New Members: Introduce Yourself Here!

Whatsup yall I'm an aspiring rapper from Los Angeles, CA. Been doing this for a couple years now looking to broaden my brand and expand my network. This looks like a dope site so I'll stay active on this and hopefully I'll meet and collaborate with some of you! Peace !
Hi There... I am a complete novice, and planning to be purchasing a Lexicon Alpha studio, so in a while I'm likely to be needing help. What I would like to record is spoken word, i.e drama and stories with background music, sfx etc, as well as soundtracks for animated films. I live in London. That's about all for now


My first advice, having owned an Alpha, is that it will not give you enough gain for a mic that is designed for spoken word like a SM7. You will also be limited by the fact that it has no phantom power for condenser mics, if you choose to go there. I would do some more research Rod.

Welcome to the forum! :D
Hi folks,

From Melbourne, Australia. Looking to get better at audio for various reasons. This looks like an excellent forum.
Hello there, I'm an aspiring singer-songwriter from Brazil. Looking for advice on my self-produced home recorded tracks. Hope people don't mind songs in Portuguese :]
Hi! My name is Kiara. I am here to learn how can i record a decent quality voice over at home with garage band. I don't have any aditional mic connected, i use the built in mic, which is not bad. Before i had no problems, now i hear some background fan noise, some say it's gain. I tried to lower volume in general settings, and lower dB but the fan is still there. Can you advise me what to do to get rid of the fan? Or maybe once and forever i can invest in a good mic and set up my settings? Please help!!!! Thank you.
I'm Everyday. I have a little home studio that I've been building on for a while, also trying to get my feet wet in the DIY realm. As much as I would love to be a musician, I am not which is why I stick to the engineering/production side of it all. Eventually I'd like to start a studio for at risk kids to have a place of the streets to learn all sides of the music industry (hopefully sheilding them a bit from the EVIL side).
Hi, I'm Sedge, and I'm currently the "sound-guy" for a local hard rock band. I've been behind a mixing board since the mid '90s, doing some radio, party DJ, karaoke DJ, and live sound. I'm completely new to recording, though, and it's quite a challenge. The gear we use is a mix of the band's gear, and things I've acquired over the years, although for the recording side, we've got a very tight budget, so most of it is just me buying things that I think might work out of my own pocket. This means no $2000 hard drive multi-track recorders, probably not even a full Pro Tools license. Luckily, most of our gear is pretty solid, good quality stuff - mostly Carvin, dbx, and Shure, although we do have some Behringer stuff as well.

This looks like a great place to learn and share my experiences as I figure out how to record live on a budget.

Just signed up I am a complete recording novice.Used to play in bands but musical differences put paid to career in music! However still kept my guitars. Now I am older not much more wiser got myself a laptop and thought I have ago at making some music.Bought a Behringer UCA 222 interface. So wish me luck.
ahem. Jax Here. Got busted by girls 3 times :wtf: but never in my entire music career. An amateur producer here wishing to own an MPC...Have a nice day everyone.
Been messing about with DAW's from a young age, still at a young age and still messing about.
Minimal home setup, always looking to improve it (in my mind)

Few sounds may come about on here my SoundCloud and thats about it!

First recording related forum I have joined, sweet.
Greetings and Salivations O' Young Bloods!
May you find the "mute" button for your significant other. :)

Let me introduce myself...I am MarkAlan. I've been playing guitar and singing for over 40 years, home recording for around 3. Looking forward to reading the posts and learning as much as I can. Hopefully I'll learn a lot and maybe add a little as well.
Hi I'm new!!

Hi. I'm Matt and I've been playing guitar forever. I recorded a demo cd a long time ago using a 4 track cassette recorder and a windows 98 pc, and I'm finally ready to start recording with much better equipment! I have a lot of questions so I will ask them in the appropriate threads. Thanks!