rack, but when they do they play fine.

Nevermind that I have a couple thousand new high bias cassettes in bins and boxes. Not sure if I'll ever use them all, but they are there awaiting further disposition. On average I paid appx. $1.50/ea, more or less, but would have to scrutinize my records to determine any further.

Tapes are heavy. Shipping would be high. That much I know. Bought online in the past 5-6 years or so, but previously I'd always buy retail over the counter. Remember the old record stores?

$10-$25 per tape is not reasonable. If so, I'd be sitting on a gold mine!
I don't see a lot of people selling these for the ridiculous prices they want. What does trouble me is the lack of high bias 60 minute tape. They are a real rarity. I have a little stash so I don't have to start recording over my hi school girlfriends mixes yet (or ask her for my mixes back) but I was wondering if anyone had any experience with atozaudio.com. He has chrome tapes for a reasonable price. He says his e-series compares to maxell or tdk type ii. Any other sources of tape rather than ebay rip offs?