Why I won't buy the Tascam 2488

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Yeah, I've seen that LP before,...

I'm sure it's a really rare find! 1974! Whew!

It was done more to showcase the TEAC 3440, & home recording's capabilities, more than the music or musicians, themselves,... eh?

It's cool! Y'don't see this one on Ebay very often! It's probably a very limited and rare edition!... (like the Davemania Collection!) ;) :D
Just my 2 cents worth...

I've got the Tascam 788. Great sound, terrible options. Can't mix very well, and awfully limited with effects & stuff. Not very user friendly. Gotten ground hums a couple of times through tracks (probably through the electrical system), but otherwise, very clean sounds. Eh, it's all good. Getting my Mac G5 and Pro Tools 002 in a week, and life will be better for this mix junkie...

If the 2488 has the same quality as the 788, and you want 24 tracks to work with, how can you go wrong? Hell, I wouldn't use it for a serious tracker anyway if I were doing a serious project - although I do know how to get quality sounds out of it. Decide what you want, and go with it.
2488 and the case of the lazy mixer-dude.

I'm the boss. It's my band. My orchestra. These wonderful folks respect me because I know. And I love and respect them all dearly. These "cats" of-course exist within my imagination. That said, I'll always prefer to play with my live musician brothers and sisters. :D[/QUOTE]

your inputs are intriguing.... so your band is fully loaded, you
got me thinking i'm being lazy in my mixing skills.

from what i get, is you bring stuff IN/OUT all thru the song..
hmmm... I've been trying to set and leave there too much, kinda like
a garage band where no one "wait's for their time" everyone is just
going all the way thru the song....trying to be louder or just concentrating on themselves instead of the "recording".

i keep getting stuck.
1) Right now I'm doing an acoustic rythm/chords and a Vocal. Ok.
2) Then I might add a few licks, fillers.fun sounds pretty good with the
little SDC mic.
3) Then I put on Bass and its like...hmm?sounds fine by itself.. kinda farty sounding in the mix..
4) i think i'll quite and put down some more guitar licks, their more fun...
3again)then try the Bass again...hmmm, if i make it louder i can hear it...
but then the Vocals start muffling...fhk...

i wonder how the FHK did these guys put fhkng Orchestras down onto FHKNG MONO recorders!!! and they sound btter than my fhkng 24 track DIGITAL pure sht with 3 fart tracks????? !!! :eek:

...the hamster wakes up and the dogs go to sleep.times up.

i'm seriously thinking of offering to work for free in a studio just
to learn some more...kinda hands on. not much time tho.

so on the 2488 is it possible for me to burn a CD-R with ..lets say..
6 tracks..then send the CD-R to you...then you load up the 6 tracks,
mix and send it back??i don't get it??
Do you personally download the Raw tracks much or just do it all on the 2488?

Positive spin:
it's fhkng great having 24 tracks...no stopping and bouncing and getting
frustrated anymore for that.

now it's mixing...beings I track pretty clean now (cool,yeah baby).

my mixing skills suck at the moment, from what i know can be done on this
unit I'm missing something in the soup.

Ask youself this;

Where do I want to go and end up with my music? The 2488 is just a freakin tool. Take your time. Be patient. Don't worry. Relax dude... Relax.

Heres' an opportunity for you to say something really important with your music. Don't get caught-up in the "local, trendy" institution. We need to forget the peer-like, socially accepted, "EVERYBODY'S groovin on this stuff" type musics and listen to what really addresses your heart. :o Garage band shit doesn't do it. I've been in 15 or 20 of those. :eek: Listen to great music. You'll figure out how to pay tribute and assimulate/recreate really great shit man when you listen carefully to the really good stuff. You'll begin to play, engineer and produce masterpieces. I can tell you're that kind of cat. :p Great composers hear music in their heart first. NOT in their head. It stays in the heart longer and deeper enabeling you to play, record and finally document to media.

So, don't sweat the small stuff. Be cool like I know U R.

I'm 56 years young and have been playing music since 5 YO. Recording for about 40+ years. Allways wished I could be a great musician. NOW!

You have to go into the 2488 and "back-up" files on CD. Whatever tracks you want. But first you have to do the pre-mastering and mastering. Then go into the menu and select back-up files. Those "back-up" files, whatever you have mastered on them, can then be sent to me to down load on my unit for editing, recording or anything you want me to do with them. That's one of the beauties of the 2488. :D

490 Lock Rd. Suite #237
Deerfield Beach, FL 33442

Allway a pleasue Cool. ;)
2488 sending Raw tracks for Mixing & Mastering

BMWerks said:
The 2488 is just a freakin tool.

