Just how do you get a record deal

Lol. There's so much douchey contradiction in that post it's not even funny.

Not funny? I beg to differ....that's fucking hilarious! I am probably in the minority, and I don't care, but I love to watch "Christians" declare their faith, extoll the virtues of the bible.....only to talk about Harlots and Cocaine being the 2nd prize of the night? What was the best thing all night? Let me guess....hmmmmm, must have been your ability to praise the lord with your gift of music.....that sound right, David?
Lol. Right?

If we're gonna go all biblical and shit, let's keep it real. The very first guy that played the very first song on the very first instrument in front of the very first crowd wasn't doing some lame fuck cover.
Lol. Right?

If we're gonna go all biblical and shit, let's keep it real. The very first guy that played the very first song on the very first instrument in front of the very first crowd wasn't doing some lame fuck cover.

:) Now were going all Scopes Monkey Trial?
Lol. Right?

If we're gonna go all biblical and shit, let's keep it real. The very first guy that played the very first song on the very first instrument in front of the very first crowd wasn't doing some lame fuck cover.

Well, of course he wasn't doing a cover- it was "the very first song." :) Nothint to cover, at that point in time.

It seems to me that somebody's gonna make money off your dream. Perhaps the question is, "Who?"

Some monster record company, who puts you on the road, picks up the tab but has a small-print clause in your contract that says you are responsible for paying all those bills?

You? I recently read, in "Written In My Soul," by Bill Flanagan, that Chuck Berry takes a very cynical view of his own music- only plays for cash on the barrel head, backed up by a pick-up band, refuses to say that ANY of his songs are favorites or that he even particularly likes them. So, you wanna be like Chuck?

The gear companies? You "invest" $10,000 or more into your own studio, do all the work yourself, and have no obligations to share the fruits of your labors with- however meager they may be.

Maybe a small label, more dedicated to a particular genre' or geographical area, than getting rich? (they exist, but good luck finding one.)

One or more from the above list?

I dunno...
Well, of course he wasn't doing a cover- it was "the very first song." :) Nothint to cover, at that point in time.

It seems to me that somebody's gonna make money off your dream. Perhaps the question is, "Who?"

Some monster record company, who puts you on the road, picks up the tab but has a small-print clause in your contract that says you are responsible for paying all those bills?

You? I recently read, in "Written In My Soul," by Bill Flanagan, that Chuck Berry takes a very cynical view of his own music- only plays for cash on the barrel head, backed up by a pick-up band, refuses to say that ANY of his songs are favorites or that he even particularly likes them. So, you wanna be like Chuck?

The gear companies? You "invest" $10,000 or more into your own studio, do all the work yourself, and have no obligations to share the fruits of your labors with- however meager they may be.

Maybe a small label, more dedicated to a particular genre' or geographical area, than getting rich? (they exist, but good luck finding one.)

One or more from the above list?

I dunno...

Wtf are you babbling about?
LOL why do you want to get signed?

Do you know how the mainstream industry works?

BTW sending a demo tape to a label, either erradicates all chance of making it anywhere, or demonstarates that you are willingly handing over your ass to be raped.
I've yet to find the part where one of Moses tablets read, "Thou shalt not play in cover bands".

That's only 'cuz Moses was in a ZZ Top tribute band and God really liked how they covered "Jesus Just Left Chicago"...so he let the whole cover band thing slide...
That's only 'cuz Moses was in a ZZ Top tribute band and God really liked how they covered "Jesus Just Left Chicago"...so he let the whole cover band thing slide...

Classic and cool ZZ Top song....used to do that song in a cover band.....oh god forgive me, I was young and I needed the money!!!!
I'm not from texas, I just live here. I do like it though.

Btw, that fucking cold snap has arrived. Fucking hell it's cold.
You have no idea man, this morning started the car for gf and temp was -24 with a windchill of -48....I am not lying. That is fucking cold.

But I know where you are coming from, it's all relative. When I moved back from Phoenix, it was a "nice" midwest winter day, temp was almost 30 or so....I thought I was gonna die.