The Siefer Vs. Cloneboy Poll

Siefer or Cloneboy

  • Siefer

    Votes: 25 67.6%
  • Cloneboy

    Votes: 12 32.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Cloneboy Studio said:
Except you didn't record that, you only sang on it. :rolleyes:

Nice try.

Piss poor doubles on the vocals--sounds like a bad chorus. Wait--that must be the autotune. I guess my drums could sound "great" like yours (oh, I mean whoever recorded this) if I used DFH like they do. Maybe I should just use Ampfarm next time, eh? Bad definition on the bass... and did I mention the wretched vocals?

I may record less-than-stellar musicians, but at least I'm not one myself.

If it's okay to bring in old projects I'll bring this:

Unlike the other mix, I actually spent some time on it.

Although this 16 year old kid can't sing for shit, my production makes him sound a whole hell of a lot better than your sorry ass. I didn't even autotune him...

Did anyone else listen to that mp3, or just me?

I'm sorry, but if that was a finished product, why all the hiss?

I'm not trying to get involved in this flaming exercise, I truly want to know. Is that they way it's supposed to be? I mean, is it part of the song? Really, I'm not trying to sound like a dick! I honestly want to know...
jake-owa said:
It was way back in the original challenge thread. Like page 9 or 12. :rolleyes:


He never posted one.

Because most of you fucks are morons and can't read a post or retain one ounce of information.

The noise at the beginning of the song is what's left from the introductory lead-in the band wanted.
jake-owa said:
You are such a heel biter. You are the typical "i'm-gonna-bitch-about-how-much-you-guys-bitch" BITCH.
Thats a funny way to try to defend your endless crying in these forums.
apl said:
Oh, wow, seifer wins! I like it!

No one has won anything here.

If the dudes were mixing the SAME song it would have been a real contest.

All of this boasting and bullcrap hasn't proven a thing.

On second thought, hmmm, it has proven one thing. It has proven that boasters rarely produce, and producers rarely boast.
60's guy said:

No one has won anything here.

If the dudes were mixing the SAME song it would have been a real contest.

All of this boasting and bullcrap hasn't proven a thing.

On second thought, hmmm, it has proven one thing. It has proven that boasters rarely produce, and producers rarely boast.

Good response! 60's guy wins!
Siefer can be a bit of an asshole but that tune and that mix sounded pretty bad ass to me. It's a stupid contest being that they are mixing different tunes and all but Siefer gets my vote this round.
Be Loveless said:
Siefer can be a bit of an asshole but that tune and that mix sounded pretty bad ass to me. It's a stupid contest being that they are mixing different tunes and all but Siefer gets my vote this round.

Be Loveless is the winner!
Wow, Seifer is ahead 70%-30%. Even though this poll is not about the mix contest, it's pretty bad when an asshat like Seifer has more votes than CloneBone.
60's guy said:
If the dudes were mixing the SAME song it would have been a real contest.


I'm favoring Cloneboy and here are my reasons.

Seifer's song was one he had personally written. IMO it's easier to mix your own song because you know exactly what sound you want and you most likely know the direction you'll be going. Seifer's song was also not mixed during the debate, but was one he had mixed before and was happy with, while Clone's was mixed during.

Siefers song is also a simple three piece. If the drums ARE real, he made them sound like an over quantized midi piece from the Yamaha Qy series. Same with the bass. There are no vocals. I DO like the guitar sound and I think it's the sole reason the song gets any praise.

Clone's song wasn't written by him which means he had to find direction. He was also dealing with "real" live instruments, including vocals, and was on a deadline.

I can't see how the two can be compared. :cool:
Siefer posted a mostly sampled piece from way before the contest(I remember when he originally posted it), and Cloneboy showed an actual piece that was recorded during the contest with all real instruments. Cloneboy wins until Siefer can actually produce. I'd like to see Cloneboy pull out his "best mix" from before the mixing contest. It sounded like the band he recorded had shitty gear.