Yorkville YSM-1 Newbie Question


New member
There's just no other way to put it, this is a basic question. I've got a set of Yorkville YSM 1 monitors on the way. These are described as 70W/Program monitors. What does the "Program" part refer to? And what do I need to consider when amping them. I believe they are rated at 6 Ohms (is that the omega symbol?), and for amping I was thinking of ordering the cheap Electar 200 from MusicYo until I can afford something better, like a Hafler. What do I need to know about in order to not blow them?

I very much appreciate you indulging a monitor newbie!

MOST of the time,"program" wattage ratings refer to the average level of sound in a musical signal,which varies,compared to a steady sine wave which doesn't.If your speakers are rated 70w,youshould be fine with an amp of 100-150w power.This way the amp will probably never be pushed into clipping,which is a major cause of driver(speaker)failure.Cheers!
Program refers to "peak" power, those sudden bursts of energy like a snare hit. RMS watts refer to constsnt or avereage power. By the way, I have a set of YSM-1s and your gonna love them.

[This message has been edited by Track Rat (edited 07-01-2000).]
Thank you both very much for your replies, I feel better now! Glad to get the positive feedback on the monitors TR. What do you use to amp your YSMs?
Sony. It's 100 watts per channel. I would highly recommend you use at least this much