Hamas Attack

It is really not as complicated as it would seem. The "Palestinians" hate Jews more than they love their own children. The suffering is self inflicted. If you're given...given plows, and you forge them into weapons of war, war is what you will get in return. The shit flying over the border into Israel is so common it doesn't even make the news. Now this? "Palestine from the river to the sea"? Proportional force my ass. Be done with it! Level that fucking place.
FWIW as others have stated here it is way more complicated than just these incidents brought to our attention...It's just when innocents by the 1000's are suddenly murdered it gets our attention and we start "judging" like we know WTF we are speaking of...The hard feelings on both sides are there and it will take time to get beyond it...look how many years it took for we Mericans to treat the blacks of our country with equal respect after they were freed from Slavery. took a 100 years to even really get the ball rolling to some sort of kind of "equality"

In Israel the government and police still TODAY in 2023 assist and or turn a blind eye to incredibly cruel unequitable treatment of non jews...that shit has to stop. God told me so.
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" Life is hard, we all have shit to deal with no matter what race or creed you are. Every human soul should have the right to seek happiness and aspire to live the dream. To have a home sweet home to go to where children can grow and be nurtured into like minded kind and unbiased adults.

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Yo Mick In no way shape or form am I justifying what the Hamas have done here. Chickenshit, barbaric and completely foolish and wrong. On the optics side Israel is very experienced at portraying the "higher road" approach to killing thousands of Hamas soldiers and certainly some unfortunate innocents that happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time . Kind of like we did when we bombed Japan with flyers sent out the day before we dropped the big one...Get out of town by daylight or bend over and kiss your ass goodbye. To give some perspective here I am 51+% Ashkenazi Jew genetically speaking :unsure: Yep my Mom was 100% and it turns out my Irish Catholic dad had a little in him too...He never knew. So it is safe to say I am not anti jew...but on this particular matter we Mericans aren't being given all the facts AT ALL.

Have to admit until I stumbled on that little snippet that inspired me starting this thread I was totally unaware of the way the Jewish community of Israel has been behaving and mistreating Palestinians for way too long...Again this is not justification but it does reveal the provocation by Jewish people that that preceded and fueled the fire for this horrific dumbass attack the Hamas somehow thought was a good plan ..oops.

Why didn't we hear about this big claim by amnesty international back in January of this year. Why wasn't slow Joe on the phone to Israel telling them they have to pull their shit together and knock of the bullying, their better than that. Nope...Ya know what apartheid is right....like when it went down in Africa and Nelson Mandela was sent to prison for 27 years

I encourage you to Read the story before calling BS

View attachment 133907

I read some of it, I ain't reading the rest of that out of context bullshit.

Israel has a right to maintain a Jewish state, a safe haven for Jews against persecution and murder. The so called one state solution would undo that. Although there are "Palestinians" currently holding office, believe it or not in apartheid Israel, it would literally be suicidal for Israel to allow the possibility of a majority "Palestinian" government.
It is really not as complicated as it would seem. The "Palestinians" hate Jews more than they love their own children. The suffering is self inflicted. If you're given...given plows, and you forge them into weapons of war, war is what you will get in return. The shit flying over the border into Israel is so common it doesn't even make the news. Now this? "Palestine from the river to the sea"? Proportional force my ass. Be done with it! Level that fucking place.
You haven't read the article have you? You're speaking Merican media. I am sure you believe you are speaking the truth but based upon what has been revealed herein I do not agree with your conclusion.
It is really not as complicated as it would seem. The "Palestinians" hate Jews more than they love their own children. The suffering is self inflicted. If you're given...given plows, and you forge them into weapons of war, war is what you will get in return. The shit flying over the border into Israel is so common it doesn't even make the news. Now this? "Palestine from the river to the sea"? Proportional force my ass. Be done with it! Level that fucking place.
I concur 110 percent.
Make a parking lot out of the Gaza strip.
FWIW as others have stated here it is way more complicated than just these incidents brought to our attention...It's just when innocents by the 1000's are suddenly murdered it gets our attention and we start "judging" like we know WTF we are speaking of...The hard feelings on both sides are there and it will take time to get beyond it...look how many years it took for we Mericans to treat the blacks of our country with equal respect after they were freed from Slavery. took a 100 years to even really get the ball rolling to some sort of kind of "equality"

In Israel the government and police still TODAY in 2023 assist and or turn a blind eye to incredibly cruel unequitable treatment of non jews...that shit has to stop. God told me so.
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" Life is hard, we all have shit to deal with no matter what race or creed you are. Every human soul should have the right to seek happiness and aspire to live the dream. To have a home sweet home to go to where children can grow and be nurtured into like minded kind and unbiased adults.

Wrong. If seeking happiness and aspiring to a dream means genocide, you don't have a right to that.
I read some of it, I ain't reading the rest of that out of context bullshit.

Israel has a right to maintain a Jewish state, a safe haven for Jews against persecution and murder. The so called one state solution would undo that. Although there are "Palestinians" currently holding office, believe it or not in apartheid Israel, it would literally be suicidal for Israel to allow the possibility of a majority "Palestinian" government.
Republicans have a right to maintain a Republican state, a safe haven for Republicans against persecution and proliferation of Lefty crazy whack liberal ideas. The so called one state solution would undo that. Although there are "Democrats" currently holding office, believe it or not in apartheid California, it would literally be just as stupid for Republicans to allow the possibility of a majority "Democratic" California.

