Zoom MRS802cd

FYI-Tascam now sells their 788 for $599.
I don't think the Zoom is cheap in comparison,I just think they might be offering an excellent value for us "poor people"....

my 3 nickels
That's the price for the 788 minus the CD burner.

I don't know why the Zoom is priced where it is, but I doubt the answer is that they have good corporate heart.
I own Fostex equipment :-) though I'd looked seriously at the Zoom. I seem to recall a good review of the 802.

The TASCAM is going for a great price, and records at 24bit, and I believe 4 inputs at a time... The TASCAM is a proven machine and may be one of the best buys out there.
A recent issue of Sound-on-Sound reviewed the 802. Too recent to pull the article off their site, but maybe available at a good newsstand...
As I recall, the SOS review liked the Zoomer but closed by stating that the competition is getting thick at that price point--i.e., potential buyers should check out all features of each unit to find those best suited to each buyer's needs.

Zoom MRS 802-CD

I recently bought one of these. Overall, I like it. It has a learning curve. I bought it to basically record our rehearsals. The only thing I don't like about it is that it only can record 2 tracks simultaneously. I do have one stupid question regarding recording though. If I'm going to record a live band, can I record directly from the mixing board into the MRS 802? The instruction manual doesn't really cover this. Thank you in advance.