Micing vs miking

Micing always sounds to me like something to do with rodents.

And I certainly don't know who this Mike guy and why he's involved in recording so ubiquitously either.


Cheers :)
I've always preferred mic'ing or mic-ing. Like f'ing or f-ing. Mike is someones name and looks shite when people use it to talk about Microphones.
I probably wouldn't actually use "synching" now that I think about it. I'd find a way around it...

Once we've got this sorted, can we work out the correct past tense of the verb "DI"... I DI'd the bass or I DId the bass or I DIed the bass.... :D

If you DId the bass, you probably DIed because of the electricity.
This post may have to be nominated as one of the silliest in 2014. (but we've got a long way to go)

My wife pronounces 'mic' as "mick" - maybe its a Canadian thing. She'll say 'are you going to an open mick this week?' And I correct her and she still says it wrong.
So for the posters I made up for the Open Mic I am hosting, I called it "Mike's Open Mike" - which got comments from others, of course. :rolleyes:

mics looks more wrong than mikes; miced looks more wrong than miked; micing looks more wrong than miking.
I consulted with my navel and it told me it was "mic" if you're talking about one or miking if your talking about the process of.

I'm Canadian and I say "mic" spell it mic, mic'ed and mic'ing.

In high school, when i used to work at a Famous Players Theater (now Cineplex Odeon) the inside of the control boxes inside each theater were so annoying...there was a button to turn on the cordless house mic to make announcements and the light-up button inside the box was labelled "Mike". And it was actually engraved ON the button. What the hell?! Was it some kind of button to call upon some average joe (Mike) super hero?! So annoying.

I digress.
I think this would be a perfect discussion to have, once everyone gets a handle on two, to and too, and there, their and they're.
I think this would be a perfect discussion to have, once everyone gets a handle on two, to and too, and there, their and they're.

Well, it is a French board and lots of people with English as a second language. can't get too picky.
This post may have to be nominated as one of the silliest in 2014. (but we've got a long way to go)

My wife pronounces 'mic' as "mick" - maybe its a Canadian thing. She'll say 'are you going to an open mick this week?' And I correct her and she still says it wrong.
So for the posters I made up for the Open Mic I am hosting, I called it "Mike's Open Mike" - which got comments from others, of course. :rolleyes:

mics looks more wrong than mikes; miced looks more wrong than miked; micing looks more wrong than miking.

Should we be surprised that Mike thinks mikes, miked and miking look better?