Damn If only we had played apartheid hard ball back in the 60's California would still be a red state. Now they're shoving all this woken bullshit down our throats and taxing us for any and everything they possibly can...and then making sure the homeless have EBT cards and free cell phones so they can keep their drug habit money for drugs.

I hope you can see the irony and the absurdity of justifying religions to rule countries and play apartheid hardball...humans not Jews, Christians and Muslims. Religion is at the base of all this fear and hatred...not a good look for "The One" religion...which ever one that might be
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Wrong. If seeking happiness and aspiring to a dream means genocide, you don't have a right to that.
Exactly and based upon Israel's own behavior if Israel had it's way that is how they'd handle it...but a slow painful death by isolation and deprecation.
Republicans have a right to maintain a Republican state, a safe haven for Republicans against persecution and proliferation of Lefty crazy whack liberal ideas. The so called one state solution would undo that. Although there are "Democrats" currently holding office, believe it or not in apartheid California, it would literally be just as stupid for Republicans to allow the possibility of a majority "Democratic" California. Damn If only we had played apartheid hard ball back in the 60's California would still be a red state. I hope you can see the irony and the absurdity of justifying religions to rule countries and play apartheid hardball...humans not Jews, Christians and Muslims. Religion is at the base of all this fear and hatred...not a good look for "The One" religion...which ever one that might be

With all due respect, Tom, that is just plain....I don't know what that is.

I don't want to get lost in the weeds here, lose focus of current events, but you're not taking history into consideration. It would seem you do not even know the history. Its not just back to Germany, nazis and the final solution. Much further than that. Rome, and the scattering and exile of the Jews. That mosque you got all worked up about, al aqsa, Jews entering it? It is built on the Temple Mount. Jewish temple. You don't fucking know that? Modern day parlance, "occupied" by Israel. Its not "occupied" by Israel, it's occupied by Islam. '67 Arabs wanted to start some shit, get rid of the pesky Jew problem. You detecting a theme yet? Fuck around find out. Israel gained control of Jerusalem, and the Temple Mount. Al aqsa. You know what they did, those dastardly Jews? They gave it back, controlled by Jordan, but security courtesy of Israel. You know why, secure the joint? Because the threat of murder and genocide is always in the air from batshit crazies who hate Jews more than they love their own children.


We're talking the slaughter, rape, taking into captivity with the threat of murder on fucking TV people no different than you or I when we were young going to a concert. Just walk right up to a kid cowering on the ground and put a bullet in his head. There is no justifying what happened. Are you fucking serious. Some Jews prayed in my mosque so some kid gets a bullet in the head?
Exactly and based upon Israel's own behavior if Israel had it's way that is how they'd handle it...but a slow painful death by isolation and deprecation.


Where are you at(between the a and the t). They are isolated because of their own desire to murder Jews. Learn your history. A porous border with suicide bombers and the like free to travel, and murder at will....you'd understand and feel a lot different about it if it was coming across our southern border....threatening your children, friends and loved ones. Hell, for all we know it may well be.

I don't get it. Learn you history, man. Put aside religion, just look at logic. Israel was a little sliver of earth, small. Half a dozen countries said no, tried to wipe it from the earth. Israel kicked their ass, and thought it wise to establish what you call them buffer zones. Yeah. Buffers, they got a lot of buffers. Smart move. Wise. Now the Arabs wanna cry about it? Fuck 'em.
Interested in your opinions, with what you know now and without further research, on the question "Whose land is it anyway?"

I'm interested because I realised I thought I knew a little of the history - (the whole Israel v. The Rest of the Arab World thing isn't generally a huge news item down here apart from the general background brutality of it all) but I didn't really know all THAT much, so I went on a bit of history binge. I do not, at this point, know if my newfound knowledge is correct - after all, this is the internet - but I certainly know a lot more than I did a week ago.
I'm not a history scholar, and it's been a while since I took a somewhat deep dive. But I'm pretty sure my memory as well as what I would think should be common knowledge and common sense is close enough.

The place was once called Judea. Through war Rome scattered the Jews from the area, and as a slap in the face or to press the point they changed the name from Judea to Palestinia. This happened before Islam was a wet spot on Mo's....before Islam was concocted.

Does it matter? Well, context, maybe.

The reality, any attempt(s) to somehow justify what occured over the weekend is insane, morally bankrupt.
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A bit f a correction, maybe...

Not sure but even "Judea" may have been more of a Rome thing. The Jews themselves called it Judah. I could be wrong on that. What I am not wrong about, long before Islam came to be. The al aqsa mosque is built on the Temple Mount, site of the Hebrew temple. I mean, hello, it was the Temple where the Bible tells us Jesus overturns the tables of the money changers.

Who as a Christian can't connect the dots to see the irony of seemingly justifying the anger of muslims that Jews would dare set foot there?

The world could not make less sense sometimes.
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We as a species refuse to give up our gods and borders despite overwhelming evidence they are the two greatest causes of division worldwide among ethnic groups. As long as this continues, this is what we can expect. Six thousand years of written history bears me out. I wouldn't take any of this seriously or believe any of it. I would fact check it.
I rarely make political comment at HR. But I found this video by Vlad Vexler a good guide on how to respond to the situation in Israel-Hamas conflict. Vexler more usually analyses the Russian Ukrainian war, but has recently started dwelling on the middle east. The video goes for about 10 minutes.

There is another longer video from Vexler that dwells on ethical considerations on combatants/non-combatants and colateral damage:
