A little on my mind....

Thank you David that is true, "the marriage of" the 2 part !! So...why not just find you a bass player friend to do a good bass part for you? So how were you recording your bass parts in the first place? Loops are something? and what is VSTs, reverb plugins? And yeah anything Moog shpild be fat if you are looking for synth bass I have lots of Moog samples on plenty of my keyboards they are so FAT !!!

Well, being into my mid-life crisis and instead of chasing women I am chasing sound (again). I don't know any bass player, plus I want to figure out what I am doing and I like to learn. That is why I am here on this board. Lots of knowledge here and I want get as much of it as I can. Give some back if it warrants.

VST are the plug ins for DAWs, but it is fake hardware for the most part. There are some good ones, but back to our point, sometimes hardware is just hardware.

You also got me thinking, Steely Dan, didn't Gaucho go straight to digital? My brother went with a band to Nashville so they could record straight to tape. Tape gives it warmth, or so they said, I don't have an opinion yet. The latest thing going now is everyone is looking for those old microphones, tape machines to capture that old sound, but I think the medium is not important, I think they are looking for inspiration to write good music and to find "the sound". If you have never heard of them, you should go and listen to a group called M.A.R.R.S, Pump Up The Volume. Released in 1986. Even if you don;t like the music, you will appreciate it was all done with Analog.

Anyway, I will be pinging you a lot since you are old school and I just know I want more old/new school to craft the sound. Not sure get what I want, but I will get what I need;)
a better question is why do you seem to see it everywhere? You can say it all you like but it's just not true that people are telling you that your unit sucks and you can't get good results out of it.
Once again, whether you understand it or not, for someone to tell you that in their opinion a DAW is the better way to go is NOT the same thing as putting down on you using what you prefer.

I use a Fostex D1624 standalone with either a Mackie or a Soundcraft board depending on my mood and a buncha rack mount effects ...... nothing very expensive.

There are plenty posts on here saying that hard disk recorders sucks and that DAWS are the only way to go, you cant deny that. But it kinda is offensive when they say that the DAW system is the better way to go. Nice to see that you still you a mixer and outboard gear BOB !!!:thumbs up:
There are plenty posts on here saying that hard disk recorders sucks and that DAWS are the only way to go, you cant deny that. But it kinda is offensive when they say that the DAW system is the better way to go. Nice to see that you still you a mixer and outboard gear BOB !!!:thumbs up:
Pretty big board, there has to be a few stupid people out there.:)
There are plenty posts on here saying that hard disk recorders sucks and that DAWS are the only way to go, you cant deny that. But it kinda is offensive when they say that the DAW system is the better way to go. Nice to see that you still you a mixer and outboard gear BOB !!!:thumbs up:
I can deny it ..... no one says they suck although a lot DO say DAWS are the best way to go .... in their opinions.
To call it offensive for people to state what they think is the best gear is just goofy.

We're not talking about your heritage or ethnicity here ..... it's just people's opinions on what they think is the best gear for recording ..... to get offended over that makes no sense to me whatsoever nor do I see how it would be even possible to find that offensive.

I personally prefer a mixer and hardware because I have a lot of it and because that's how I've done it for 40 years ...... works great for me.
If it all disappeared in a fire and I had to start over though, it's just MUCH cheaper to go the DAW route and that's what I'd do I imagine.

I use mesa amps for the most part ..... there are people who don't like the way Mesas sound ...... I don't get offended if they say so and I think the very idea of getting offended over that is silly and does not compute to me ...... same thing here as far as I'm concerned.
I can deny it ..... no one says they suck although a lot DO say DAWS are the best way to go .... in their opinions.
To call it offensive for people to state what they think is the best gear is just goofy.

We're not talking about your heritage or ethnicity here ..... it's just people's opinions on what they think is the best gear for recording ..... to get offended over that makes no sense to me whatsoever nor do I see how it would be even possible to find that offensive.

I personally prefer a mixer and hardware because I have a lot of it and because that's how I've done it for 40 years ...... works great for me.
If it all disappeared in a fire and I had to start over though, it's just MUCH cheaper to go the DAW route and that's what I'd do I imagine.

I use mesa amps for the most part ..... there are people who don't like the way Mesas sound ...... I don't get offended if they say so and I think the very idea of getting offended over that is silly and does not compute to me ...... same thing here as far as I'm concerned.

Bob..,I had to go back and see where I said that word "offensive" so many times that you made it seem but I didn't say it like that,here is my quote:

"But it kinda is offensive" ........ see???
Bob..,I had to go back and see where I said that word "offensive" so many times that you made it seem but I didn't say it like that,here is my quote:

"But it kinda is offensive" ........ see???
And I don't think it is 'kinda offensive' for people to simply state what they think is the best recording gear.
Ok ?
Clear on that?

Now ...... I'm done with it ..... you can be as upset as you want over innocuous comments about what people prefer as far as equipment goes but if you're gonna be so defensive that you get upset over it I'll avoid that by not commenting to you anymore.
i'm really tired of overly defensive musicians that get bent outta shape over nothing and then cheer on folks like the Doc who are the actual aggressors.

I look forward to hearing your music as that is what all this is about anyways.
And I'll watch for your music too ...... I imagine it'll be good.
but otherwise I'm putting you on ignore.
And I don't think it is 'kinda offensive' for people to simply state what they think is the best recording gear.
Ok ?
Clear on that?

Now ...... I'm done with it ..... you can be as upset as you want over innocuous comments about what people prefer as far as equipment goes but if you're gonna be so defensive that you get upset over it I'll avoid that by not commenting to you anymore.
i'm really tired of overly defensive musicians that get bent outta shape over nothing and then cheer on folks like the Doc who are the actual aggressors.

I look forward to hearing your music as that is what all this is about anyways.
And I'll watch for your music too ...... I imagine it'll be good.
but otherwise I'm putting you on ignore.

Wow looks who's taking offense here !!! YOU BOB... and thanks for "putting me on ignore" that's doing me a favor :eatpopcorn: