Your comments on d vs. a


New member
Both platforms are great tools. Digital is clear and precise and a terrific medium to do multi-generation work. Analog has that warm, smooth drawl to be sure. Both have friends and enemies.
One point I've always pondered, the samplerate/2 = human hearing response limitation. While analog may not accomplish appreciable response over digital, does having that 22 khz
invisible ceiling hanging over our subconscious head provide substance to that old "harsh" digital argument. Does the mind compensate for hiss in analog but detect the digital boundary?
And with even 2" tape dumped to CD will most of the listeners of tomorrow care. Just deep thought time. Sorry
Recording at 24bit/96khz, you don't have that 22Khz "ceiling" over your head....

"yeah but CDs are still 16/44...", you say?

Consumers will never notice - many think MP3s are good enough.........!!!

:D :D

Consumers will never notice - many think MP3s are good enough.........!!!

Bruce Baby,

At one time I would have agreed completely,

But many seem to hear the superior sound quality of
DVD over Video tapes.

I kinda agree Sean... it's funny - many put up with MP3s - but when it comes to movies, they start to care...

I wonder if it comes from having to use movie theatres as a sound reference... big sonic impact there, and they want movies at home to have a similar effect....

For regular audio though, a majority only have radio as a sonic reference - and we all know how "good" that sounds!

It's interesting . .

The whole perception of 'sound quality' is really quite a
'mish-mash' to be honest . .

I always think 'film sound' is different to 'normal' music quality . .
I suppose 'film sound' has been sooo processed to DEATH to give
maximum impression.. Normal stereo is quite boring afterwards.
But . . . What is real?

To be honest, I don't know . . Some people swear by vinyl and
put up with pops, bangs, scratches . . When CD arrived people
were impressed by the fact that their record playing facility was
so poor in comparison . .

It's like the 'radio announcer' syndrome. If I went into my local
pub and asked for a pint of beer talking like a 'radio announcer'
I would probably get punched in the face . .

I hope I'm not missing the point here but... At the end of the
day it's all about enjoyment . . We talk about superior sound?
perhaps it's just been cleverly 'tweeked' just a bit more?

Then there's hi-fi . . True hi-fi . . Not just loadsa bass'n'treble . .

it goes on and on and on . . Forever . .