Hamas Attack

Tom, you're talking shit. The world is not how we would wish it to be, some won't allow it. One's primary obligation is to protect your own, in all facets of life. Israel has/is providing sufficient warning, war is what you want, war is what you will get. Stand clear. It is a defensive obligation to act, to prevent more of the same as what we saw this past weekend.
I'm not talking shit brother I'm just trying to point out to you that you're taking sides on a topic / issue that no one here on this BBS is capable of having an informed opinion about. Kool Aid (The media) taste great but it's a killer when used as it is being used.

No justifying what has gone down, no justifying what is going to go down.. Well he started it bullshit. War is not the answer but it sure keeps the ball rolling don't it.

Ball of confusion that is.

They're lying in the streets
They're dying at my feet
and it feels so wrong
Killing everywhere
No one seems to care about no one

What is all this going on?
In this world I call my home
People doing people wrong
Tell me
What is all this going on?

The media feeds us the dirty laundry they want us to talk about...It's a lot bigger world and a lot more going on than we understand in our cozy little Merican homes with a fireplace and two cats out in the yard.

. Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Caught in a landslide. No escape from reality Open your eyes Look up to the skies and see

I'm not talking shit brother I'm just trying to point out to you that you're taking sides on a topic / issue that no one here on this BBS is capable of having an informed opinion about. Kool Aid (The media) taste great but it's a killer when used as it is being used.

No justifying what has gone down, no justifying what is going to go down.. Well he started it bullshit. War is not the answer but it sure keeps the ball rolling don't it.

Ball of confusion that is.

They're lying in the streets
They're dying at my feet
and it feels so wrong
Killing everywhere
No one seems to care about no one

What is all this going on?
In this world I call my home
People doing people wrong
Tell me
What is all this going on?

The media feeds us the dirty laundry they want us to talk about...It's a lot bigger world and a lot more going on than we understand in our cozy little Merican homes with a fireplace and two cats out in the yard.

. Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Caught in a landslide. No escape from reality Open your eyes Look up to the skies and see

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I don't know what you're on about, there is more than enough information as well as history available to develop an informed opinion.

With all of the talk about how gazans will soon suffer, you know what I'm not hearing? Among those Hamas butchered, they also took hostages. Hostages they are threatening to murder on TV. What about their suffering? What about calls for their unharmed release? You're not hearing it because unfortunately too many people are fucked in the head all concerned with poor Palestinians. Maybe I'm listening/reading to the wrong, you know, "news", but I'm not seeing the Palestinians call for the release of those taken captive. I'm not seeing them condemning what Hamas did in their name. Please post it!...please provide hope the entire lot isnt a waste of humanity.

For those who speculated dead babies killed in cribs, shot, beheaded, burned, was false propaganda by Israel, they've released photos. Shame the place will soon be leveled, as it should be...a missed opportunity in Gaza for show and tell at school, like fucking macabre trading cards of dead israeli infants. Make no mistake, that is what they are taught in school, to hate Jews, the only good Jew is a dead Jew. Proven fact.
I don't know what you're on about, there is more than enough information as well as history available to develop an informed opinion.
What I'm telling you Mick is that neither you or I know enough on this matter to take a side or advise on how to proceed. You carte blanche go off with the wipe em off the face of the earth in a very willy nilly matter of fact manner. Based upon your statements you feel vindicated in that stance. I don't. You've heard enough to say don't waste my time with any other bullshit...wrong is wrong and fuck em! Based on your stance here , knowing your a intelligent dude I'm thinking you haven't read or watched all the video's posted here that reveal the pandoras box of misinformation and preconceived ideas your basing your stance on. You chose not to waste your time...fortunately your stance nor mine has any real effect of what is going down or what will be going down. Unfortunately it is going down and it is beyond our paygrade to stop it. We can all stand back on the sidelines and pontificate on the right and wrong of all this but in the end that's all we are doing. Personally as I sit in my golden throne of judgement here and going through the evidence provided and I can honestly say I am feeling like there is evidence tampering going here. I can't in good conscience make a without a doubt informed decision / opinion other than this is surely a horrible situation. Just like the many other horrible situations going on in this world that are not on our radar because of what the media choses to feed us. None of which are going to be resolved quickly or easily. There no easy answers to these Solomon wisdom worthy problems that need to be solved.
What is this what the Israeli's did a few days before the attack... nonsense? C'mon, man, Hamas didn't pull this together that quickly. the attack obviously took longer than "a few days" to plan.
Yes indeed! Weeks or months of planning.
.... there is more than enough information as well as history available to develop an informed opinion.
Absolutely! Unfortunately, far too few people alive today, college students, in particular, are students of ancient or modern history being taught by revisionist college professors who predominately oppose the existence of Israel, professors whom also reject the opinions and foresight of the Founders of the United States.

One day, and one only one day thereafter, and then every day thereafter it was declared that the State Of Israel should NOT exist within the boundaries of an Islamic World. Words and actions of every neighboring country since 1949 is proof positive that Israel is fighting a winless war. In that region of the world every living Jew is a continuous living threat to them. Hamas aside, every neighboring country in the region relishes the fact that it's a forgone conclusion that Israel can't possibly hope to win a winless war. The leaders of every nation in that region of the world are aligned.
Let's do the numbers, shall we? I had last heard it (a few years ago) that were only about 12 million remaining Jews on Earth as a result of Hitler's efforts to eradicate Jews in entirety.
To date, country by country..

Currently, from what I have read, the best hope for every Israeli citizen is to emigrate to the United States to avoid losing their lives at the hands of dastardly bad boys who can't read, or write. It stands to reason that 30% of Jews (on Earth) are still living in fear.

That said:

Given the situation that a Jewish state in the region has long been proven to be unacceptable to desert dwellers, Saudi's among them, certainly to say the least, perhaps it's high time to get out of Dodge.

I understand it that Israel continues to defend itself, but the odd are overwhelming.

There's an abundance of land in the U.S., government owned or otherwise that could be made useful to house Israelis escaping a death sentence.
Absolutely! Unfortunately, far too few people alive today, college students, in particular, are students of ancient or modern history being taught by revisionist college professors who predominately oppose the existence of Israel, professors whom also reject the opinions and foresight of the Founders of the United States.

One day, and one only one day thereafter, and then every day thereafter it was declared that the State Of Israel should NOT exist within the boundaries of an Islamic World. Words and actions of every neighboring country since 1949 is proof positive that Israel is fighting a winless war. In that region of the world every living Jew is a continuous living threat to them. Hamas aside, every neighboring country in the region relishes the fact that it's a forgone conclusion that Israel can't possibly hope to win a winless war. The leaders of every nation in that region of the world are aligned.
Let's do the numbers, shall we? I had last heard it (a few years ago) that were only about 12 million remaining Jews on Earth as a result of Hitler's efforts to eradicate Jews in entirety.
To date, country by country..

Currently, from what I have read, the best hope for every Israeli citizen is to emigrate to the United States to avoid losing their lives at the hands of dastardly bad boys who can't read, or write. It stands to reason that 30% of Jews (on Earth) are still living in fear.

There's an abundance of land in the U.S., government owned or otherwise that could be made useful to house Israelis escaping a death sentence.

This is a holy war.

Yeah, maybe you're catching on. That's the way it works, dummy.

I'll add. This is a holy war only for those who have made it so. May they die a horrible, painful death, forever silencing the infamous anthem for death and destruction from their mouths.
I find myself saying to myself how thankful I am that I haven't seen videos of children being being slaughtered.but
This is a holy war.
Yes it is. No more or less than the war in the Ukraine is nothing more than a territorial war.
The war at hand in Israel is a continuous example of a religious war. Never ending.
I love this guy. This is what Israel is up against.

I'm sure Ilhan "Some people did some things" Omar, Rashida Tlaib and AOC love him too and promote every word of his as irrefutable truth.

How long until Omar and/or Tlaib walk into congress wearing a bomb belt?


Israel has a right to maintain a Jewish state, a safe haven for Jews against persecution and murder.
I believe they lost their God-given right to that when they murdered Jesus lol.
The so called one state solution would undo that.
Should black Americans get their own country carved out of Taiwan because they have a history of being persecuted?
Although there are "Palestinians" currently holding office, believe it or not in apartheid Israel, it would literally be suicidal for Israel to allow the possibility of a majority "Palestinian" government.
Although there are "blacks" currently holding office, it would be suicidal for us Whites to allow the possibility of a majority "black" government. [extreme retroactive satire alert rofl]