Your thoughts please


New member
Hi all I am interested in your thoughts on my wall type in the studio I am designing. I have designed a studio with a flat next to it, I have designed the wall structure with block work core filled and sand filled both internal and external walls rendered. I have chosen block work as the walls, as the other band members are bricklayers and also a plummer so alot of the labour is free.

all internal walls are off 90 deg to reduce reflection etc.. and pitched ceilings. I am wondering your thoughts on isolation and accoustics, as alot of studio walls are floating and I am not going down this road. do you think it is not a good Idea.
That would depend on who's in the flat next door, how picky they are about hearing a band and at what times, whether your band is into flutes and lutes and finger cymbals or Marshall stacks, double bass kits and Trent Reznor covers, etc -

The solid masonry walls are a good start, but won't by themselves stop the levels associated with Death Metal, or any solid beat played with real instruments - for that, you MUST have mass-air-mass construction between you and every direction, or sound WILL escape. Period.

What are the interior dimensions of your space, and is it ground floor with concrete/masonry floors, or what? Also, what's the ceiling construction (in detail, please)

If you truly need sound proofing, that has to come first; it also has to be a bit BETTER than good if you also intend to make the room SOUND good, because most acoustic treatments that make a room sound better INSIDE will also WEAKEN the isolation to the OUTSIDE... Steve
knightfly said:
What are the interior dimensions of your space, and is it ground floor with concrete/masonry floors, or what? Also, what's the ceiling construction (in detail, please)

If you truly need sound proofing, that has to come first; it also has to be a bit BETTER than good if you also intend to make the room SOUND good, because most acoustic treatments that make a room sound better INSIDE will also WEAKEN the isolation to the OUTSIDE... Steve

Wooden panels on king ceiling the studio area is 9x8 with control room, drum room, vioce & piano room, control room with voice booth. live room and control room are pretty modest. wooden floors not sure on substrate yet. double glazed windows, and thats fundamentally it.
knightfly said:
That would depend on who's in the flat next door, how picky they are about hearing a band and at what times, whether your band is into flutes and lutes and finger cymbals or Marshall stacks, double bass kits and Trent Reznor covers, etc -

Just my little flat and facillities for people eg lounge fridge toilet, this is seperate from the studio structure to isolate toilet etc from studio. the footing on the studio is concrete I think about 1.2 feet pretty thick anyway wooden floors on concrete think maybe oak for strength.
Sorry, but still really LIGHT on detail; maybe if you have one of your band mates who's into construction answer this it would help - also, I'm not familiar with the term "king ceiling" - possibly a UK term? And, the term "wood" doesn't say enough when trying to visualize construction; it can mean 1/8" veneer plywood, 3/4" MDF or plywood or solid oak, it can mean 1-1/2" thick planks, etc...

You don't give any dimensions for any room but the studio, and you left out the height of that;

Not trying to be overly picky, and I know you're just learning; but details is what acoustics is all about. Without them, there's no WAY to predict the results. Even WITH the details, it can be a crapshoot :=) ... Steve
knightfly said:
Not trying to be overly picky, and I know you're just learning; but details is what acoustics is all about. Without them, there's no WAY to predict the results. Even WITH the details, it can be a crapshoot :=) ... Steve

Thanks for trying to help I appreciate it, I didnt give dimension on rooms as the inner walls are angled, and I am out of town. so I will give approximate surface area in square meters hopefully that can help. Ok live room 30 m2, voice and piano room 20 m2, drum room 20 m2 control room 30 m2. There is no upstairs single story height of ceiling is 3m then pitches up then goes back to flat at 4.2m in height ( for fixtures and ducting). I am still designing alot of the interior eg what type of wood pannels etc.. any suggestion. at the moment I am concentrating on structure the plans are still with the architect and is still ongoing. I will arrive back at home on friday and can post up what I have designed so far. the dimenstion of the studio are still subject to change its only going to get bigger though lol.

I am more concerned about stopping sound coming in than soud going out as the building is isolated distance from any neighbours. in the ceiling there will be accoustic treatment plus insulation all portal frames are metal with sheet iron as roofing. any suggestions on wood panels, all my rooms are accoustic rooms bar the voice booth in the control room for accoustic isolation

thanks again knightfly
Probably best if I wait to see your drawings before going much further; also, you might take a look Here and follow ALL the suggestions/links, etc, for a better understanding of things in general... Steve
knightfly said:
Probably best if I wait to see your drawings before going much further; also, you might take a look Here and follow ALL the suggestions/links, etc, for a better understanding of things in general... Steve

Hi I am back and I have drawings but only floor plan and a bit dodgy, But I think it will be good enough as a reference to my questions, the studio design has not been decided for sure yet but have 10m by 9m to work with I have a couple of Ideas.


