You Owe It To Yourself To Hear This BEAUTIFUL Guitar Insturmental


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Let me know what you think. I did nothing to the track, besides used the "hard-limit" function to get it a bit louder. Oh, and I added a tad of reverb. Does it sound ok to you? Or does it need some EQing? Please listen and give feedback. This song is so pretty, it has brought tears to my eyes. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

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Thank you.

That is some fine playing.The song really sets a mood.performance wise,the tune is excellent,however it could benefit from some editing as I can hear the player taking breaths thru out the tune.I also hear some sort of back ground noise
that is very distracting.
Would you mind posting your signal chain and the instrument you used?Great playing man!
I don't know what to do about the breathing. It was recorded with one microphone, an AT 4033, to one track. I learned to live with the breathing. I just consider it a part of the moment and can't imagine what could be done to remove it. This song went from a AT 4033 to a ART dual MP tube preamp (which I think sounds beautiful), through the compressor which was set to only hit the loud peaks (we wanted a lot of dynamics in this number) and into the machine.

For mixdown, I don't think I did any EQing. Just added a smidge (is that a word?) of reverb and sent the stereo signal through my stereo ART dual tube MP and burned it to my stand alone DC burner. Then loaded the song into Cool Edit Pro, applied hard limiting and that is it.

I don't hear any background noise. What does it sound like? I can hear some slight hiss from the tubes (which is to be expected) when i listen real close but that is it. Also, I noticed a slight "blip" about 10 seconds before the towards the end of the song. Sounds like some digital error but it's not on the master so it must have come from either uploading it, or when I used CEP.

Thanks for the insight. I hope to hear back to see what back from you to see whatbackground noise you mean.

I wish I could remove the breathing, but I don't know what can be done there. Oh, and it is a hand-made guitar.
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The distortion is driving me crazy... It seems like it has everything it needs without the limiter... Maybe the lows are pushing it too hard. I'd just lose or seriously back off on the limiter.

Perhaps a compressor at 1.25:1 and drag the threshold down just to tame it a little...

Otherwise, it's a very pretty tune. I agree - The breathing doesn't really bug me. I've noticed that most guitarists have a tendency to need oxygen. Many of them are actually hooked on it. :rolleyes:

More, please...

John Scrip -
The breathing does bother me. One trick I've learned is to make sure you breathe through your mouth. The breath is much less audible that way. I've never needed to but I suppose you could try putting a handkerchief around your face, or anything between your face and the mic.

I agree with Massive, I'd back off on the limiter too.

It's a great tune, nicely played and I like the tone.

Loved the composition, loved the guitar's tone.

There are two spots where the transition betweens two chords doesn't seem to work musically for me - 1:11 and 1:30 - but that's really a matter of taste.

Nice change of timbre at about 1:50.