Breaking Bad


Starts again on sunday. If you haven't been watching, get your ass in gear and watch from episode one to get caught up. Best show ever.
I'm gonna have to do that. I keep hearing about it....

I think it's very well written and quite demented without having to rely on gratuitous violence. There is violence, but not the dumb kind. It's just an awesome show, and I'm a total caveman, so if I can recognize it's genius, it must be pretty fucking genius.
Yeah, we're re-watching the first 4 seasons to show. And I couldn't get into Walking Dead or Madmen.
Yeah, we're re-watching the first 4 seasons to show. And I couldn't get into Walking Dead or Madmen.

The first season and a half of Walking Dead was great to me, then it devolved into a fucking soap opera and the killing got less and less. Now it's lame.
The Wire: *****

Breaking Bad: ***1/2

Madmen: **

Breaking Bad is like Cheesy Doritos - great junk food. I can't believe the relationship between Walter and Jesse. If I'd been through half the shit they've been through, I'd be blood brothers with the other guy, not having drama queen moments. Yeah, Breaking Bad. Check it out if you haven't seen it.

ps Treme is made by the same guy who did The Wire. Also very much worth the price of admission. This from Wiki: "The series' fourth and final season, consisting of five episodes, will premiere on December 1, 2013." I'm excited, and I don't even have a TV.
I love Breaking Bad. I didn't like it so much for the first couple of series - it didn't feel like they made a story arc for the series; like it just sort of continued in the next series. However, it totally upped its game in the 4th and 5th series and the cliff hanger at the end of the first half of series 5 was immense. I can't wait (well, I can - I'll wait until its finished on US TV then download it all and watch it back to back).

The Wire is still my favourite show ever - Breaking Bad might clinch it if they do a good job with the ending.

I loved the first couple of series of the Walking Dead, but only heard bad things about series 3 - how it was dull, dull, dull for 50 minutes, then everything happened at the end - kind of like a chapter of a Dan Brown book (but without the spelling mistakes).

Mad Men was kind of cool for a series or so. Once the novelty of the smoking, drinking and womanising in the office wore off, there wasn't a lot left for me, though.

I'm currently watching the 4th series of the Sopranos. After the 3rd, I was a bit meh about it, but finally got round to the 4th after a hiatus and it is much better. I hear this series has a love it or hate it ending - don't spoil it now!
I'm currently watching the 4th series of the Sopranos. After the 3rd, I was a bit meh about it, but finally got round to the 4th after a hiatus and it is much better. I hear this series has a love it or hate it ending - don't spoil it now!

I was personally left pretty unsatisfied with the end of the Sopranos. But to me, the worst series end was the end to Seinfeld. Best network sitcom of all time, with the worst ending.
The Wire: *****

Breaking Bad: ***1/2

Madmen: **

Breaking Bad is like Cheesy Doritos - great junk food. I can't believe the relationship between Walter and Jesse. If I'd been through half the shit they've been through, I'd be blood brothers with the other guy, not having drama queen moments. Yeah, Breaking Bad. Check it out if you haven't seen it.

ps Treme is made by the same guy who did The Wire. Also very much worth the price of admission. This from Wiki: "The series' fourth and final season, consisting of five episodes, will premiere on December 1, 2013." I'm excited, and I don't even have a TV.

"The Wire" was beyond good television. That show was so good can't say enough.

Two others that were pretty good, "The Shield" and "Rescue Me" the first 3 seasons, then it stayed too long.
I was personally left pretty unsatisfied with the end of the Sopranos. But to me, the worst series end was the end to Seinfeld. Best network sitcom of all time, with the worst ending.

Best sitcom ever with the best last show was Newhart.
Best sitcom ever with the best last show was Newhart.
That was the most awesome (I hate to use that word) ending in TV history. How they tied the two shows together. Pretty cool. Plus I always liked his humor. It is like desert dry but fuuuunnyyyy.
That was the most awesome (I hate to use that word) ending in TV history. How they tied the two shows together. Pretty cool. Plus I always liked his humor. It is like desert dry but fuuuunnyyyy.

You are so right, David. ;)

............ I, I had the strangest dream.
The best part ..... As Bob and Emily rolled over to go back to sleep, he said “you should wear more sweaters.”
People forget the other milestone from that episode. Darrell and Darrell spoke for the first and only time!
