You've probably heard this one before


New member
I'm trying to get an announcing-style vocal track down, and I realized that the voice itself sounds much better/more powerful when I record slightly over a foot away from the mic (I've got a LOUD voice that doesn't quite get its full representation when any closer). Unfortunately, I'm recording with a 200$ USB mic, so the sound pick-up isn't TOO tip-top, and I'm left with a slight echo due to the room acoustics, making it sound a little shower-esque.

I know a recording booth would be the practical solution, but this particular room is the only room I can do any recording, the booth would have to wait quite awhile. So I'm just wondering if there's a feature on Cool Edit that can reduce or smooth out that shower-ish acoustic sound? Or if anyone has any other possible solutions?

Any suggestions would be much appreciated!
From what I gather, standing away from the mic can or can't be a good idea, it's all a method of testing what you like really.

To get an announcement sort of sound (like the start of that Slipknot song where Corey is saying 'this is the year where all hope fails you...etc etc' over a air-raid siren and people chanting) then you'll need to emulate someone recording from an outside perspective rather than someone hearing you speak up front [if that makes sence?!]

- Record the vocal, regardless of weather you record stood away from the mic or up close, it's all what you'd prefer.
- Throw up the mids and take out all the low ends and lower the top end, or even take it out completely.
- Add a nice reverb and make it pretty wet so it settles a bit more, lessening the harshness - remember it's so it's being heard from an outside perspective
- Put a soft delay on the track. This is likely not going to be heard but if you want it to sound like you're speaking to a sea of people then it'll add to the ambience
- A light distortion will seal the deal to emulate the analouge sound - use with disgression though!
- Put all your crowd noises in but don't eq these, just put a bit of reverb to create the ambience but that's about it.
- Listen to the awesomeness and tweak to your own prefrence.

I've only done this once or twice and it's worked really well. If I suck then give it some googleing, I'm sure you'll find something :)
Everything starts at record time. If its not there it really can't be eq'd in.

Start by opening your wardrobe door (or similar) or hang some sort of thick blanket on the wall and record with your back to the blanket about 1' (1/3 meter) away (may help some of the bathroom reverb).

But at the end of the day those announcer style voices come from people with naturally deep voices or they have voice training. If you don't have a 'Barry White' sort of voice then you really can't sound like him. Find a mate who has. Sorry but thats the way it is.
You can get convoluted foam mattress covers for dirt cheap if you look around.

You could "sew" a coat hanger into it, and easily hang it from the ceiling, and kill most of the room reflections.