Your Vote for the Next Guitar God

Doug Quance

2006 Cave Roast Chairman
We all know someone that we think is a killer on the axe... but is either undiscovered or little known.

Let's give them a little sunlight!

Post a little of their work for the world to hear!

Here's a few short clips from a friend of mine, Rusty Cooley:

For shredding:

For melodic content:


For groovin:

Please post a clip - don't just tell us about them!

It's one thing to tell us about them... it's another for us to get to listen!:D
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Marcel Coenen (from the band "Sun Caged") If you're into Dream Theater/Symphony X stuff, you gotta check him out.
Jay Bobo. Currently playing the Jimmy Page part in the tribute band Zoso. They play mostly on the east coast and if you get a chance to see them, check out Jay's playing. He can play anything well and with soul. As good of a guitarist that he is, he can play drum's and keyboard's equally well. Should have been a Guitar God by now.
It's amazing how many great player's don't ever really make it in the business. I guess it show's you it's true that you need luck besides talent .

Later.........Joe Recorder :cool:
I liked Rust's clips. Sounds similar to Malmsteen. Nice arpeggios and sweep picking. I am really practicing hard on the sweep picking these days....
Bass Freak said:
Im going to be the next bass god...

but right now, one of my local bass heros is, chris a band called B as in Boy....check them out.. to find the mp3's of b as in boy my bands site...


I have to say this Fox,

B as in Boy needs a lot of work. I hope you aspire to be better than their bassist, otherwise why even bother to practice the bass? You need some new bass heros. It is bands like that that drive me away from punk or whatever you call it. How come there is no muisc on your band's website?

B as in boy? much better live. thier recording isnt did it themselves, not sure how...but the recording is that good, but, live...they are.

amt7565 said:
I liked Rust's clips. Sounds similar to Malmsteen. Nice arpeggios and sweep picking. I am really practicing hard on the sweep picking these days....

Although Rusty has never really been into any guitarist in particular, he always been into all of the heroes... one way or another.

He was happy to see Yngwie come back... badder then ever.

Watching Rusty mow those 14 note arpeggios is stunning. I don't know anyone that can touch him on those.

He's got an eight string now, and I can't wait to see him work that axe!
Bass Freak said:
B as in boy? much better live. thier recording isnt did it themselves, not sure how...but the recording is that good, but, live...they are.


I'll have to take your word on it:)

amt7565 said:
How old is this guy? What's his story?

Let's see... he was 21 I think back in '89... so he's maybe 34 now, I guess.

I met Rusty when he was 19... he had been playing for three or four years (mostly self-taught with instructionals) at that time. He had a bunch of students back then! Thirty five, if I remember right.

He joined the band I was working with, Revolution, in Houston back in 1988. Our band kicked everyones ass! We opened for some decent acts back then, like Nitro and Badlands.

Nitro had this mean guitarist named Michael Angelo, if I remember right. He played this twin-necked V shape guitar (kinda like Steve Vai's three necker) that he would actually solo - right and left handed - simultaneously. Pretty amazing to watch, really.

Before the show, Michael Angelo met Rusty and swapped licks with him. Rusty took his ass to school... and cut his head off - right there backstage! Our band got up and did the 30 minute warmup set - with no guitar or drum solos (except those written into the songs).

When Nitro took the stage, they jammed just fine... but Michael Angelo was so intimidated by Rusty... he didn't play a solo. For all I know, that might have been the ONLY gig that Michael Angelo didn't do a solo... after all... he was a guitar hero.:D

I lost touch with Rusty (and the music biz, in general) about ten years ago when I moved to Atlanta. I kept an eye on Rusty, and knew he was jamming with some other homies in Houston... and knew that he'd make it someday.

When he moved to Atlanta, I was able to catch up with him... and he's badder than ever... and as down to Earth as can be.

He teaches, writes instructional material, writes music, and does session work. He is a true purist, when it comes to music. He didn't get in it for the money, but for the love of the art.

You can check out his website at

If you like his style, check out his instructional material.:)