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  1. D

    what to do when the mixing guy is dragging on your project...

    Last September I commissioned a local freelance mixer to mix a 4-song ep. Six months later, I'm still waiting for the last song. Is this the norm for unsigned artists? Granted it was a mistake not giving him a deadline, I just didn't think it'd take 6 months to mix 4 pop songs! I've been very...
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    portion of recorded wav has flatted top!!

    Mic pre: TG-2 setting: in+55, out+1.25 mics: schoeps MK4 capsule. I did some drum tracking using X/Y technique. I spent two days edit but only notice now that every hit of the OHs have these "flatted" top, looks like the wave got chopped off. Was it because my pre was too hot? Never...
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    help! some plug-ins are adding noise to my track!

    Has anyone ever experienced this annoying phenomena? The thing is, if I copy and paste the audio to a new project, it's totally clean. But as soon as I slab a plug-in on it, it becomes noisy! At first I thought it was the UAD 1176 because that's my main compressor, but the cubase native...
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    UAD pultec-pro plug-in too bright?

    With this plug, I often have to use lots of high freq. attenuation(5,10,20k) in hopes for taming the brightness esp. on the OH, snare, and vocals. If I don't do that, my mix would come out a lot brighter than the professional mixes. Is that the case with the hardware version? Any comment on the...
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    how to EQ a wolfy bass?

    I recorded a bass line DI but it sounds very "wolfy". Is there a way to make it more smooth/roundish sounding? It's not a bass solo or anything, just uptempo root notes.
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    reheasal space + mixing room=bad?

    A friend set up control/mixing room in a basement spare bedroom, but also rehearses with his duo band in there. So half of the room is drums/instruments, the other half is monitors/computers/gear rack, etc. Of course mixing and rehearsing never occurs simultaneously but still, is this just a bad...
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    how to make your mix space-coherrent

    Hey newbie question for you guys: How to make a mix more space-coherent? Especially when most of the inst. were recorded in different spaces/DI? Why some people opt to use a couple different reverbs in a mix? I thought the same verb would make everything sound more like they were recorded in...
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    how to mix layered vocals (female)

    Is it possible to make multiple-tracked vox sound big and warm and natural? Layered vox tend to have certain freq. build-up that make the overall sound harsh and cold... Is that something EQing could fix? If so, what'd be the best approach? ie, finding the freq., compression, panning, etc... I...
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    guitar amp sim.-how to add EQ?

    When using a guitar amp sim., do you place it BEFORE the EQ and compression or AFTER? Is it a good idea to re-amp the dry DI guitar through a room mic(TLM67), and then blend that w/ the sim. version? How should I EQ the 67? Or is it necessary? the 67 was placed in a stairwell...15' from the...
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    Help!! Did feedback loop damage my equipments?

    I was making a mix OTB and made a very newbie mistake by creating a feedback loop. High pitch horrible noise came out of my speakers for 3 sec before I put the mute on. There was crazy clipping on the Line Input channels where the mix was routing back in...Did I toast my converter, or my...
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    real mixer + DAW---How to set up?

    Sorry to noob you guys but here it is: I've seen many pictures of people having real mixer + DAW in their studio but never understood how or why. What would be the signal chain for that kind of setup? My understanding is that when you make a mix via a mixer, you have to write down all the...
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    Do MIM fender amps all have buzz?

    Bought a new Fender Blues junior that's very buzzy without any instruments plugged in and all knobs at zero. Turning knobs up has no effect on the buzz. Changed rooms and ran through a nice furman conditioner to no avail. Took it back to the store and exchanged it for another only to have the...
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    mic/pre choices for thin breathy vocal

    My singing voice is in the line of Siobahn De Mare from the UK band Mono. It tends not to cut through so well on the higher register. I'm working on my technique but also I'd like to have a mic that's less sibilant and would be able to add a little beef on the mids. My current set up: AT-ATM33a...
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    bypass Firepod's preamps and AD converter with UA 4-710d - How to set up?

    Is it possible to bypass the Firepod's preamps and A/D converter by using something like the UA 4-710d? The firepod has one S/PDIF I/O. But on the UA 4-710d, the output choices are: XLRs one WC I/O two ADAT out one AES/EBU (DB-25) Which one do I use to connect to the Firepod for bypassing...
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    Rok Box MC5x-Is it a good system?

    I've been trying to figure out a DAW system to get. It seems like the easiest way to do this, is to get a Rok Box Mc5x. I'd love to hear some input from people that have owned it and/or used it...Is it worthy of $1,400? Sure I can go DIY...Except that I've never built one before, and I spent...
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    doubling up preamps?

    If I use a 4-channel tube pre-amp in conjunction with the firepod, Will it be an over-kill? How would you set it up? Mic>tube pre-amp>Firepod?
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    HS50m or HS80m?

    So after years of mixing between headphones and car stereos, I decided to get some proper monitors. Somehow I set my heart on Yamaha HS series...But not sure whether to go for the 5" or the 8" ones. My studio is a 13x13 carpeted bedroom and I understand the logic of not putting big speakers in...
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    upgrading DAW

    Hi there, I need suggestions for a new PC with fast processing power(prefer AMD), firewire ports, XP pro. Budget $500. I want to build my own but probably not from scratch as some of my current components is still usable. It's overwhelming to plow through all the options, especially Mboard and...
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    what's your favourite guitar amp emulator?(under $300, soft or hard)

    So I was recording electric gt. direct-in style (i have no amp) to a firepod. I put a delay pedal in between, just out of curiosity. I have to admit, it didn't sound very good. :(What's the remedy for this type of situation? It was a good take, and I tried re-recording but couldn't really get...
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    the meat-n-potatoes of a "rack"

    So I have a very basic digital recording setup: a PC,a firepod, a power conditioner. What would be some sensible things to add to this setup? Thanks.