let me see your studio!

good idea to post pix?

  • this thread suxxxx

    Votes: 46 3.6%
  • not interested in peeking into other's bedrooms

    Votes: 19 1.5%
  • is that an Ozbourne poster on the wall?? Yikes!

    Votes: 62 4.9%
  • man -- when did you clean up the last time?

    Votes: 185 14.5%
  • I am so jeleous! Can I move into your house??

    Votes: 963 75.5%

  • Total voters
cincy_kid said:
I dont see any room treatment, but nice gear indeed ;)

No I don't have any, other than heavy curtains to keep the street sounds out. Is it really that important? I was about to put some art up on the walls.
Room/Studio :)




Freudian Slip said:
Hey True! how is ya. Working on my room right now. Green & purple is the theme for now. When I get it dont I hope to post pictures of both of my rooms. Rooms are so small though I need a fish eye lens to get much of a picture :rolleyes:

Hi FS! I am good! Green and Purple seems to be popular now. I am going to stick with my red I think.

I need a camera first, to post any pictures of my itty bitty studio...but all you would see are dark red untreated walls, some acoustic ceiling panels and a LOT of GASssss... :eek: :D
true-eurt said:
Nice Jamtheguitarman...is that an Ibanez and a Strat...?

The 6 string on the right is a Double fat :p Strat. Basically an American model strat with a dimarzio and Seymore Duncan pickup.
My first proper proper guitar which i ordered through some store in London without ever playing it, (not knowing any better.)
I got lucky though, ive never played a nicer guitar.

The 7 sting on the left is a Conklin Groove Tools, which is the only factory shelf line they did a while back (unfortunately its not one of the 5k melted wood custom guitars!)
I got it pretty cheap of ebay, its not bad. Not great but for the price its pretty decent.

I am soo jealous of those darn double wide screens

I want more!
Ive got another 17" flat screen which i wouldn't mind hooking up so ive got a separate screen for video. Its probably not worth the effort to get it all working though :)
Yes very nice Jam! I went two screen a while back and it sure speeds up the mixing process.

Hey true:) Too bad about the gas problem :eek: :D ?

Had a red wall in our living room for quite a while. Was a bit too red though... Decided it was time for a change. The wife loves painting, god knows why... She painted my control room for me though so I ain't complaining :D

jamtheguitarman....Sometimes taking chances pay off eh?

The Strat is drooling material. How about a center-fold of her? ;)

I don't recall ever seeing a Conklin before...learn something new every day.

See...to those of you, who 'Pffffft' at me....all my post counts have not been in vain.... :D

Thanks for the response Jam!! :)
Freud...thank you for your empathy on my Gasss.... :eek: Now, that is what I call a friend!!! :D

It is always a plus, to have a happy painter in the house!!

I can't wait to get started, on 'properly' treating my dungeon.

jamtheguitarman said:
I want more!
Ive got another 17" flat screen which i wouldn't mind hooking up so ive got a separate screen for video. Its probably not worth the effort to get it all working though :)

At this point money well spent would be some bass traps. ;)
IMG_ 5877s: Here’s the mix monitors with grey Studio Traps in between and four black Studio Traps (you can see two) on each side creating the Attack Wall subspace. If you turn around from this point, you will see my Midi keyboard, monitor, interface, etc. I had to move three Studio Traps out of the way to take the picture, because they lurk right behind my chair (about where this picture was taken) when I’m mixing or monitoring. This mix situation is a bit atypical, since there is essentially nothing within the Attack Wall subspace, not even a console, just me and a chair. However, that dramatically improves the clarity of image by removing the sources of comb filtering.

I reconfigure all the black ones when tracking to range in a 4 foot circle or so about a mike or mikes and create the Quick Sound Field subspace.

IMG_ 5878s: Here’s my homemade drum kit. I made the shells from 1” lumber.

IMG_ 5879s: Here’s the 3M M-23 ¼” 2-track. The transport is up-ended because I need to do some rewiring on the stack plate and associated deck plate connector. I also need to install the transport and electronics in a pair of portable cases and build a sort of roll around console to set them on.

IMG_ 5880s: Here’s the 3M M-79 ½” 4-track.

IMG_ 5881s: Here’s my Gibson Ripper electric bass, the Gibson Melody Maker, the famous “red box” I made for the Stick (PAiA limiter, preamp and super tone control for each channel), along with my old Traynor tube guitar amp and my homemade guitar cab with 2 different 10” drivers wired to separate jacks. The right one is a Jensen P10R reissue. My MXR digital delay is on the cab. You can also see the Altec 1567a lurking just behind the Stick and the Ripper. On the shelf below are the Great River preamp and the Sound Devices MixPre.

More in another post...




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IMG_ 5882s: Here are my old Roland analog synths (SH-09 above and Juno-6 below). The Roland Vocoder is lurking behind the SH-09. The old Traynor tube bass amp head is to the left of the Stick and below and in front of it is my homemade bass cab with a piezo tweeter and Eminence 12” bass driver. A cheap keyboard my little girls like to play is blocking the view of the bass cab somewhat. You can also see the dumbek and a cheap, homemade mandolin like instrument a friend bought for me in Tahiti. A green body Ibanez Strat lurks behind the SH-09, also.

IMG_ 5883s: You can see the Casio CZ-1. That’s just a portable keyboard stand with a sheet of plywood on it so I can have space in front for the mouse, keyboard and a few goodies. I like easy tear down. The spare M-79 transport lurks behind and down low and sometimes I need to get in there and get something.

