Zoom MRS 802???


New member
I would like to know what you guys think about the Zoom MRS 802 unit. It's a digital 8 track recorder with lots of onboard extras. Anybody use this one before, does it do a good job, pros & cons??? Any help and info given is greatly appreciated!!! :cool:
Zoom mrs802bcd

Hi! I have this and I love it! The manual is straight forward, too. Of coarse there are lots of little things I have yet to learn, but I can get a decent guitar/vocal very easily from this machine and then very easily burn a cd as the cd burner is built into the unit. I never used the drum machine section and I never really used all of the effects. I'm a songwriter and I usually just need guitar/vocal.

I downloaded the manual before making my final decision. I printed it out and read the whole thing. Best manual out there! If you order this from Same Day Music they have a 60 day return policy so if you don't like it you can send it back. But you'll love it.

Here's a recording from the Zoom - keep in mind I have almost zero experience in recording.

Patti :)
The only thing that I have to say about hard disc recorders is that eventually you are going to want to record more and more tracks that your unit won't be able to handle. Therefore I suggest that you buy a soundcard recording device for a computer, you can always upgrade software for less money than those recording device. About the suggestion of downloading manuals in .pdf's this is a great way to learn about what you are going to buy.
Holy Crack Whores Batman!!!!

WOW!!!! :eek:
Bravo Pepper249, that song was AWESOME!!!! (Still sawying back & forth with Bic flamin' bright) This song has such a great 70's singer/songwriter feel to it. Very hard hitting lyrics, great sound overall. So, gimme the dirt, what kind of guitar did you use, is that just one guitar track, are the tracks raw with no effects/processing, besides a little reverb I hear, what kind of mic did you use, was it just one mic, omg, I'm the 20 Questions guy, lol, well, just curious cuz that was a Great song, Keep up the good work!!!!! :)
Thanks, Dino!

Gee, I never thought I would have to answer questions about guitar and recording. I'm really not very experienced. I used an acoustic/electric Yamaha and recorded just one take onto one track. Then I copied and pasted it to another track and changed the EQ and other settings a little bit. One guitar track is panned to 80% left and the other to 80% right. (someone told me to try this little trick). I don't think i messed with the guitar settings much. Mic is a Shure sm58. Just one mic. I recorded the vocal after the guitar was in there.

I would agree with you that the song I posted sounds 70ish, but did they even use crack back then? (I'm glad they didn't or I might be the girl in the song...lol). Thanks so much for listening to the song and commenting. I really appreciate it.

Zona -- this Zoom unit has 8 tracks and each of the 8 tracks have 10 more virtual tracks so there are pleny of tracks to use. Like 80 of em. Even the master track has 10 more virtual tracks so you can master more then one mix and compare them later.

Patti :)
Crack era???

No, I don't think the phenomenon we have come to know as "crack" made it's appearance, at least not widespread, until the very early - mid 80's. Hmmm, I often wondered what recording an acoustic guitar with a Shure SM58 would sound like. Sounds pretty darn good, I'll have to try it one day. Thanks so much for your help and info Pepper, I think the Tascam 424 MK3 has just been ousted as my first choice for new recorder!!! :cool:
Dino, I used the Guitar Input not a mic

...not a mic on the guitar. I plugged the acoustic/electric guitar straight into the Zoom. I want to mic it, but I haven't figured out how to record 2 tracks at once yet. That's my next little challenge.

Patti :)