Breaking Bad

Wait? What? 23 Years ago? When did I get old?

I vaguely remember the Newhart show with the 3 hillbilly guys, but I don't remember whatever that last scene is referencing. I got it though. My very earliest sitcom memories are probably Three's Company and Dukes of Hazzard. I remember those pretty from when they were new. I was a little boy. I kind of remember the summer of "Who Shot JR?" Whenever I'd stay at either one of my grandma's houses, we had a show to watch. With one grandma, it was the Duke boys. With the other, it was CHiPs.
You know David. Running sound for Bob Newhart on a theater tour is the highlight of my career. All other shows take a backseat memory to those times.

Are you kidding me? That guy has always been my favorite comedian (Yea, I know). I saw him recently on do a part on a show (can't remember now, but he was a retired coroner), I still think his ability is great. I use to love watching him on talks shows, he just always maintained that personality.

That is really cool. Thanks for sharing.
I vaguely remember the Newhart show with the 3 hillbilly guys, but I don't remember whatever that last scene is referencing. I got it though. My very earliest sitcom memories are probably Three's Company and Dukes of Hazzard. I remember those pretty from when they were new. I was a little boy. I kind of remember the summer of "Who Shot JR?" Whenever I'd stay at either one of my grandma's houses, we had a show to watch. With one grandma, it was the Duke boys. With the other, it was CHiPs.

ChiPs & Dukes of Hazzard, niiiice. My dad got us all excited for it, then banned us from watching both. I was only 5. Now I do like Breaking Bad. The Wire is also awesome and Dexter was pretty good for the first 2 seasons. Arrested Development has to be the best comedy, and Louie.
I just started watching the first half of BB season 5 cause it just became available on Netflix...

and just as a side note, Walt looks exactly like my late father... EXACTLY
I just started watching the first half of BB season 5 cause it just became available on Netflix...

and just as a side note, Walt looks exactly like my late father... EXACTLY

I couldn't wait for Netflix so I went to Amazon and purchased the season. That was like back in December, January?
Breaking Bad???

*fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fapfap fapfap fapfap fapfap fapfap fap