

New member
OK, I have soundiver 3 installed and used it to back up some QUADRAVERB presets etc. I fooled around with it to make sure I could restore a preset that got modified/wiped, then did the RESTORE ALL FACTORY PRESETS thing, so far so good.
Now to my utter dismay, when I tried to retransmit the presets , it gives a DEVICE NOT FOUND B.S. dialog, also, A SYS EX ERROR,saying the QUADRAVERB is not communicating,etc.
NOTHING was changed as far as the midi connections, soundiver parameters, I even checked the QUAD midi channels , they are set to OMNI, SYSEXE ENABLE is set to on.
I CHECKED THE CABLES, POD still functions, what the f**k!
Its no great tradgedy, but it seems to defy logic, I tried a reinstall, to see if it would rescan the Quad & allow me to start fresh.
any IDEAS amigos, any sounddiver resident experts?