Zoom MRS-1044


New member
Hi Guys

i just bought the Zoom MRS -1044. Just opened the box today and was eager to listen to the drum patterns. i am a guitarist - pretty average - and I am HOPELESS at drums. I would like to know if anyone can help me creating fills for the drum patterns . I have come to realise that there are no pre-recorded fill patterns on the drum machine - kinda odd I reckon - there are intros and endings - but NO FILLS !!!!. Anyway, if anyway can help - please let me know. Thanks :)
Just follow the instructions in the manual to find a blank pattern number and initiate recording. Then just tap on the pads using the "metronome" sound as guidance. You need to specify the time signature (default is 4/4) and measure length (for a fill, usually one). The most important setting, though, is the QUANTIZATION. This tells the machine what the "fastest" notes in the pattern will be (sixteenth notes, thirty second notes, etc.). Setting it higher (eg 32nd notes) lets you record faster patterns, but also makes it more difficult to tap them in accurately. The machine will assign your tap to the nearest 32nd note interval.

What this means is that if your fill only goes as fast as sixteenth notes, it will be easier to record it accurately if you set the quantize to 16.

I think that you may actually have to have a project loaded (or start a new one) to record patterns. I am not completely sure about this, but recorded patterns seem to be "assigned" to the project you create them in and may not be available for other projects. The disadvantage of this is that you may need to re-create the same fill for mulitple projects. The advantage is that you will be less likely to fill up all of your blank patterns slots, as they are all newly available for each project.

Hope that's enough to get you started!