The Mac is actually out in the other room, just outside the double doors, for noise isolation. It isn’t obvious but this is a basement room that is a sort of storm cellar style construction, where all the walls and even the ceiling are at least 8” of concrete, so when the double doors are closed tight (they seal), it is below threshold of hearing quiet (assuming I turn the Casio off, because I can hear it’s power supply’s hum). You can see the DrumKat and monitor on the left. Above and behind is the Roland line mixer I use to monitor the 4-track when tracking and a TX802. Just above and behind the Casio are the M-Audio Omni I/O breakout box, the VU meters I use for monitoring main levels, patchbays, the old Nakamichi cassette and a few odds and ends, such as the RNC and headphone amp. I’m pretty lean on processing gear these days, which I like.

IMG_ 5884s: Here’s a better view of the DrumKat and the little half table that supports the old monitor. You can see the Shallco stepped pot in a little project box on the floor under the monitor and keyboard. That’s used to adjust monitor gain in a calibrated and controlled way.

IMG_ 5885s: The double doors… The outer one is steel, the inner one is solid core. Both have seals all around the door threshold and I have a piece of wood that lays on the floor between the closed doors and has seals on it, if need be. I have to bolt the inner door to keep a tight seal.




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cincy_kid said:
ok, I have to ask, I was goign to before but what is GASssss ? :))))

Beings that I've had this syndrome for years....I will do my best. :D

Gasssss is Gear Acquisition Syndrome....G.A.S., a Syndrome known, to be in Epidemic proportions amongst Musicians...and yes...it is highly contagious and progressive to those of a creative, passionate nature(Accordion, Bagpipe and Spoon players being immune to this Syndrome :p ).

Please use extreme caution, when socializing with this Species....

G.A.S. sufferers crave Audio and Music GEAR of all kinds and although the cravings seem to be relieved when a purchase is made, it is never enough. They will go back for more and more...a Music shop of any source to a G.A.S. sufferer, is what a Casino is to a Gambler.

It is an insatiable passion. The true G.A.S sufferer is happiest when amidst their harem of purchases, in the Studio dwelling of said harem.

They are prone to spend more time with their G.E.A.R. lovers than human ones.

You can sometimes spot the extreme G.A.S. sufferers, on their rare appearances in public to other places than music shops, by their tendency to speak in rhymes as they head bang the counter top.

In some extreme instances...sliding across the floor on bent knees while screeching out Yeaaaaaah!! ....or grabbing a broom in the houseware section, strumming violently and concluding their psycho performance, by breaking the broom over a customer's head...hey, this is not as uncommon as one may think :eek:

Due to the ego-eccentric tendency of this Species to deny any addictive behavours...and their Manic tendencies to 'purchase and hide' GEAR from non-musician family and friends, they tend to be isolated in their OBSESSION from those non-musicians...(although quite jolly).

This type of isolation aloneness, also leads to a somewhat late diagnosis(of course, diagnosis only serves one purpose)...it gives the GASssss sufferer a good 'excuse' for 'why' they purchased their loved one, a Fat Strat Kit and year's subscription to Guitar Player, for the so-said loved one's birthday...'together' time they pass it off as.... ;)

G.A.S. is usually only diagnosed, once it has reached it's out-of-control stage...spreading quickly throughout the G.A.S. sufferer's heart and soul....speaking of soul...you best watch that carefully..there have been extreme GASssss sufferers known to bargain at that level ! :eek:

Once G.A.S. has fully developed, it can require much financial resource, time, blood-sweat and tears, to maintain and keep it appeased.

G.A.S. when not addressed and treated properly can also lead to depression and abnormal behavour...such as performances on street corners and even worse......Karaoke !!!! :eek:

If this level of depression and self-abasement has been reached...an Excorcism is highly recommended.

There are no known cures for G.A.S and the only known treatment for this syndrome, is at music shops...mail order music shops...e-bay...pawn shops.

For the majority of G.A.S. sufferers, the treatments mentioned above, only provide short term relief from the symptoms....and because the periods of remission are brief, it leaves the G.A.S sufferer in a constant state of danger, to be quickly re-inflamed, with a full blown GASsssssssss incident.

There is immediate danger in the mere mention, or sight of Gear.

There is also a high death rate amidst G.A.S. sufferers in relationships....finances...and even higher rate, of 'Sanity Depletion'.

Some of the GEAR losses being so extreme, the sufferers are forced to putting boxes and wooden spoons, air guitars and curling irons back on 'Wallstreet's' High-Share-Dividends list again and again.

Some musicians go for years without diagnosis, only to be scorned upon as eccentrics, who never mature enough to be well adjusted, contributing citizens....other than to entertain the masses during drunken Celebrations of Dancing Naked In The Streets. :eek:

There is very little research being done, to find the cause or cure of this Syndrome and while most musicians suffer from some form of it...who knows those who could be afflicted next...perhaps even the Accordion, Bagpipe and Spoon players?...naw.. :D

There is little understanding amidst the Mental Health profession of this affliction...hell, there is little understanding amidst the Music professions!!!

Mothers...guard your children!!!

NOTE:... to ALL Accordion, Bagpipe and Spoon players...I am joking...! I love ya guys!! :) I love the Bagpipes!!! :cool:
OK, I figured out a webhost for my pictures that may actually work, so I'm going to try to embed the picture links here...

Mix monitors and Attack Wall...

Drum set...

3M M-23 awaiting some help...

3M M-79 ready to go...

Guitar, amp, Stick, bass, some preamps...

Roland keyboards, bass amp...

MIDI, DAW minus CPU, etc...

Monitor, DrumKat, etc...


cincy_kid said:

WOW true, nice explanation!

thx! :D :D
You are welkom Cincy!

Happy to make ya grin!...I giggled myself and felt some sudden panic, as my mind kept producing and my fingers kept typing....realizing, that if this really is my thought process, then perhaps I, myself am ready for that Exorcism... :eek: :D