New Members: Introduce Yourself Here!

Hey guys, im new to recording. ive written a few songs as a single artist and never recorded anything so im thinkin about screwing around and putting a few songs together until i can establish a band :) id love for your support when i get some stuff recorded as well as ill give you guys support (i respect all kinds of music)

Love you user name man! Welcome to the forum man. :)
Hi. I'm Jacky. I was lead singer for a hair metal band in the eighties but quit that to get a "real" job. That real job made me some decent money but I was never really happy. I finally figured out that my passion was and has always remained music and that being a hobby musician just wasn't enough for me. I realized I had to make a choice between staying well-off and miserable or becoming a poor starving musician but happy. Guess which I picked :guitar: If I had managed my money better the choice may not have had to be so drastic but such is life.

So, after twenty-five years out of the scene I'm throwing fortune to the wind and we'll see if I can manage to make a living in music.

Twenty-five years ago I was moderately knowledgeable about recording and mixing but back then it was all big studio stuff so I expect between what I've forgotten and the drastic changes in technology I have a lot too learn to get to the level of creating and recording some quality music at home. So that is why I'm here. I learned of this site through a home recording blog the URL to which I am forbidden to post because I am too new. That's understandable. It's a pretty good blog and has some really good info but it is only one person's point of view and limited to the subjects and tools the blogger chooses to write about. I'm hoping to learn about other tools and techniques and to hear differing opinions on this site to round out my self education. As I learn more and gain experience I will begin to contribute more of my own opinions, but for now I'll mostly be lurking and asking questions.

I look forward to getting to know some of you.

Best wishes,

Jacky Daniel
Hi, I'm Ed'.

I play the guitar in a french psychelic band named Strange Milk. You can find us on facebook if you want.
Music has been a big part of life for a long time now, but I began to develop a great interest in recording and mixing those last few months, so here I am.
My name's Tyler. I play bass, piano, guitar and dabble in singing. I do some mixing and I hope to do more recording once I get new toys. I'm looking forward to juicing this site for all the information I can get.

I'm an average guy with a microphone who enjoys singing. I enjoy both regular singing but also toying with my voice to see what kind of effects I can produce.

Looking forward to partaking!
Hello ... Let me say that I'm a newbie to home recording. I've been playing music (off and on) for fourty years (yes ... 40) and have recently become serious about using current computer technology to capture and edit my musical meanderings. Up until recently home recording was an expensive task (even with computers) but now there are less expensive methods to record. I have a PC a dedicated sound card (Soundblaster Live.. I know it's an older one), an input device (Digitech RP-155 guitar pedal), Guitars and basses, and a DAW (Reaper 3.6), VSTs, and ASIO4all driver.

I'd like to communicate from anyone who has a similar set-up ... compare notes and tips. .... Thnx all .. great community!
Hi Everyone! My name is Keith and I live in Sydney, Australia right on the Beach (where else?)
Have been on this Forum for a coupla weeks now and have found it a great resource for info.
I have a 38 with an M-308 and a dozen guitars (& a Sitar) and am still learning stuff every day.
I sing and play in a small band and still do (free) gigs every so often.
When I say "still", I mean I used to get paid for it (back in the '70's!!!)
Music was my life then, till I fell in love with the perfect woman.
Anyway, she threw me out a coupla years ago, so now I'm back to my first love!
Best part is, this beaatch don't complain when I bust her G string!!

So thanks to HR, I can look forward to living Happily ever after!!
York-c, Boz-g, and Cloey-b, welcome to the forum! Sure we will share a laugh and sing a song. Or criticize each others jokes and material. :D
Hi! I´m Malisan! I write rock and heavy metal music. I play guitar as my main instrument. Been playing for 20 years now. I want to learn all about recording and mixing :) Thank you for letting me join!

Best regards
