Zappa-ish: Is that a word? New song.


New member

Here's another Third Level tune that we are working on. Doug Millaway on the keys and wierd stuff and Rob Denton on the guitar. This is an unusual tune that's kinda Zappa-ish. It's fun, but strange.

Saccharin Girl.


Sure is Zappa-ish....and thats a compliment! Nice smooth sound and tasteful guitar work. vox are good too, but could be a little more in front IMO. I liked the way you arranged it also, nothing boring about that song. I'll be looking for more from you guys.
bring up vocals alot...turn down the song...there is a realllllly annoying buzz that i think is associated with the distorted guitar but it dosnt buzz the entire time...cant pick it out....other then that...i really like the song

I'll listen through the headphones and see if I can spot it. Thanks for the heasds up and for listening.
The recording/mix is unfortunately lacking in clarity and punch.

But damn... the composition and performance are excellent.

So how is this stuff being recorded? That might open a door for some suggestions here.

Again, the music was great.

Zappa-ish recording info

We use Cubase VST 5.1. The interface is a M-Audio Omni-Studio. The guitar is recorded direct using a Reverend and a V-Amp. The keys are from a Yamaha S80 and a Korg N1R. Drums are from Groove Agent with a lot of tweaking.

The actual mix you are hearing is simply going straight from the mixer to a Tascan CDRW-4U. It was pretty flat and so I raised the gain using Sound Forge 6.0, but I haven't done much else with it.

Thanks for the kind words. We are open to siggestions regarding how to get a better overall sound.

Too much subsonics on the kick & bass. Sometimes less is more. ;)

Snare/cymbals too low.

Vocal could come up front a bit too.

Seems to be some clipping going on in there. Could be bad editing too. Clicks 'n pops.

Sounds like Zappa meets Roxy Music in a dance hall.:D
Diggin' the organ, some nice licks on the guitar, drums are very nice. The Zappa rap could be louder.

We posted this out on Broadjam, and almost everyone whoe reviewed it hated it. Some people have NO imagination.


I really like the tune and yes, there is some good Zappa influences on song especially in the guitar work which is very impressive!

The mix is a little wonky in spots and sound like perhaps it was mixed at too low a level to really give it a proper balance. The lead guitar is too loud in spots and the vocals are a bit low in the beginning.

As for the issues raised about clarity; I can hear everything quite well but it doesn't have the trade mark digital flavor to the sound over all. Was this an analog project on a narrow format recording? It almost sounds like it in spots. No offense intended. :) I am an analog die hard, myself!

Nice track over all.

Welcome to the clinic!

Cheers! :)

ps: I only glanced over the previous replies to this post so I apologize if I have repeated anything here or missed pertinent information about the recording methods.
Nice tune and performance but the mix/recording is pretty lo-fi.
I don't really know what to suggest.....there are so many possibilitites but it's very muddy sounding. Could be an EQ problem......perhaps some instruments spectrum is burying anothers'.
Vox could use some brightness for sure.....maybe boost the EQ up around 3 or 4k on the vox......
Cool song though.....
This is really well done. I don't like the vocal chorus section of the song. The vocals are fine, just the melody. It took me about 40 or 50seconds to get into this. The instrumental parts are superb. You've got a few clippings sprinkled throughout. How long have you had the M-Audio gear? I've just installed a Delta 44 and I'm having some noise issues myself. The instrumental after the rap is the best part of the song imo, sounds just like Zappa. Keys are great. Smooth sounds.

Good job, really nice song
Agree with Lt. Bob.

Like the song.

Sorry, don't have time to say anything else (see pic on the left)... :)