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Can you go back through my posts, and actually answer ALL my questions? If this needs input from your construction experienced band mates, fine; but there's no point in you continuing to ask questions, but not answer mine. I can't help unless I know more, else I wouldn't ask in the first place... Steve

Also, if possible can you up-size your drawing so the dimensions are readable? Generally, TIF drawings are easier to keep within the 75k size limit. Thanks...
Ok I have a pdf of the studio layout which I can email yourself, although it wont have the inner walls nor ceilling in the studio area. You would have noticed on the posted picture the inner walls have been penciled in as I did not want the architects to put anything in concrete yet so to speak.

Ok No neighbours to worry about just my little flat and facilaties and I am more concerned about sound coming in and good accoustics rather than sound gettin out, we play ballads right through to rock jazz fusion, yes marshall but only a 65 and 100 watt mainly accoustic guitar, yes we can get loud.

the studio area is 9m x 10m its diffcult to give you exact room dimension yet as we have the mentioned area to work with and we want to stand on the pad when we are designing the rooms for that extra perception. We have plans for four rooms plus voice booth,

concrete as pad/footing, and oak floor boards. the outer walls will be in block work (390mm x 140mm) to the height of 3m, sand filled with concrete for core filling, inner walls will be in block work but the innerr wall will be thinner blocks. both inner walls and outer walls will be rendered, with doubled glazed windows in drum, accoustic and live room

the roof structure will be metal beams (portal frames) with sheet iron as roofing, insulation and accoustic treatment will be installed in the roof. the ceiling will pitch in every room starting at 3m I have not decided on pitch degree yet any suggestions. the pitched ceilling will be 60mm x 15mm wood boards varnished timber, till it goes flat again for ducting and fixtures the pitch height has not been determined just yet. the horizontal ceilling will be hard foam ceilling pannels, not sure wether to float the ceilling or to put small beams to fix to the portal frames and ceilling.

thanks heaps for being patient with me, we start laying the pad in about two weeks but will be designing the studio as we go, following the layout above. I am very open to suggestion especially before construction starts heh heh!. apreciate any help as I am a youg muso 23 and need help. I hope the above is more of what you was looking for. If you email myself I will replay to yours with a pdf. the engineered plans will be finnished in a week. I know there is no dimensions for the studio rooms but I myself dont have any dimensions just some studio room layouts. the one posted is something I like but with slightly bigger acc and drum rooms and smaller walkway in between those rooms.

thanks Again
Hello chace and Steve. Maybe I can help here a little. I pulled in a raster file of chases drawing and scaled it to the big door in the studio as that is all I had to guess by. Since ALL the other doors were smaller, I made this a standard Imperial 36" door. I then scaled the drawing up to match that. If I had dimensions A, B, the door width and the block width, I could put this into actual scale. Then you will have something we can change. I added some human scale
to it just for reference. Let me know if I can do anything else to help.

I might toy around with it tonight just to see what I can come up with. I'll post it later just so you have something to ..well lets say "modify" :D

fitZ :)


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You like those huh geet? :D At least they're to scale. Thats what its for. Usually, when people draw plans, they have no relation to human scale. It can throw off the perspective of size. Here is a little foolaround I did for fun. The building is an odd size to work with. But..oh well.

fitZ :)


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Hello chace and Steve. If I had dimensions A, B, the door width and the block width, I could put this into actual scale. Then you will have something we can change. I added some human scale
to it just for reference. Let me know if I can do anything else to help.

Hey Rick I am so wrapped with what you done cool man thanks for the help.
Dimension b is 9m and A is 10m from inner wall to inner wall, block work is 140mm thick, inner wall block work about 60mm but may have two parralel walls like the e.g you gave geet .

one question I would ask any body with the same studio area to work with 9m x 10m is what would you do with it, what would your home studio look like.
any suggestion would help as the studio inner walls and ceilling design can change, its quite a important time to get things right as things will start going up soon.

thanks guys
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Ok, I just converted the 9 and 10 meters to inchs. Holy shit. This is why absolute numbers are important in scale. BIG difference from your drawing. I don't know where you got your scale from, but one of the two dimensions is scaled wrong in relationship to the other. I don't have time to lay it out at the moment, but I'll show you later the difference between what I scaled to the door originally, and the real numbers. By the way, what width of door did you use to the control room? I used a standard 36"(91.44cm) width, which I did because all the other doors were smaller. In fact, using that as a guage, some of your doors were down to 24"(60.96cm), which is rediculous here. And if you used an Imperial standard of 32"(81.28cm) for the bedroom doors, the control room door would approximatly scale to a whopping 47"(119.38cm), so something is wrong, somewhere. Unless Austarailian standards are completely different, but I can't imagine ergonomics being that different. When I scaled YOUR drawing up to the dimensions you gave, the control room door was approx 44.5"(113,13cm) wide. So tell me the different door sizes in metric, and I'll convert these so I have at least correct door sizes in the drawing.
fitZ :)
thanks guys wow knightfly that forum looks cool I just have to find some time to check it out. man I am with like five forums now heh heh !but this one is my fav. thanks rick I will send you the pdf and it will make a bit more sense also steve I can send yourself a copy if you are interested I would really apreciate your thoughts, I will also post up drawings that rick modifies in that studio contruction forum.

thanks again