Zoom R16 no mic signal in Audacity


New member
Hi. Apologies if this is posted elsewhere but...
I have dusted off my Zoom R16 to do some home recording with me and the missus. I have upgraded to the latest firmware. I am running Windows 10 on 2 laptops but neither can record from the R16. The device is listed in both the mics and speakers dropdowns in Audacity and Windows 'hears' the R16 mics but not Audacity. When I click start 'monitoring' and tap the R16 mic I get nothing but if i chose internal mics on laptop then tap the mics I can see them.
What am i doing wrong?
I believe the R16 has an ASIO driver. Audacity by default does not use ASIO for licensing purposes.

Per Audacity's support site:
"Audacity, as an open source program licensed under the GPL, is therefore currently unable to support ASIO, despite being ASIO-capable (providing the user's sound device is similarly capable). If ASIO support were distributed in Audacity builds this would either violate Steinberg's licence agreement if the code were included, or conversely would violate Audacity's GPL Licence if the code were withheld."

I would recommend you downloading Reaper. Its free to download, and reasonably priced for a registered version. Or, you could go with Ardour or Cakewalk by Bandlab if you truly want to go "free".
I believe the R16 has an ASIO driver. Audacity by default does not use ASIO for licensing purposes.

Per Audacity's support site:
"Audacity, as an open source program licensed under the GPL, is therefore currently unable to support ASIO, despite being ASIO-capable (providing the user's sound device is similarly capable). If ASIO support were distributed in Audacity builds this would either violate Steinberg's licence agreement if the code were included, or conversely would violate Audacity's GPL Licence if the code were withheld."

I would recommend you downloading Reaper. Its free to download, and reasonably priced for a registered version. Or, you could go with Ardour or Cakewalk by Bandlab if you truly want to go "free".

Will look at that. You say you believe the R16 uses an ASIO driver but he do I check? There seems to be other posts on here about R16 so did it used to work once?
Many thanks Jon
The R16/R24 Windows driver is their version of the ASIO driver. It also sets it up as a Mackie Control Device. From the V2.1.0 release document:

The audio driver version is shown as below.
1. Double click “ZOOM R16 Control Panel(ZOOM R16_R24 Control Panel)”
  icon in control panel.
2. Select “About” tab.
3. You will find “Driver” indication below the logo. Two kind of versions(Kernel
and ASIO) are shown next to it. Right “x.x.x” is the version for “ASIO” driver.
The R16/R24 Windows driver is their version of the ASIO driver. It also sets it up as a Mackie Control Device. From the V2.1.0 release document:

The audio driver version is shown as below.
1. Double click “ZOOM R16 Control Panel(ZOOM R16_R24 Control Panel)”
  icon in control panel.
2. Select “About” tab.
3. You will find “Driver” indication below the logo. Two kind of versions(Kernel
and ASIO) are shown next to it. Right “x.x.x” is the version for “ASIO” driver.

Thanks. I downloaded Reaper last night and it could see the mics either but can see the Zoom.
Reaper is a beast in comparison. I am only a hobbyist in this area.
I also have a Zoom H4N which works right out of the box so may just use that as only need 2 mics. Was just hoping to make use of the R16, for once :-)
Thanks for your help.
Are you setting the R16 into interface mode? It should pop up on the screen when you connect.

Yes, Reaper is more extensive but it can do tons more than Audacity and you don't HAVE to use all the functions. You should also have gotten Cubase LE if you have both the H4n and the R16. There are instructions for setting up Cubase LE in the audio interface instruction sheet.
