Zoom rt323


New member

Am considering buying the new drum machine by Zoom, the Zoom RT323. I was fiddling with it at Mars the other day and I must say, I like it much better than the Alesis SR16, which I have, and the Boss DR 707, which I have rented and used for demos. I find the sounds much better and realistic. My problem is that I have not found a truly independent review of the machine, to know what other folks think about it, based on their use and experience with other druim machines. It is selling for $299.

I know there are other more expensive, more relaisitc sounding drum machiunes out there, but for the price, I think this may be hte oine I am looking for.

Please let me know you think about it, and whether you think its a good buy based your percieved quality of the sounds.

PS. I even like the way the cymbals sound on it.
The RT-323 is great! Sounds are better than DR-770, and many, many more featurs. Only limitation is you can't set a 1/8 beat for world rhythms, but other than that , it is just great. Saving to smart media is really worthwhile...

Best Regards,
I have a Zoom 123, and an SR16.

The SR16 is out to pasture. Zoom is much more satisfying.
i checked it out the other day.........i think its awesome.......great if you want to record drums but have neighbours who refuse to listen to a live drummer playin the same part for 30 minutes at a time etc..i really like the step and live record functions.....the fact that you can combine the two etc.......
I spent months hunting for a drum machine that would fulfill all my needs. I ended up with the Zoom.

I have the "Zoom 234" "Drum and Bass"
Wouldn't be without it!

The 323 is even better, acording to a review I read somewhere.
I'll check out my mags and let you know who did the review.
It was either "Future Music" or "Computer Music"


As you said, bang per buck its as good as it gets.

If you want some very good loops for free check out this site.
This guy should get a medal for this site.


