Getting only part of song to 15/16


New member
Hi gang! I'm a newbee with a mr16 hdcd... I recorded over 3 hours of an open mic nite to a single channel from the pa system output. The recording is ok, gut I don't want to bounce the whole thing down to a single huge file...... I have listened to the recording and have written down the time frames for the artists I recorded and would like to export each of these segments independently as well as leave behind the junk..... a couple of hours of reading the manual has left me head scratching... Help is GREATLY appreciated!
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Hi Ray,
Ok, you've basically got two choises: Drag and drop the full-length file into your favorite editor; or record only those parts you want into the same audio editor.
The first one takes longer on the download part, but it's easier in that you can immediately access those parts you want and "save selection as" .
The advantage of the second one is that you only have to edit the songs that you want to keep. The disadvantages are that you have to search for your split points and that you have added an extra recording process and its inherent degradation of the sound.
Personally, I prefer the former, as I retain more control over the sound processing and keeping the original dynamic range.
Thinking about what you would need to do in the MR16 to get the same effect, I would also go for the PC editor route. Suggest you also download WavManager (free) + Instructions from the Fostexinternational site to help download a single track from your MR to your PC.

The MR option would need the use of the second version of the "Cut & Paste" and setting the In and Out points every time. The only advantage it would give you would be the use of the Direct Locate (Fostex version of the "Jog/Shuttle") which would give very accurate In and Out locations. Even so, you could do it as easily on something like Audacity (also free)

"you have added an extra recording process and its inherent degradation of the sound" It is digital so there should be no sound degradation. The A/D conversion would be done in the MR.
Sorry, but unless the OP is using fiber optics, the signal has to pass through a D/A converter to metal wire with its penchant for radio interference through an A/D converter to its destination.
Partial song output

Thanks for the input so far.... I have been able to convert some song sections to 2 mix wav file by A-B locate, bounce to 9-10 the bounce to 15-16, then bounce to 15-16 - new song,,,,, WEW! talk about time consuming! I think i will need to just bounce the whole thing to a 2 mix wav and export to my computer and deal with it there.... I was hoping to avoid this due to the HUGE file size and I could have chopped it into separate artists and songs while removing the dead stuff before sending to my PC.
Sorry, but unless the OP is using fiber optics, the signal has to pass through a D/A converter to metal wire with its penchant for radio interference through an A/D converter to its destination.

The MR to PC connection is USB which is digital not analogue. The recording is passed as a digital file to the PC and can remain digital through to burning a CD if required.

I was able to transfer the file in sections by using the A?B locate to separate each of the artists by time line and sending the wav file to my computer and editing there... Time consuming but worked! Thanks for the tips to get me there! Rayman