Zeppelin Cover- Please Critique the Mix (Ramble On)

After my last project feedback I decided to revisit an earlier project and redo the mix (without headphones) so I cued this up on my Vintage Sansui 6060 and my 1970's Altec Lansig Series II, Model 3 speakers for some proper volume mixing in my living room. Hopefully the mix is "better".

This was a recording project mainly to develop workflow within my DAW (Reaper) so some of what you hear is part of that learning process.
Acoustic Guitars tracked with a matched pair of RODE M5's, with alternate tracks using a very close mic'd SM57 and EV N/D357.
Electric Guitars tracked with the SM57 and my Mesa Boogie, with additional guitars through Guitar Rig 5 Pro. Bass is through Amplitube.
Drums are hand programmed on the piano roll in Reaper using both EZ Drummer and Superior Drummer 2.

The vocals were cut by a person I never met - we just exchanged stems through Reddit after I put out the call to arms. I don't know how he cut them but the stems sounded good and I tried to mix him while being true to his natural timbre and texture. This is the first time I think that I was able to use compression effectively though I'm still a complete novice. I thought the guy did a great job on the vocals - Singing Robert Plant takes some real stones - especially singing about Gollum and Mordor.

Please feel free to comment or critique the mix. Many Thanks

The vocal sounds a bit muffled and buried (especially during the quieter passages), and maybe three things are factoring into that: level, EQ, and verb. I think it would benefit from a bit more high end during the quieter bits, a bit less verb and a bit more volume. Mult the vocal. Dryer, louder, brighter. Just a bit.

Pretty nice cover. I like the way the backing motors and the way he sings his ass off. I was hoping he'd scream. :D

The little synth part at 1.45 needs something. Maybe replaying. Maybe playing more notes. Maybe going crazy. Dunno.

You know, I'm hearing the same space on the guitars now as I'm hearing on the vocal. What'd you use? A convolution verb?
Yea, I agree the vocal needs some air. I can't say the way the effect is used on the chorus "Ramble on ..." I think some high end would do it wonders. Not sure of the volume as I think more high end would give it more presence.

Probably the everything could open up a tad bit more, vocals more than the rest. Good playing for sure and the singing is pretty decent.
Generally good. Good performance.

I don't want to pile on about the vocals, but the effect ain't working. It sounds like they were recorded in a tiled bathroom. I would take the delay off, or bring down the effect. I'll take another listen later when I get home. I just took a quick listen at work right now, so didn't notice much else other than the vocals for now.