You have to go into the 2488 and "back-up" files on CD. Whatever tracks you want. But first you have to do the pre-mastering and mastering. Then go into the menu and select back-up files. Those "back-up" files, whatever you have mastered on them, can then be sent to me to down load on my unit for editing, recording or anything you want me to do with them. That's one of the beauties of the 2488. :D

490 Lock Rd. Suite #237
Deerfield Beach, FL 33442

Allway a pleasue Cool. ;)

this'll make me learn some more 2488 tricks! great.

how do I check that the "back-up" is done correctly?
do i put the disc in a pc, and will it show 6qty wav. files for 6 raw tracks??

somewhat confused, if I do pre-master/master then I only have 2tracks? Left & Right.

question #2:

do you do any post-matering stuff, using the USB download to pc?

seems this would be required to send numerous/raw tracks...then the
reciever has to upload from their pc using USB to the 2488.
just guessing..never done this...but could be a HUGE plus for the 2488.

question #3:
do you like the pre-amps in the 2488?
do you use outboard pre-amps?

your the Maestro...
man, can you dig it? I'm getting pumped up...this'll be a first for me...
I agree

I must say I am liking the fostex Fd 8 being that it is digital but operation is pretty much the same as analogue Recorders.

So the cross over from Anologue to digital has been pretty simple.

I have used the Vf160 and I am stupid with this recording thing but I did put together some shit hot tracks with it and it only took me half an hour to learn how to drop multiple tracks and the 8 simul rocks as I recorded my band rehearsals with it which was handy.
I gave up with the band as it sounded shit lol.

The other plus with the 160 is its effects which I loved, especially the Bpm delay that does what it sais, You put in the bpms of your track and the delays just sit beautifully instead of sitting for ages trying to work out delay times.

The only gripe with the Fd8 for me is, sheesh its hard to find the firmware updates and internal Hard drives.
Also finding the brackets to mount the Internal hard drives are not supported by Fostex any more.

I am using a Iomega 250mb zip drive at the moment but hope to find a 30g Internal Hard drive and brackets for my baby whome I love.

Regards Raver

I can't wait to afford a vf 160 ( Fostex rules for me personally )
this'll make me learn some more 2488 tricks! great.

how do I check that the "back-up" is done correctly? Erase the program material then reinstall the 2488 CD backup.example?:
do i put the disc in a pc, and will it show 6qty wav. files for 6 raw tracks??

somewhat confused, if I do pre-master/master then I only have 2tracks? Left & Right. No. you have 24 tracks when using the 2488 backup files to CD.

question #2:

do you do any post-matering stuff, using the USB download to pc? No.

seems this would be required to send numerous/raw tracks...then the
reciever has to upload from their pc using USB to the 2488.
just guessing..never done this...but could be a HUGE plus for the 2488. Interesting point Cool.

question #3:
do you like the pre-amps in the 2488?
do you use outboard pre-amps?

your the Maestro...
man, can you dig it? I'm getting pumped up...this'll be a first for me...

Cool, whats' a "raw" track? Do you mean naked signal? W/out FX, or processing of any kind? Remember! you're not "finalizing" to CD to play on other commercial CD players when "backing-up" tracks.

The manual is pretty strait forward on this one. What ever you pre-master (master) {Not to be confused with finalizing to CD for commercial CD players}can be backed up. this means, if I understand your question, that raw tracks [without any editing, EQing, FX,] OR, with any editing, EQing FX, panning etc.etc., when "backed-up" can be sent on a CD via US post and perhaps uploaded via computer to whatever destination.

Don't put the disc in a PC. Keep it away from your computer. You're getting the two envornments confused. It's not that complicated if you remain on the 2488 format. I would only use the USB ports to back-up files to my PC or, to import material to a PC based sequencer. The reason I like the 2488 is because I don't have to go into my PC for anything concerning tracking, mixing or any other production work. You can't play the "backup" CD on a regular CD player. It can only be used for storage and brought back to the 2488 for rework, editing etc.. That's why you can send it to anyone with a 2488. ( The beauty ) You can be in a band with other cats from all over the world and not have to use up your frequent flier miles! :D

So, why back up files to your PC when you can back up the 2488 files direct to CD using the infrustructure of the 2488? Your 2488 back-up files on CD should then be sent to anyone with a 2488 for whatever they want to do with them. IE, edit, re-EQ, add/subtract FX, pan, change, add or subtract dynamics, etc.etc... I don't know how to "forward" or download the 2488 backup files nor would I bother doing so. I just don't trust the ethernet with my or anyone elses intellectual properties. Once I have downloaded original material on the internet, I've made the music vulnerable to hijackers, pirates, and anybody looking for free stuff. Copyrights aren't recognized in etherspace. You're fair game. If you consider your work proprietary, security becomes priority.

