Recent content by mrdanny

  1. M

    Condensor vs Dynamic (Without room treatment)

    Hi there, I have a question, at this moment I have an mxl v69ME, good mic, but with a very bad treatment in my room, it sounds very bad so I can't profit at all my microphone, and I can't do any treatment because of my parents... Well.. the thing is, a friend want's to change a shure beta 58a...
  2. M

    burned mic

    Hello people, I have a problema that I'll explain here... I had a tube mic connected to my power supply "no need of phantom power", and the power supply have 2 switches, one for 110v and other for 220v, the manual of the mic tells that is very importante to keep the switch in 110v... Well, I...
  3. M

    Shockmount too small

    Hi there, I have a problem with a new shockmount that i just bought, it doesn't feet in the mic stand, It never happened to me so I ask here if you know what it is how can I attach it? If I can, I thought that the entry of the shockmount was universal.. well. if anyone could help
  4. M

    Mix this song (Easy - Only Vocals)

    Hi there, I know I've created a post before this, but I think that It's not possible to mix covers here and I've done my own song with the help of a beat created by a friend, I just put some vocals so I think it's easy to mix, If someone want to give a try I'd be gratefull, here you can download...
  5. M

    Mix & master this ;)

    Hello, I've recorded a cover, but it's not a simple song it have's a story behind it and it means much to me, I don't know how to mix or master very well so I ask you if you could help me! I would be so gratefully, it is just vocals so if you don't mind, could you mix this cover? Linkin park -...
  6. M

    Searching people for cover/original song

    Hi, I've always wanted to try this thing about the "online covers" ppl arround the world doing a cover or an original song and resambling if anyone is interested I'm a singer from Portugal and I have an mxl v69ME for recording, clean sound, thanks ;)
  7. M

    Transpose Tone

    here is an example, the tone and after this the chords, I don't know if I have to traspose or do something with the tone...
  8. M

    Transpose Tone

    Hello, I have an urgent question, I've entered to a group of choir in my school and I don't understand very much of guitars and theory, well, I have a quick question, We have sheets with some lyrics and chords above, but in some sheets we have in the top of the sheet "TONE in D" for example, so...
  9. M

    Difference in tubes (Microphones)

    Hello, I've just bought an mxl v69 mogami edition, a tube mic, and some people criticize the tube that come's with it saying that it's a bad quality chinesse tube, what's the difference between a really good tube and a chinese one, I have low budget and want to know if it's worth to buy a good...
  10. M

    Criticize my vocals please

    Hi there, I am beginning in the world of singing and I am not convinced with my voice, also have a poor ear so I don't really know how I sing and how to improove, so I ask here for help and for criticize my vocals, I would be very grateful, well.. here it is, a cover of I'll be by Edwin McCain.
  11. M

    Importance good audio interface

    Hi there, I'm going to explain my situation fastly, I have bought an audio fast track usb II, (24bit 48khz), for 50$, and recently I'm going to buy an mxl v69, I think it's a good mic, but I'm affraid that the interface is too much basic, how much does an interface could be important? I think...
  12. M

    Importance good audio interface

    Hi there, I'm going to explain my situation fastly, I have bought an audio fast track usb II, (24bit 48khz), for 50$, and recently I'm going to buy an mxl v69, I think it's a good mic, but I'm affraid that the interface is too much basic, how much does an interface could be important? I think...
  13. M

    Akg c2000b vs t.bone stc800 vs at2035

    Hello, I'm going to buy a mic, I'm a male with middle-low voice, who sings acoustics, pop and hard rock, what would be the best choise for me? Ignoring the price I am deciding for the akg c2000b, the t.bone stc800 and at2035, and I have a m-audio fast track II for interface. Thanks
  14. M

    Indecision for Mic

    Hi there, I want to begin my home studio projects but I don't have a mic yet, and I want to buy one, My budget is only 207$, for the mic and an interface or something like if I'll need it (don't really know how it works for recording...)... Well, I've seen some mics and I've been interested...