Monsterpop said:
aye,,,cos it looks very like a joke the way you typed all that eh?
if its a joke,,fine. i dont get it.

i also DESPISE neds and anything to do with them. so its even less funny

bye bye

right, magic....I welcome you the first NEDophobic to HRDC. So...the fact you DESPISE neds, and homophobs are the same with homosexuals because deep down they are afraid they actualy are homosexual....well, I guess deep down you must be a wee bit worried that you are infact a NED.

Still, I think you need to have a burd called Chantelle and a wain in a burbury pram before you can become a real ned

yer welcome
aye,,,well done with all that tremendous patter there.
thats comedy gold that is.
I see your that busy recording you have time to come on here and annoy someone for no reason eh? well done again.
your a very helpful and friendly addition to this thread.

oh no,,sorry,,that was a wee bit of sarcasm there. your the opposite of that

no need for the welcome either thanks
,,since ive been a member for over 3 years.only 2 months less than you i see.
ive mistakenly thought that the idea of posting on here was either to ask for,or offer advice and help.
silly me !
are ye finished yet? just close the door on your way out please.
behind you would be nice, but either way is fine.
maybe try to grow up if you get a minute as well.
have fun
Monsterpop said:
aye,,,well done with all that tremendous patter there.
thats comedy gold that is.
I see your that busy recording you have time to come on here and annoy someone for no reason eh? well done again.
your a very helpful and friendly addition to this thread.

oh no,,sorry,,that was a wee bit of sarcasm there. your the opposite of that

no need for the welcome either thanks
,,since ive been a member for over 3 years.only 2 months less than you i see.
ive mistakenly thought that the idea of posting on here was either to ask for,or offer advice and help.
silly me !
are ye finished yet? just close the door on your way out please.
behind you would be nice, but either way is fine.
maybe try to grow up if you get a minute as well.
have fun

Now THAT is comedy gold!

30 pence says you're a celtic fan :D
Monsterpop said:
,,since ive been a member for over 3 years.only 2 months less than you i see.

Again, comedy genius....Feb 2003 minus 2 months makes Dec 2002 on my Malculator.

Now, if ma prediction about you bein a tic supporter is right then you prolly left school with 'A' Level Guilt...I'll bugger off now and let you deal with that, did I say bugger? sod that aswell.

10 hail mary's and a cartwheel and you'll be as right as rain
....................oh,,your still here? ok,,,,,*sigh*,,,,,

"Again, comedy genius....
Feb 2003 minus 2 months makes Dec 2002 on my Malculator."


aah,,well pardon me for not counting it with my shoes and socks off like you obviously just did to get 2002. i had a wee quick look,,and was a month out.
you couldnt even get the right year.
maybe you can go back and read what i actually wrote

so i joined 1 month and 1 day after you.
Do you get it now,,
or will i tell ye how i worked that out without using any body parts?
again,,well done with the year thing. thats magic!
and its also nice of you to bring some nice unwarranted religous bigotry onto the board. as well as mentions of homophobia,and pointless football jibes.
Not everyone in Glasgow actually follows football.
some support Rangers instead i hear.

Good job gettin all that crap into a completely non required,
and utterly unhelpful post on a thread about recording stuff.
So well done again with that.

maybe you can try to use our own words and phrases in future rants,,
not mine, if possible.

im happy to keep the tremendous banter goin with ye if ye would like,
because i realise it must be very difficult for someone with such an unfortunate personality and quite obvious lack of intelligence to make any real life friends,,in the actual outisde world.

thats the big giant thing thats not your computer or mixing desk by the way. glad i could clear that up for ye. no,,dont thank me,,its fine.

i see proof of that in the fact that you chose to reply to your own drivel a few minutes ago. its a sin for ye,,so it is. maybe get yerself a wee Saturday job in McDonalds or sumthin? no? interview too difficult?
aye,,i can seee how that would happen.

im still none the wiser why you had any reason to come on here and make an arse of yerself but as long as it makes you happy.
Its very nice of you to portray Glasgow in such a nice light to the nice people on this board/thread. Your ma'n'da must be very proud.
no? nah,,i didnae really think so.

i can feel my I.Q going down with every word of yours i read and reply too,
so if i converse with ye long enough i will eventually maybe understand what s like to be such a knuckle dragger like yourself.
id rather not though,,thanks all the same.
and im sorry to have to tell you,but your not a naturally funny guy :)

Alas,,,having some kind of life requires that i leave your rivetting virtual company now,but rest assured you have made a right arse of yourself,,,again
so alls well that ends well.
Please dont post in any of my threads again,,
or i will have to taunt you further.Fun,,,aye,,,but Id rather not thanks.

Ive been told that its cruel to mock the afflicted.
Tattie bye
ps,,shouldnt you be Eatin,Sleepin,Meetin And Repeatin?
thats hilarious by the way,,,,really,,it is. i might get a tshirt made,,,,,,
Last edited:
Monsterpop said:
"Again, comedy genius....
Feb 2003 minus 2 months makes Dec 2002 on my Malculator."


aah,,well pardon me for not counting it with my shoes and socks off like you obviously just did to get 2002. i had a wee quick look,,and was a month out.
you couldnt even get the right year.
maybe you can go back and read what i actually wrote

so i joined 1 month and 1 day after you.
Do you get it now,,
or will i tell ye how i worked that out without using any body parts?
again,,well done with the year thing. thats magic!
and its also nice of you to bring some nice unwarranted religous bigotry onto the board. as well as mentions of homophobia,and pointless football jibes.
Not everyone in Glasgow actually follows football.
some support Rangers instead i hear.

Good job gettin all that crap into a completely non required,
and utterly unhelpful post on a thread about recording stuff.
So well done again with that.

maybe you can try to use our own words and phrases in future rants,,
not mine, if possible.

im happy to keep the tremendous banter goin with ye if ye would like,
because i realise it must be very difficult for someone with such an unfortunate personality and quite obvious lack of intelligence to make any real life friends,,in the actual outisde world.

thats the big giant thing thats not your computer or mixing desk by the way. glad i could clear that up for ye. no,,dont thank me,,its fine.

i see proof of that in the fact that you chose to reply to your own drivel a few minutes ago. its a sin for ye,,so it is. maybe get yerself a wee Saturday job in McDonalds or sumthin? no? interview too difficult?
aye,,i can seee how that would happen.

im still none the wiser why you had any reason to come on here and make an arse of yerself but as long as it makes you happy.
Its very nice of you to portray Glasgow in such a nice light to the nice people on this board/thread. Your ma'n'da must be very proud.
no? nah,,i didnae really think so.

i can feel my I.Q going down with every word of yours i read and reply too,
so if i converse with ye long enough i will eventually maybe understand what s like to be such a knuckle dragger like yourself.
id rather not though,,thanks all the same.
and im sorry to have to tell you,but your not a naturally funny guy :)

Alas,,,having some kind of life requires that i leave your rivetting virtual company now,but rest assured you have made a right arse of yourself,,,again
so alls well that ends well.
Please dont post in any of my threads again,,
or i will have to taunt you further.Fun,,,aye,,,but Id rather not thanks.

Ive been told that its cruel to mock the afflicted.
Tattie bye
ps,,shouldnt you be Eatin,Sleepin,Meetin And Repeatin?
thats hilarious by the way,,,,really,,it is. i might get a tshirt made,,,,,,

I see you had help with your reply there...

fitba jibes? Third Lanark were always miles in front of Partic Thistle in my book, as for bigotry, I'm an aethiest. Virtual mates? naw I'm too busy recordin real bands and artists for stuff like that.

Most of ma time spent on here is offering advice when I know what I'm talking about. I don't know shite about the M-Box, but I do know how to structure a problem in such a way as to get an answer to my problems...that's all I was sayin before you spat out the dummy, and aye, sure...I'll have a crack with anyone that comes on here and shows significant intualect to follow me on such rants. Looks like I made a bad judge of character here....

I'll keep out your threads if you buy me a pint at the sniffin glue gig in McChuils

I'm no intae character assasination based on a couple ae posts and a profile but you seem to have it off bat, well done, keep up the good work there although I'm pretty sure you have me mixed up with one of your coq-workers at McDonalds :D
Help? and that would be why exactly?

Spat the dummy? me?:) i mustve missed me doin that. Enlighten me?
your the one thats no reason to be posting this nonsense on here.
i tell ye what mate,you have a very funny idea of whats banter and whats just bein a pain in the arse for no reason whatsoever.
you would of course be the latter.

i dont think ye should hold your breath for gettin a pint in McChuills mind you.. which doesnt matter anyway cos you will be too busy recording real bands and real artists to go anyway eh? good luck with that.
But feel free to say hello by all means.

im sure you know by now that i have more than"significant intualect" too
so dont kid yerself.

its just such a shame that you dont seem to have anything better to do than come on here and spout all this crap. why exactly are you doing this?
thats all im asking. do you have a reason?

why no bands in today ? are you using your personality to advertise?
that would explain the studio down time i suppose.
or maybe yer mammy is washin your sheets or something? hmmm?

so if you admit that dont know"shite about the M-Box"
please leave me alone to find out from people who do.
i dont think thats an unreasonable request
thats the point of these sites and forums after all,not for lonely guys like yourself to try to wind people up that you wouldnt say boo to in real life.

whats this stuff below all about then?

