Breaking Bad

This show has taken television to a new level in terms of writing, directing, acting and all the rest. Pretty much a perfect series.

I was literally on the edge of my seat near the end. And the use of the Badfinger song, well, genius.
I just started season 1 of breaking bad on netflix last saturday. Why didn't i watch this show before?
it's very real (as real as a show can be) and gritty - and im only like 5 ep in to the show.
Sopranos was on HBO and I never pay for premium channels.
But I have no such excuse for breaking bad ..... what night was it on?
On nights that I usually gig I always miss those shows.

I think it was on AMC. I just set the DVR by title. I have no idea what channel anything comes on.
Breaking Bad was AMC. I had never seen it until two weeks ago. I decided to check out the first episode (it's on Netflix). I got hooked and binge-watched until I got caught up this past Thursday. Last night was brilliant -- a perfect ending to an amazing series. Interesting that the traditional networks are absolutely incapable of approaching this kind of quality that seems to come easily to the cable channels.
I get AMC

I dunno ..... 'gritty' shows mostly don't interest me. My life is gritty enough.
I'm also not a fan of violent shows ...... just doesn't pique my curiosity much.
***************************SPOILER ALERT**************************************************

I am glad the ending lived up to the billing. Walt tied up every loose end that I could think of. He gave Skyler an out and got to say goodbye, he came up with a fool proof way to launder his money, he saved Jessie, he eliminated the risks to his family, and he died in the process. Jessie killing Todd was epic. Walt's machine gun in the trunk Macguyver move was epic. Giving Lydia ricin was bad ass. The whole thing was classic breaking bad - clever, suspenseful, gritty, etc. The acting was fucking awesome. The story was fucking awesome. The dialogue was awesome. Walt's monologue to his former business partners was fucking awesome. Having jessie's firnds hold pen lasers...

So many ongoing drama shows like this have endings that are utter shit. Vince Gilligan and his team went out in style. Best TV show ever.
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I get AMC

I dunno ..... 'gritty' shows mostly don't interest me. My life is gritty enough.
I'm also not a fan of violent shows ...... just doesn't pique my curiosity much.

Breaking Bad didn't seem interesting to me either....until I watched the first episode. Then I was like, okay that was pretty cool, kind of weird, I'll try a few more. Then I was hooked like a tweaker on meth. I don't know what you mean by "gritty", but it's definitely not very violent. It's got some violence in it, but it's not a show that relies on violence.
I don't know what you mean by "gritty",.
neither do I ..... I just used it because someone in this thread described it as such.


but dramas usually don't grab me .... my life is dramatic enough that I need a small orchestra around me to go 'da-daaaaa' 20 times a day!
neither do I ..... I just used it because someone in this thread described it as such.


but dramas usually don't grab me .... my life is dramatic enough that I need a small orchestra around me to go 'da-daaaaa' 20 times a day!

One of the things I like about BB is that it aint just drama. It's not just suspense and cliffhangers. There's many serious LOL moments that happen all the time. The hero/anti-hero, Walter White, is a soft-spoken bumbling middle-aged nerdy chemistry teacher with cancer that does bad things for good reasons. Watching him have to learn his way into becoming a ruthless kingpin drug lord is pretty funny.
Finished all 5 seasons - HOLY CRAP

I am conflicted about the ending there were some closures but some things just didn't seem closed or were kind of weird. Anyway, good show.
My brothers I have finally begun this lovely journey via Netflix...1 episode in and I already like it. Seems like my kind of show :D Pretty much all my friends always talked about it but for some reason I never got around to watching it until now.
My brothers I have finally begun this lovely journey via Netflix...1 episode in and I already like it. Seems like my kind of show :D Pretty much all my friends always talked about it but for some reason I never got around to watching it until now.

Haha. Good. I was thinking that part of the reason that I'm so sour on Walking Dead now is because I've very recently watched Breaking Bad from beginning to end. BB has considerably better writing and acting, and frankly, a way more interesting and dynamic story arc.