Just how do you get a record deal

My kids are all honor-roll students and respectful, upstanding citizens at their schools. If you need tips, I'll help you out.

Thanks I was actually reffering to you, I try not to bring up anyones kids on internet forums.
My unborn ones are ok :D
My son is a straight A honor roll student in the 1st grade. He can't seem to stay out of trouble though :D
LOL this thread turned into to a family bragging match.

Ok I'll go next, my sister finished 8th in Top Model Scandinavia.
Cool, so were did you stay, west coast?
The Fjords are really nice at summer time.

Pretty sure it was Bergen, though I seem to remember the name started with an "H". Possibly the name of the norwegian naval base there.

My neighbor is from Norway, though he is 100% Korean. lol So much for purity.
Lol. I'm pretty sure you could add up the violent crimes of every member of every non-rap genre in music throughout history, and it would pale in comparison to one month of rap/hip-hop. :D
I like to think that this entire thread is on topic. We're demonstrating to the OP the importance of networking and forming connections with people in the business.

I'm kind of surprised that the conversation segued from "most murders per music genre" to Norway and back without anyone mentioning the legendarily high murder rate (per capita) of Norwegian death and black metal.