"I'm no intae character assasination based on a couple ae posts and a profile but you seem to have it off bat, well done, keep up the good work there although I'm pretty sure you have me mixed up with one of your coq-workers at McDonalds :D[/QUOTE]"

er,,,your not?
i dunno what a "coq worker" is,,but there ye go again using my phrases.
have ye got ONE oroiginal thought/word/phrase in your heid,,just one?

so what is your actual ,,,ACTUAL point of being in this thread then?

ach well,,its too rainy to go out into town now so,,,
i await your next response with baited breath,,give it your best shot.

BEST i said mind,,,
cos the stuff so far has quite frankly been of very poor quality indeed.

,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :rolleyes:

LemonTree said:
I see you had help with your reply there...
you glaswegians always so nice to each other?

try checking out the Digidesign Users Conference for all the information you could ever require.

Have you tried just loading Pro Tools? a lot of what you're doing sounds like "fault-fixing" to me..there should be 2 CDs for loading PT, one for Macs the other for Windows. Shut your computer down, plug in the Mbox, reboot your computer. when XP has loaded, there should be a pop-up that says "New hardware found, click here to install..". don't install anything from Windows, but put the installation CD into your drive and instal Tools.

and you should be ready to rock-n-roll. if you have any problems, then either post here or on the DUC..

i know it seems like a drag, but honestly it's worth it!

good luck!
MessianicDreams said:
you glaswegians always so nice to each other?

Have you tried just loading Pro Tools? a lot of what you're doing sounds like "fault-fixing" to me..

Sounded like fault finding to me too, without saying what the fault was. He might have missed that in my first post and the fact that I left him good rep points for his first sarcastic answer, guess he didn't get the sarcasm in that either :rolleyes: He's right though, it is too wet to go out.... maybe we just got off on the wrong hoof...I mean foot

<wanders off whistling "Town called Mallice">
Lemon and Monster...you guys need to kiss and make-up....looks like much mutual misunderstanding to me.

Although the Scotish banter has brought a little humor to my day.

Peace to both of you.

hi mate
thank you very much for that.
i shall visit that site and check all that later today
as soon as i loaded up Pro Tools it decided it was out of date,,
and told me to register and download the latest version.
so i did that.
i havent tried to do anything at all since then,,because it was a VERY long night just getting that far and registereing all the software etc. :o

MessianicDreams said:
you glaswegians always so nice to each other?

we mostly are,,but there are of course exceptional cases
the sad thing is that ive been helped by some really nice people on here.
the thread was over as far as i was concerned
then i got a notification that this joker has decided to add his unrivalled and vital comments,for no apparent reason

its shame when people feel the need to behave in such a fashion,
but sadly theres always one.and still it continues :rolleyes:

oh aye,,it really does all seem like such a drag right now,,
especially after just havin a simple wee portastudio before
but im lookin forward to getting just the basics of it so i can get some stuff done soon.

thanks mate,,i appreciate the help a lot. its all new to me!
sixways said:
Lemon and Monster...you guys need to kiss and make-up....looks like much mutual misunderstanding to me.


If he gets the make-up on, I'll give him the kiss. :eek:

Monster, chill oot man. It's pretty relaxed around here. I've already pointed out what I was doing in my first post in this thread. Looks like I got out the wrong side of the bed today.

Here, have a wee olive branch :)
heres how i see it then,,,
if YOU come on and make a first post in the insulting way that you did,,
( and you did,,,read it again)
without actually offering any help whatsoever,,
why would you expect me to be anything other than slightly pissed off by that?
i dont even have any idea what rep points are,,,so why does that matter?

off on the wrong foot/hoof?
aye,,yer no jokin ,, through no fault of mine i might add,,
but i can assure you its not something i like


LemonTree said:
Sounded like fault finding to me too, without saying what the fault was. He might have missed that in my first post and the fact that I left him good rep points for his first sarcastic answer, guess he didn't get the sarcasm in that either :rolleyes: He's right though, it is too wet to go out.... maybe we just got off on the wrong hoof...I mean foot

<wanders off whistling "Town called Mallice">

aye,,,awrite mate
i can live without the hassle
im stressed anough trying to get into this new recording gear
cos its hardly what im best at to say the least


QUOTE=LemonTree]If he gets the make-up on, I'll give him the kiss. :eek:

Monster, chill oot man. It's pretty relaxed around here. I've already pointed out what I was doing in my first post in this thread. Looks like I got out the wrong side of the bed today.

Here, have a wee olive branch :)[/QUOTE]
you're right...that bit about comin round and robbin your gear wasnae funny at all.

I just want to add, even though I know nothin much about the M-Box, I do build a lot of audio PCs and know a lot of ins and outs of fault finding when trying to optimize them for audio. If you want to share what the problem is exactly I'll be all to happy to cough up everything I know

peace n jam