Because I haven't been doing a lot of vocal works lately, I havn't had the opportunity to use the 2488 pre's. I've used several "stand-alones" through the years, tube pres have always been my favorites. Mackie's pres on all their ana desks never let me down. I've had some great success with the old Soundcraft desk pres. Lately though, (four years ago) a Focusrite preamp and the Neuman U-87 gave us startling sonic results with vocal ballads, cellos and violas.

My guess? What ever signal you through at the 2488 pres, considering the rest of the 2488's archetecture, shouldn't give you any problems even using a great mic with great mic technique. You might be hard pressed to notice any degradation between them after A/B-ing the Mackies to the 2488's pres.

Hope this was of sum help.
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Regarding the Fostex FD8,...

I'll check the firmware on my unit, asap. You may be okay with firmware levels. As far as hardmounting the 2.5" hard drive, forget about it,... use double sided sticky Velcro instead! I don't see why Velcro wouldn't work in this situation. The next hardest thing would be to find the appropriate cable,... a 50-pin/1mm spacing v-hi-density E-IDE cable for 2.5" hard drives. I don't know about you, but I've had a difficult time finding this cable!

I'll forward more FD8 info, asap. ;)
Reel's Tascam 2488: starship log 2005427: Gearheads...

this should be fun..ummm...i mean a <serious> test of the unit.

i'm trying to get to the "backup" attempt...tonight.

sorry, my term (probably incorrect terminology)
is raw tracks = "non-mastered"
not yet mixed down to 2 tracks...you know like 6 or 14 tracks is Raw,
versus 2 track/Left and Right is mixed down.

i like this "backup" idea, i think... so i can keep the harddrive empty
and also have a nice "saved version on CD-R"?
...the manual is coming
back out.
never used it much so far, user friendly unit.

not a glitch yet...totally happy with it.

picked up a pair of used Active M-Audio B5 for $165pr at the local shop.
i didn't need 'em but i'm a cheap-speaker whore. got 15days.
they sound great with a sub...i just had to try 'em.

different sound totally from the little B&W303, but 5b's are nice...

monitors are very user preference for sure.

off to the "backup" manual!!!

Please don't get me started about monitors!

You guys can have your dinky 6" or 8" so-called reference monitors! All of 'em!

My sound system has 8 loudspeakers, consisting of 2-pairs of 15"-4-ways, 1-pair of 12"-3-ways with 12" passive radiator, and one pair of 10"-3-way speakers, wired in 2-pair-series, to present the proper 8 ohm load to the reciever, when A+B speakers are used simultaneously.

See this post:

and this post:

this should be fun..ummm...i mean a <serious> test of the unit.

i'm trying to get to the "backup" attempt...tonight.

sorry, my term (probably incorrect terminology)
is raw tracks = "non-mastered"
not yet mixed down to 2 tracks...you know like 6 or 14 tracks is Raw,
versus 2 track/Left and Right is mixed down.

i like this "backup" idea, i think... so i can keep the harddrive empty
and also have a nice "saved version on CD-R"?
...the manual is coming
back out.
never used it much so far, user friendly unit.

not a glitch yet...totally happy with it.

picked up a pair of used Active M-Audio B5 for $165pr at the local shop.
i didn't need 'em but i'm a cheap-speaker whore. got 15days.
they sound great with a sub...i just had to try 'em.

different sound totally from the little B&W303, but 5b's are nice...

monitors are very user preference for sure.

off to the "backup" manual!!!


Right, Cool. You even have to back up your work eventually to make room for new "songs". It just happened to me a few nights ago. I went to do a master of something I was reeeeeeally into and the unit's digital counter stoped about 2:39 short of my set out. freeked the shit out of me. Thought I broke it. Sooooo,,, I through 10 or 12 pieces onto CD-Rs for backups, [this took a couple hours W/ lableing, indexing etc.] continued with the mastering, problem solved.

Now I have a good idea as to how much data the unit will keep on the HD. They say up to "about" 20 "songs" But, it all depends how much data you put in a "song" and, whether your "songs" are songs or full-blown, multipleMIDI, full length, orchestrated compositions.

