Just how do you get a record deal

Good point. They rock though and are/were probably the only good thing about Norway.

Nah I'm pretty sure you find something else you'd like here as well, perhaps a fishing trip up north would do the trick :D

Btw do you remember that "Turbonegro Knockoff band" I showed you at A&A some time ago?
They've gotten huge succsess, they reckon they'll easily match TBNGR succses, and the bastards sing in Norwegian :D
I personally find it weird that their having succsess , but the press and and the shows they get to do tells another story.
Nah I'm pretty sure you find something else you'd like here as well, perhaps a fishing trip up north would do the trick :D

Btw do you remember that "Turbonegro Knockoff band" I showed you at A&A some time ago?
They've gotten huge succsess, they reckon they'll easily match TBNGR succses, and the bastards sing in Norwegian :D
I personally find it weird that their having succsess , but the press and and the shows they get to do tells another story.

I don't remember that. I'ts very rare that I read your posts.

Norway does actually sound like a great place though. If it only it were a little closer to the equator.
I don't remember that. I'ts very rare that I read your posts.

Norway does actually sound like a great place though. If it only it were a little closer to the equator.

Well you read this one, because Turbonegro Knockoff was your words, but anyhow I just thought I'd mention it if they ever cross your horizon again.

If we lived closer to equator we'd be fucked immigrationwise, :D
I visited Norway once. Extremely beautiful!!! Mountains right down to the ocean. The fjords were very cool. Definitely want to go back and see it again.
I visited Norway once. Extremely beautiful!!! Mountains right down to the ocean. The fjords were very cool. Definitely want to go back and see it again.

Cool, so were did you stay, west coast?
The Fjords are really nice at summer time.
Probably so, and you definitely don't want that. Norway's genetic purity is your biggest asset. :D

Well I've allready contributed to fuckin it up so my future offspring will be 100% royal Norwegian Vikingfjord blood + Spanish-Malaysian-Chinese-Indonesian blood :D