Remember that when you do a backup, you backup everthing you've done on that "song" including all the tracks and information there-in. When you restore the song(s) to the 2488 again, you esentially pick up right where you left off before you backed the material up to CD.

"Saved version on CD-R"? Right! ;) Not 2 trk master though. nothing is perminently frozen to two tracks while remaining on the hard drive. Every "Master" that remains within the unit stays editable. Even if you've completed the master. Ofcourse, when you burn a "finalized" CD-R, that is commercially playable, the CD can never be restored for edit, extra tracks, etc.

So, you "save" information to CD-R for future editing. Then you "burn" a "finalized" copy to CD-R to play on your commercial CD player.

Some of my backups use up to 3 or 4 CDs (one "song") and take 35 to 45 minutes to store. But that's OK because I can make precious changes and tweaks to material I've recorded a year ago. Too much reverb, not enough dynamics etc. I do stuff on the 2488 in 4 or 5 hours that would have taken me with my analog gear 4 to 5 DAYS! And, I'm not a rocket scientist. :o

Somehow, I like the sound of "raw tracks". Like, "naked events" or, "bare facts".......................................... :eek:

Later Mr. Dude.
REEL's got a 15 inch'er

daaang REEL...how many guitar cases you travel with??

ok, so maybe you don't need a sub with 15qty 15" speakers!
actually, those mid size 3ways loooked sweet.

daang... i've never seen one person have so much frkn equipment??
so you startin' a equipment rental agency along with your recording-practice palace??
it's funny you mentioned that about ALL THE SPEAKERS goin'...
i had all three pairs of mine + sub going and thought..damn this sounds pretty
good?? but then when i went back to one pair it sounded dead n' empty?
why wouldn't you use a few pairs at the same time...cover more range and
"best of both worlds?" hmm? 4qty speakers pairs...

yo-Maestro on the 2488... i ain't got in there yet. days flyin by.
it sounds fairly straight forward..reading.
i'll have to do it a couple times to believe it..

excellent, excellent post on that last one, you wrote..

it even saves the EQ settings?Pan? yeah, thats sweet.

???any certain brand CD-R you use? been using Maxell blue backs-WalMart/Target kind...seem to be really acceptable to scratches.

gotta run...


???any certain brand CD-R you use? been using Maxell blue backs-WalMart/Target kind...seem to be really acceptable to scratches.

Cool, nope. The cheaper the better. I get-em in lots of a hundred. $32.95 at Office Max. I make a lot of mistakes, use a lot of-em. I understand that (as long as they're purchased in sealed packs,) they all have to meet QC requirements. Hospitals, US government, FBI, ATF, CIA use CD-Rs from a lot of different manufacturers. There is a "standard". IMO they all sound pretty much the same.

Reel, When do you think you'll start running out of room for all your gear? And, are you still aquiring equipment? Do you do any trading? Do you do any minor repairs on mixers? Do you have any keyboards? How do you store all your analog reels?

I have an M-2516 W/ MIDI mute, sceans etc.. that needs some attention with the head phone amp/insert. Not a major problem. 60mm faders 16 tracks 8 groups. Still sounds supper clean for 15 YO. Used it for my TSR-8 when I was still in analog. I have about 35 reels of 8 track 1/2" tape with lots of MIDI tracks synced via M-230 MIDI sync box. I could store it all on the 2488 {track by track} but that would require boo-koo time and effort. And, knowing there's no outside interest in the projects' material, what's the use of keeping and storing it all?

My TSR-8 needs work. Heads need alignment and the Digital counter doesn't count. Acurately. I bought it when I was doing a lot of vocal recording. Dolby S type. Think I might keep it just in case digital (2488) goes the way of the dynasour. :eek:

Saw a bunch of your gear pics. I'm deffinetly impressed man. ;)
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I ran out of room long ago. Stuff is double- and triple-stacked in some cases. There's stuff in boxes, stuff in closets, stuff in the garage, and I have a whole other room full of stuff, eh,... recording gear. I'm still acquiring equipment. Don't ask me why. What's pictured is probably only half of it.

I like to think that I do repairs, but I hardly ever have time to mess with stuff like that any more. I have at least half a dozen half-cracked unfinished fixit projects,... some over 2 years old. I'm lucky if I remember how all the pieces fit together now.

I store my reels the old fashioned way. :eek: ;)
Not that!! You wouldn't......

I store my reels the old fashioned way. :eek: ;)[/QUOTE]

You don't mean.... :confused: you mean to tell me....... :( c'mon, you wouldn't :mad: .........and never look back :confused: ????????? What if............ :eek: :(
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